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Desperate Dan

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3 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Incidentally, Vader has got a significant platform these days and was just interviewed on Manx Radio about this.

Amazing an unstable nutter like that is listened to by anyone. Barry Murphy was the one who got the public platform for the Manx Gas protests. But Vader seems to be very good at jumping on other peoples band wagons to try to give him some sort of vicarious credibility. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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41 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Why? It's not as if it is subjudice or anything. Don't fanny about for Tynwald to put their whitewash brush in first.

Incidentally, Vader has got a significant platform these days and was just interviewed on Manx Radio about this.

The brush is already being utilised, unfortunately. Unless anybody happens to believe that the initial leak from the report's compilers, the subsequent delay in releasing said report and MG's pre-emptive action in cutting the banding charges are unconnected?

Judging by the barrage that Quirkio's been getting this morning there's a lot of face needing to be saved by those still in Govt?

Edited by Non-Believer
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Quirkio and Howard, as the two fresh-freshed academically challenged (apart from fluent Latin, and the other an ability to sweat a lead pipe) Tynwald newbies were put on Manx Radio to defend the so-called Toilet Tax.

No one else was daft enough to volunteer for that gig.

Lambs to the slaughter.

Although, to be fair, Howard got Chief Minister as his reward. Ex-MHK Quirkie now makes the tea for the OAPs up at the club.

Edited by gettafa
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2 hours ago, gettafa said:

...though, to be fair, Howard got Chief Minister as his reward. 

Although his boundless ego probably does think of it as a reward (and merited) the way he sweats, panics, blusters, rolls his eyes and stutters his discomfited and inept way through every interview and Tynwald address, a little voice in his head almost certainly tells him it’s just as much a punishment.

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8 hours ago, hissingsid said:

They have been banging on about the proposed marina with some help from Wilf...now the wildlife preservation lot have started, may offend a lesser spotted tit or inhibit the growth of some unknown weed.    Wildlife as in birds and bees and other creepy crawlers will move if someone moves onto their patch there are plenty of places for them to go by hey anything at all to discourage any entrepreneur to invest in a project that is costing the tax payer sweet f.a. and could actually create jobs and opportunities.    

A bit surprised at your support here Sid and totally amazed at Stu Peter's views on this. I thought Stu has his "earth strap" connected, but his rantings on TH was a bit of a shock. Do people actually believe that some big investors are going to pour money into Ramsey ?

The whole of Britain is ripe for investment and there are hundreds of places more deserving and better placed to be an investment punt.

Why in the name of god would Ramsey be favoured, unless there was a good chance that our Government would payroll/ bankroll it (sooner or later).

I am so shocked at the amount of so called clever people who think this will happen.

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3 hours ago, dilligaf said:

A bit surprised at your support here Sid and totally amazed at Stu Peter's views on this. I thought Stu has his "earth strap" connected, but his rantings on TH was a bit of a shock. Do people actually believe that some big investors are going to pour money into Ramsey ?

The whole of Britain is ripe for investment and there are hundreds of places more deserving and better placed to be an investment punt.

Why in the name of god would Ramsey be favoured, unless there was a good chance that our Government would payroll/ bankroll it (sooner or later).

I am so shocked at the amount of so called clever people who think this will happen.

The Isle of Man often suffers from this "why would anyone invest in a shit hole like this" syndrome from the locals. I dunno, but perhaps because it's an island between larger islands with big populations and potentially a lot of calling traffic, as well as a domestic demand that is currently not catered for?

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Group of serious investors say they're going to build a marina in Ramsey with private money, create jobs, homes, a hotel and a 24/7 marina - what's not to like?  Bugger the bugs and weeds that might have to move a few hundred yards - this could be great for Ramsey.

Maybe they're doing it there because they're all IOM residents, and David Dorricot is based there. Good for them as far as I'm concerned. What's the worst that can happen - they'll not manage it and look foolish?

Dilli might be right, but my two-pennorth is that Gubmint needs all the spare money for their pensions so they'll not bale it out unless it's virtually finished and they get it for nothing.

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Sorry, but WTF have Manx Radio just done to their website? Design refresh seems to have made it quite horrid to look at and read. Dunno who developed this or who approved it but I really hope that no taxpayer funds went into it, because it's simply awful. Better on mobile than desktop, but what a total waste of money, really unpleasant to use.



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12 minutes ago, craggy_steve said:

Sorry, but WTF have Manx Radio just done to their website? Design refresh seems to have made it quite horrid to look at and read. Dunno who developed this or who approved it but I really hope that no taxpayer funds went into it, because it's simply awful. Better on mobile than desktop, but what a total waste of money, really unpleasant to use.



I think they have just copied 3Fm and switched to the cheaper better software they use. A sign of things to come hopefully.

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2 hours ago, craggy_steve said:

Sorry, but WTF have Manx Radio just done to their website? Design refresh seems to have made it quite horrid to look at and read. Dunno who developed this or who approved it but I really hope that no taxpayer funds went into it, because it's simply awful. Better on mobile than desktop, but what a total waste of money, really unpleasant to use.



I noticed it had changed earlier today but didn't have time to look at it properly. But reading your comment I've just viewed it on my home PC and I have to say it seems a big improvement to me (I know people will think I HAVE to say that but I'd not comment at all if I thought it was tosh). I don't have the eyesight to use the internet on my moby so don't know how it is on Android. I just wish they'd Photoshop my picture. I still prefer the moody black and white shots from (probably) 15 years ago when I had hair. And no glasses.

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On 2/4/2019 at 1:10 AM, Stu Peters said:

Group of serious investors say they're going to build a marina in Ramsey with private money, create jobs, homes, a hotel and a 24/7 marina - what's not to like?  Bugger the bugs and weeds that might have to move a few hundred yards - this could be great for Ramsey.

Maybe they're doing it there because they're all IOM residents, and David Dorricot is based there. Good for them as far as I'm concerned. What's the worst that can happen - they'll not manage it and look foolish?

Dilli might be right, but my two-pennorth is that Gubmint needs all the spare money for their pensions so they'll not bale it out unless it's virtually finished and they get it for nothing.

Who are the investors? There seems to be no evidence of any. My doubt is that they are hoping that Gov will be the investor and they become wealthy on the back of taxpayers money, which is quite the norm here, I think we’d all like to play that game. 

And if Gov do become an investor, they’d hardly care whether the thing is finished or not leaving a possible white elephant and a Definite black hole of cash. 

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