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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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10 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

 I think until recently anyway the IOM sounded air raid siren tests.


I believe they still do, every quarter on a Saturday morning at 11am. We were heading for Ard Jerkyll on a weekday a few years ago, and the siren in Foxdale suddenly started up as we drove through the village. Instead of sounding the all clear steady note for a few seconds as in the routine tests, it did the rising and falling emergency wail and by the time this deafening and ominous din had gone on for a couple of minutes I thought I'd better put the radio on to check whether Armageddon was at hand. Turned on Manx Radio. Adverts as usual, so I figured all was well. Speaking to someone from the village it apparently isn't unusual for the Foxdale siren to go off message.

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21 hours ago, foxdaleliberationfront said:

Use whatever colour and thickness of crayons you like. The facts remain the same. 

There is literally no comparison. The Isle of Man could continue to function perfectly fine (probably even better) without the sloppy, amateurish excuse of a 'national broadcaster' that is Manx Radio. However, I suspect we would all notice a difference if the police, fire and ambulance service disappeared. 

I'm sure there must be some people (although an ever decreasing number) that still like Manx Radio, so please don't get ideas above your station and start comparing your station to something of national importance. Manx Radio should recognise it's place, and not get above its station. 

I'm one of those that likes Manx Radio :)

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FLF - please hold your breath waiting for that.

One of my claims to fame reflected glory is that I was one of the first to use Steve Coogan professionally. In fact I made the demo showreel cassette that got him Spitting Image, and produced the first corporate video he appeared in (for CIS in Manchester). I DO worry that I may have been an inspiration for bits of AP - I had a Phil Collins 'No Jacket Required' denim jacket in those days and bought my Lotus Esprit in 1990 when he had an MX5. I also have a sheepskin flying jacket and like Abba...

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On 3/11/2019 at 7:25 PM, Mr Helmut Fromage said:


Nothing to see here - Staus Quo preserved, Tax payer funded, Rob Callister blogs his latest success....

Struggling to uncurl my toes.

It would probably be too late in the day now for any other another option i would have thought.

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On 3/12/2019 at 11:19 AM, the stinking enigma said:

I think chris kinley is pretty good on the tt broadcasts. At least he seems to have a passion for it. He is the voice of the tt and will rightly be revered in 20 years time. Jo pack's alright too.

He is the voice of the tt and will rightly be revered in 20 years time, a bit like Jeff Cannell and Peter Kneale.

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