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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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3 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

Maybe the new MD will add a new sense of perspective. 

Unlikely if he's from a BFBS background.

The answer to this long term is the same one I've said over and over on here: fund the public content separately in a "pool" and let all the stations use it / rewrite it. These costs can then easily be defined and controlled, and they will be related to a tangible benefit that I'm pretty sure everybody would want to exist: genuine public interest broadcasting.

Outisde of that the wacky 'jocks' can fight it out amongst themselves for who gets the most advertising and the stations can all cut their cloth accordingly. The Communcations Commission can ensure that each of the stations has to take some of the "pool" material, but 3FM / Energy / Manx wouldn't have to run a newsroom at their own expense and could concentrate on what they're good / not very good at.

The model for public service broadcasting is broken in the UK, and the one we have over here is even worse than that one. The world has moved on very quickly, radio is not just an audible medium, sent down from the heavens for us grateful listeners anymore. You wouldn't know it, listening to Manx.

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Maybe Mr Brindley is not the person to keep the position of programme controller! Although Mr Guard (god father) would say different .

Mr Peters makes it clear he knows how to fix the problems, more money etc., but dont expect him to say so here as he is the unofficial mouthpiece of the station for online media.at Manx Forums.

Anyway don’t station presenter have a thing in their contacts say they must not engage in online stuff like this site?

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1 hour ago, WKRP said:

Maybe Mr Brindley is not the person to keep the position of programme controller!


So RAJAR listening figures are released quarterly.  Since Q416, Manx Radio has decreased significantly it’s overall Share of listening on the Island and it’s Reach (total number of people listening).  In fact, Reach has fallen quarter after quarter for 2 years.  

Typically, the average Programme Controller would never be able to sit across so many downward RAJAR books (quarters).  In England, one major radio group let’s you have 2 in a row - if the 3rd doesn’t show any sign of recovery then you’re gone!  It’s harsh to perhaps pin the blame all on one person, but as a management collective it is shocking - they are under-performing.

Edited by Gagster
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33 minutes ago, Gagster said:

Typically, the average Programme Controller would never be able to sit across so many downward RAJAR books (quarters).  In England, one major radio group let’s you have 2 in a row - if the 3rd doesn’t show any sign of recovery then you’re gone!  It’s harsh to perhaps pin the blame all on one person, but as a management collective it is shocking - they are under-performing.

You’d think their advertisers would be asking questions even if the management sanctions such poor performances. Have their advertising rates come down as their listener numbers have plummeted? 

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32 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

You’d think their advertisers would be asking questions even if the management sanctions such poor performances. Have their advertising rates come down as their listener numbers have plummeted? 

Yes they have.

3FM appears to be quite static with it’s figures - a little work could see them increase to be neck and neck with Manx Radio.  

The tough bit will be if Manx Radio continues as is and keeps falling BUT 3FM increases to have a larger audience - just imagine that, it’s not beyond the realms of possibility.  I would go further, 3FM could stay as it is and do nothing apart from let Manx Radio implodr and do the work to decrease it’s audience further.



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I don't ever remember Manx Radio getting any stick until some staff that used to work there decided that they could do a better job themselves, and went off and set up their own stations. Then it almost seems that they found out by accident that this takes quite a bit of work and money, so complained bitterly ever since that the playing field wasn't fair because Manx Radio was getting a leg up from the Government. (Just like it did when these guys worked there). 

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22 minutes ago, Burt said:

I don't ever remember Manx Radio getting any stick until some staff that used to work there decided that they could do a better job themselves, and went off and set up their own stations. Then it almost seems that they found out by accident that this takes quite a bit of work and money, so complained bitterly ever since that the playing field wasn't fair because Manx Radio was getting a leg up from the Government. (Just like it did when these guys worked there). 

Good point.

Though the level playing field has some merit.  All three stations compete for ad revenue, but Manx can afford to drop their ad rates as it is confident that the Gov will continue to shore it up with the subvention.  With Manx then reducing it’s ad rates, the other stations get squeezed a little.


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4 hours ago, WKRP said:

Maybe Mr Brindley is not the person to keep the position of programme controller! Although Mr Guard (god father) would say different .

Mr Peters makes it clear he knows how to fix the problems, more money etc., but dont expect him to say so here as he is the unofficial mouthpiece of the station for online media.at Manx Forums.

Anyway don’t station presenter have a thing in their contacts say they must not engage in online stuff like this site?

You do come out with some absolute shite!

I've never made it clear I know how to fix the 'problem', or asked for more money, just offering an alternative view. And I'm either the unofficial mouthpiece or I'm contractually not allowed to post - make your mind up!

I applied for the Programme Controller job a dozen (IIRC) years ago and probably came fifth out of six applicants. I have thanked my lucky stars ever since - what a thankless task! Government mandates the type of content, launches regular 'reports' which destabilise the workforce, and allow two competitors to dilute the commercial income stream and reduce external funding.

At least in the thread there are finally some negative comments about Energy and 3FM too - far more fertile ground I would have thought for criticism. Yet you pay for them indirectly rather than through a subvention, so it must be the 30p a week that makes people angry. I like George and Ron and wish them well - but theirs is a fast food joint and Manx Radio is a restaurant. I'm amazed that 'more music' stations still exist, with mobile devices capable of providing a thousand of your favourite choons, which is another reason I'm not the person to be in charge. I especially find the comments about 'MR needs to move with the times - radio is dead' irritating. The same people complained about the cameras in the studios and ignore the vast number of video clips posted daily. 'We want podcasts' you said. You have them now. The whole media landscape is changing in both print and broadcast, but I think few organisations are as proactive in seeking new platforms and ways of doing business. And let's put an end to this nonsense about 'the subvention allows MR to undercut the others'. The OFT looked into that and found it was baseless.

Edited by Stu Peters
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7 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

Government mandates the type of content, launches regular 'reports' which destabilise the workforce

That's an interesting admission Stu. Just how much do they "mandate" and to what degree?

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