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Desperate Dan

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20 hours ago, dilligaf said:

and some rare opinions too :thumbsup:. just another of life's characters and we used to have loads of them.

We have none now they have all passed away. Looking back a couple of decades just shows up how boring society and local "life" has become these days.

I hope that isn't just me getting older, but I remember so many real charismatic people then, but can't name any now. That is sad.

Wilf in Ramsey?

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On 2/11/2019 at 12:30 AM, Snaipyr said:

I listen to Talking Heads most days Stu because I like your style (some of the time!), but can't stand the constant flow of fatuous texts you read out from Gary From Ramsey and Frank the Fact.  My listening experience would be so much better if you limited both of them to one text per programme and try not to encourage them by sniggering at their childish sexist comments :) 

Oh come on Snaips, you gotta love the exchanges with Quirkie, who pops up regularly in a cameo role. It's pure theatre and hats off to David Quirk for being a good sport.

(I do miss Buster's input though, I hope he bounces back)

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4 hours ago, hissingsid said:

I was listening to the oil competition this morning and the lady was doing well, 400 litres when they said she would be coming back in a couple of weeks to proceed further....what was that all about !!!!! Pure Michael Mouse.

I think you are a little mixed up there.

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4 hours ago, gettafa said:

Oh come on Snaips, you gotta love the exchanges with Quirkie, who pops up regularly in a cameo role. It's pure theatre and hats off to David Quirk for being a good sport.

(I do miss Buster's input though, I hope he bounces back)

David Quirk may come across as a bit smug sometimes. I don't think he is and he almost always talks a lot of sense. he knows what he is talking about and has a good handle on what Gov. do. ( he also has a sharp sense of humour )

Buster is just full of fantasy and crap these days. He had a good brain once, but that was some time ago. He is ill and should stay out of the headlines.

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