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Desperate Dan

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Which huge stories would YOU have featured today WKRAP if you were editor? The mass murders in Maughold this weekend  or the plane crash disaster in Pulrose yesterday?

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18 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

Which huge stories would YOU have featured today WKRAP if you were editor? The mass murders in Maughold this weekend  or the plane crash disaster in Pulrose yesterday?

WKRAP has a point. It's piss poor news coverage as usual from the Nation's [hospital radio] Station. 

You could send some journalists out to get to the bottom of the Douglas Promenade delays. 

You could do some factual reporting on proposals to privatise the airport.

You could even investigate how two other commercial radio stations get by without costing the tax payer a million quid a year! 

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31 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Why was that guy moved on when he was having a chat with the interviewer from MR mid interview, very strange, don't know what he was on about but he was not shouting or anything.   Over enthusiastic policing ?

Actually if you read the original Manx Radio piece, the problem wasn't who was who was being interviewed or what was being said, but where the interview was done: 


A protestor was asked to move off the ceremonial way at Tynwald this morning.

Courtenay Heading was being interviewed on Manx Radio at the time

I have no idea whether they were about to use the path for something and the interview was in the way or whether it was just someone being officious, but the problem was the interviewer working in the wrong place.

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The protester said something about being a common law citizen and that this outranked the police. 

Then of course people on Facebook saying that it was suppression of freedom of speech. But the interview could have been redone elsewhere. 

Anyone know what the 19 petitions. I've counted that the following have been reported - 

1  Grandparent's rights

2  5g is bad 

1 antivax

5 Trevor Cowin gubbins

1 Learning Disabilities rights

but what are the rest?

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34 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

What are "5 Trevor Cowin gubbins"?

According to this 3FM piece (by Ewan Gawne, which emphasises how his BBC role means he doesn't just work for Manx Radio):


This year, he’s presenting half a dozen petitions on the government’s ‘interested person’ status policy, complaints procedures, the Tynwald Commissioner for Administration, and the planning committee.

Which suggests there's six, though he may have dropped one for technical reasons before Tynwald Day.

Edited to add:  There doesn't seem to anywhere that a list of petitions is published until they have been considered by the Standing Orders Committee, who admittedly do so within the month based on last years Report.  Of course in the past you would expect the media to have covered and reported all the petitions, but they don't seem to have bothered this year.

Edited by Roger Mexico
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1 hour ago, Declan said:

Anyone know what the 19 petitions. I've counted that the following have been reported - 


I don't think this is necessarily public information, at this stage. The petitioner presents their petition, and we only find out what it's about if they chose to talk to the media. John Moss said more or less this, today, when a listener asked why MR had only featured 5 or 6 in their coverage. According to Mr Moss, some petitioners declined to be interviewed, whilst others just vanished into the crowds before they could be approached. As far as I can see, few, if any, have much credibility.  

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3 hours ago, On The Bus said:

You could send some journalists out to get to the bottom of the Douglas Promenade delays. 


I absolutely agree that this is exactly the sort of thing MR news hounds should be pursuing, at the moment, and not settling for Harmer's unconvincing mumbles, that any delays are all to do with poorly recorded Victorian pipework.  

Edited by Nellie
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The petitioners meet the Clerk of Tynwald for a briefing at the Lytch gate around 10.30. The media swarm around trying to get interviews.

The church service starts at 11.00 and before it gets underway, the band etc all march in through the gate into position. The interview was taking place in the pathway of the procession and a Tynwald flunkey was just trying to get him to move out of the bloody way.

Or alternatively, it was some grand conspiracy!

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I gotta go with the conspiracy on this one. He was asked to move quite politely and it was for good reason. The protester/petitioner was hyped-up and went into bruising for an argument/publicity mode. Being interviewed on radio can do that.

The interviewer and bloke should have just shuffled along out the way.

It is tantamount to some gobby kid being moved on by police and the kid telling the police to go and do some proper work like catch rapists or murderers rather than pick on little old me.

Anyway, the guy is getting his publicity. It's just a shame no one seems to have the foggiest what his gripe is about.




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8 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

What are "5 Trevor Cowin gubbins"?

Like the 5 Gold Rings in the Twelve Days of Christmas, but much, much shitter.

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