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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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5 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

That's an interesting admission Stu. Just how much do they "mandate" and to what degree?

Not an admission, it's an established fact - look at any of the Annual Reports and you'll see what is expected of the station in terms of news, current affairs, sport, community stuff, culture, music etc.

4 hours ago, Gizo said:

Old man Stu Peters in nothing wrong with MR and yet has zero young audience shocker  


Still the biggest overall audience in the Isle of Man, albeit after a disappointing quarter. The station was convinced/forced* by government to drop the young audience weekend station KikFM, no doubt designed to address the problem of an ageing listenership in return for an increased subvention and 'clearer' PSB remit. I don't suppose Those Who Must Be Obeyed actually used the words 'and to create an audience for young Juan's niche station'. We all know what happened to THAT experiment. I got my start on Kik FM, as did many of the presenters working for MR and the other stations.

I suspect there ARE things wrong with MR - if I owned the station there are a number of changes I'd make. But they'd be based on personal taste (as are most of the comments in this thread) and not necessarily in the interests of a broad church audience. I still stand by my personal opinion that MR is a national treasure and stands comparison with any other similar organisation anywhere. I'm amazed that some people on here hate it so much, rather than celebrate it. The occasional mistakes are irksome, but at least prove the place is full of fallible humans, broadcasting from Douglas, using local people paying local taxes, and not a robot station voice-tracked from a radio factory in the UK. We all know how to save money, but at times you have to realise that the things you want cost money to achieve.

* I wasn't privy to the discussion but seem to remember it being one of the main conditional recommendations of the Darwin Report. But as you suggest, I'm an old man and my memory is unreliable.

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On 3/19/2018 at 12:54 AM, Stu Peters said:

And I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but Talking Heads isn't a 'news and current affairs programme'


Thanks for reminding us about the Annual Reports... of course they do contradict your own thoughts about ‘Talking Heads’ though.

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8 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Not an admission, it's an established fact - look at any of the Annual Reports and you'll see what is expected of the station in terms of news, current affairs, sport, community stuff, culture, music etc.


You mention the annual reports, but they don’t necessarily stack up do they.  They might look good and corporate and impress Tynwald about the amount of Public Service Broadcasting. 

The 2017-18 report is here:


Page 5 highlights ‘Talking Heads’ as being part of News and Current Affairs; more details can be seen on Page 7 as to how important News and Current Affairs is to PSB and that it accounts over £500k of the subvention (54% of the subvention).

I’m intrigued that you can defend Manx Radio’s position by referring to such Annual Reports, yet as people talk about ‘Talking Heads’ you’ll announce that it isn’t part of News and Current Affairs.

It’s a poor show that when defending ‘Talking Heads’ you’ll blurt out that it’s not part of News and Current Affairs and not under the remit of the News Editor - but then when defending Manx Radio you’ll refer to the Annual Reports which detail ‘Talking Heads’ as being part of News and Current Affairs.  It does come across as making it up as you go along.  

Great work from a Manx Radio presenter!. Good to see that the team up there are all working well and are on the same page.

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18 minutes ago, WKRP said:

What did Manx Radio director Charles Guard have to say about Mr Peters show/performance in that MTV interview last year ? It clearly was not nice and has never addressed that criticism!

Stu Peters was on MTV? Please tell me it was in a celebrity deathmatch. (Is that still a thing?)

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On 2/9/2019 at 12:31 AM, Stu Peters said:

Not an admission, it's an established fact - look at any of the Annual Reports and you'll see what is expected of the station in terms of news, current affairs, sport, community stuff, culture, music etc.

Still the biggest overall audience in the Isle of Man, albeit after a disappointing quarter. The station was convinced/forced* by government to drop the young audience weekend station KikFM, no doubt designed to address the problem of an ageing listenership in return for an increased subvention and 'clearer' PSB remit. I don't suppose Those Who Must Be Obeyed actually used the words 'and to create an audience for young Juan's niche station'. We all know what happened to THAT experiment. I got my start on Kik FM, as did many of the presenters working for MR and the other stations.

I suspect there ARE things wrong with MR - if I owned the station there are a number of changes I'd make. But they'd be based on personal taste (as are most of the comments in this thread) and not necessarily in the interests of a broad church audience. I still stand by my personal opinion that MR is a national treasure and stands comparison with any other similar organisation anywhere. I'm amazed that some people on here hate it so much, rather than celebrate it. The occasional mistakes are irksome, but at least prove the place is full of fallible humans, broadcasting from Douglas, using local people paying local taxes, and not a robot station voice-tracked from a radio factory in the UK. We all know how to save money, but at times you have to realise that the things you want cost money to achieve.

* I wasn't privy to the discussion but seem to remember it being one of the main conditional recommendations of the Darwin Report. But as you suggest, I'm an old man and my memory is unreliable.

I listen to Talking Heads most days Stu because I like your style (some of the time!), but can't stand the constant flow of fatuous texts you read out from Gary From Ramsey and Frank the Fact.  My listening experience would be so much better if you limited both of them to one text per programme and try not to encourage them by sniggering at their childish sexist comments :) 

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I see the likes of Frank the Fact being a bit of theme for the show just now, a stooge sort of thing. The comments are usually in context and tongue in touch. 

What would Mannin Line have been without the likes of Marge Joughin, Dorothy from Peel or Roy Gough? Not always everyone's cup of tea but that is what makes good discussion.

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1 hour ago, gettafa said:

I see the likes of Frank the Fact being a bit of theme for the show just now, a stooge sort of thing. The comments are usually in context and tongue in touch. 

What would Mannin Line have been without the likes of Marge Joughin, Dorothy from Peel or Roy Gough? Not always everyone's cup of tea but that is what makes good discussion.

Remember Count Lorenzo ?


What was that all about?


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