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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Only the same as BBC Radio 2 as far as a static line up is concerned.


Chris Evans since 2005

Ken Bruce since 1985

Jeremy Vine since 2003

Steve Wright since 1996


Eighty years between the four of them.

In fairness even Evans has talent, and if they were not any good they would be out. Manx radio would do well to acknowledge successful radio and copy. That Mark Tiley does a pretty good copy of Ken Bruce and those women do a fairly ok copy of loose women / women's hour, shame that the rest of Manx radio dont seem to have any standard to copy. Jeremy Vines phone-in is usually topical and fresh, he obviously has empathy for callers and topics he is not just some old bore with fixed views and limited life experience repeating the same tired cliches.


Limited life experience? You're confusing me with someone else. And Jeremy Vine (when he's not avoiding tax) is paid a huge amount of money by the BBC, has a massive production resource behind him, a listenership of millions and a much wider range of 'local' (i.e. UK) topics to float.



I think sometimes those of us that don't like Manx Radio forget this point. I don't listen to Stu because it's amateur hour compared to the equivalent shows on BBC channels, but then Tony Livesey and Peter Allen don't plan their shows in the periods between orders for Flat White. Maybe we have too high an expectation of what is possible.


Although Chris Williams can do one.

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Until they decide what they are meant to be then it will never be successful.


They just need to put up a few red Hammer and Sickle flags, give the station controller a plumed hat and a white jacket with a big set of epaulets and a set of Raybans, and change its name to "The broadcasting service of the illustrious people's republic of the Isle of Man" and then it will really have found its niche.

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Only the same as BBC Radio 2 as far as a static line up is concerned.


Chris Evans since 2005

Ken Bruce since 1985

Jeremy Vine since 2003

Steve Wright since 1996


Eighty years between the four of them.

In fairness even Evans has talent, and if they were not any good they would be out. Manx radio would do well to acknowledge successful radio and copy. That Mark Tiley does a pretty good copy of Ken Bruce and those women do a fairly ok copy of loose women / women's hour, shame that the rest of Manx radio dont seem to have any standard to copy. Jeremy Vines phone-in is usually topical and fresh, he obviously has empathy for callers and topics he is not just some old bore with fixed views and limited life experience repeating the same tired cliches.

Limited life experience? You're confusing me with someone else. And Jeremy Vine (when he's not avoiding tax) is paid a huge amount of money by the BBC, has a massive production resource behind him, a listenership of millions and a much wider range of 'local' (i.e. UK) topics to float.

I think sometimes those of us that don't like Manx Radio forget this point. I don't listen to Stu because it's amateur hour compared to the equivalent shows on BBC channels, but then Tony Livesey and Peter Allen don't plan their shows in the periods between orders for Flat White. Maybe we have too high an expectation of what is possible.


Although Chris Williams can do one.

I listen to a lot of radio and tune in to Manx radio infrequently during the week to hear if anyone has died recently. So catch a bit of this and that and its a helpful reminder as to why I choose to listen to the radio i do, your summation simply is not true, the women's show outshines talking heads and yet one would assume has less resources being outside the peak lunch hour slot. The crappness of that show is a lack of imagination and ability to engage not a lack if budget.

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Manx radio volumes are really shit. Up and down. Some news readers are loud, some quiet, and most weather people don't seem to know there's even a microphone there.


There's like 6db difference in a 5 minute slot (2 times volume in real money). 12db when Chris Williams comes back on.


Especially in the morning. Sort it out please.


You're shit at what you do. Get a sound engineer working breakfast shifts please.

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talking heads is a good show. i listen when i can, and it provides ßome good opiñion and information on local topics. there's not many radio talk-ins give ßuch freedom to callers as that shôw, oh, and i esecially inĉlude the often bias bbc which has a stringent vetting prôcedre

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Manx radio volumes are really shit. Up and down. Some news readers are loud, some quiet, and most weather people don't seem to know there's even a microphone there.


There's like 6db difference in a 5 minute slot (2 times volume in real money). 12db when Chris Williams comes back on.


Especially in the morning. Sort it out please.


You're shit at what you do. Get a sound engineer working breakfast shifts please.

I've said this many times, and when the crass adverts come on you need ear protectors. They need someone to sort out the levels because it's very poor. Stuart say it isn't but my throbbing ears don't lie.

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Who is the irritating woman they use in about 60% of the annnoying adverts who sounds like she trying to explain things to someone who is mentally retarded or a small child? I find that really annoying. Although I suppose a lot of the target audience are probably either mentally ill or small children.

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J2 is as wrong as a wrong 'un can ever be and continues to spout wrongness.


hboy: for the purposes of audience size then, I'll put you down as Number One Fan...

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J2 is as wrong as a wrong 'un can ever be and continues to spout wrongness.


hboy: for the purposes of audience size then, I'll put you down as Number One Fan...

I wondered if Beth was going to hit you or run out of the studio or both at your changeover today..........w00t.gifthumbsup.gif

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Probably the new, somewhat juvenile minded, Controller of Programming and Content has said to 'put some chemistry into it'. Unfortunately that doesn't work if there's no 'chemistry' there in the first place.


BBC Radio 2 has experimented with 'chemistry' for years to varying degrees of success. Usually it's the hapless weather girl/traffic girl that plays the stooge. I think it's rubbish and embarrassing a bit, but some people clearly enjoy it. Well, Alex anyway.

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J2 is as wrong as a wrong 'un can ever be and continues to spout wrongness.



that was actually quite original for you, perhaps you could add this to your stock phrases next week when you discuss the horsetrams again.
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J2 is as wrong as a wrong 'un can ever be and continues to spout wrongness.


that was actually quite original for you, perhaps you could add this to your stock phrases next week when you discuss the horsetrams again.


See, you're turning into a superfan. Send your address in and I'll send you a signed picture.

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