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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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On 3/15/2019 at 11:12 AM, Twitch said:

I'm still struggling with the fact that taxpayers are stepping up another £100k to broadcast the races.

Is there any other sporting event in the world where the organiser pays the broadcaster as opposed to the other way round?

Plus the Radio TT ad revenues should have been enough to offset the costs of broadcasting. Even the commentary (of a poor standard in my view) is predominantly done by existing MR news staff on existing AM transmitter.

What a joke.

I believe Radio TT ad revenue goes to the DfE not Manx Radio which is why they are paid a fee and why they're probably not willing to put it on FM as they'll lose their real income stream. 

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3 hours ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

I believe Radio TT ad revenue goes to the DfE not Manx Radio which is why they are paid a fee and why they're probably not willing to put it on FM as they'll lose their real income stream. 

I shudder to think what the details of the TV deal are.

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On 3/14/2019 at 10:35 PM, finlo said:

Agreed, everything we do here seems to be half baked!

I think it was Richard Nicholls from Greenlight who told me (to my amazement) many years ago that much motorsport coverage on TV - including high profile events like Touring Cars - is paid for by the series organisers to increase exposure (and thus sponsorship and ticket sales). The broadcaster pays nothing. I suspect (but don't know) that Twitch has hit a nail on the head.

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16 minutes ago, Holte End said:

When did journalists become so nice?

Rob stated on his blog that he was able to go back to manx radio and correct something on his TT interview

I wonder if this courtesy has ever been offered to any other politician.

I made a genuine mistake and I am grateful that Manx Radio gave me an opportunity to correct my error....

I was led to believe that the costs relating to the TT & FOM commentary formed part of the Governments subvention before Radio TT was set up several years ago, but no one at Manx Radio or in DfE can confirm this, so I corrected my statement. 

Edited by Rob Callister
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Rob. C., you say you made a genuine mistake but if no one at MR or the DfE can confirm it, maybe you didn't make a mistake? So should you take an apologetic stance?

More to the point,  "  ... but no one at Manx Radio or in DfE can confirm this,  ...". Really? Would this response satisfy a FOI request? Perhaps you should get the answer to your question and follow up with more if your original statement was correct?

Good thing you were not asking the Tourist Board, you'd have got an answer but could you believe it???

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14 minutes ago, MrPB said:

Really, you think asking questions in response to posts he has made is bullying? I’m sorry if I haven’t tugged by forelock hard enough. But I would like to know how frequent an event it is for a politician to be invited back up to correct an untrue statement made when usually it looks to me that Manx Radio try to catch politicians out and then make that fact known. 

Why does it bother you so much.

I think you have an issue, not Rob Callister. Try calling 116 123. you may feel better.

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Just now, MrPB said:

It doesn’t bother me one bit. I just wondered (as I had said) how often politicians get invited back to re state things to Manx Radio as when I hear Manx Radio it seems, to me, to be designed to catch people out and publish that fact. Might I suggest you try this number? 0800 9177 650 as it seems to be the time of night once more that threads descend into chaos for no real explainable reason. I’m genuinely sorry for expressing an opinion on manx forums. 

You are beyond help. Do you struggle when web pages ask you to prove you are human, not a bot.?

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