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Desperate Dan

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This is not ‘news’


This is just some random people in Strand Street reacting to a UK story.

Yes, it make interesting listening, but as part of a wider feature item on the subject, maybe with Harmer or Shimmins and placed in Mandate, but not on its own and labelled as news.

We all know it’s silly season but surely just a bit more thought on what to do to fill the airtime with.

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2 hours ago, WKRP said:

This is not ‘news’

In your opinion.

Maybe they should do a piece on bitter Manx Radio rejects and how their lives were left shattered after the pain of rejection.

Look Ron Berry and Juan Turder both set up their own stations when they were emptied out. Maybe you should think about doing the same.

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6 hours ago, WKRP said:

This is not ‘news’


This is just some random people in Strand Street reacting to a UK story.

Yes, it make interesting listening, but as part of a wider feature item on the subject, maybe with Harmer or Shimmins and placed in Mandate, but not on its own and labelled as news.

We all know it’s silly season but surely just a bit more thought on what to do to fill the airtime with.

Well to be fair it's better journalism to get reactions off what some random people say in Strand Street, than it is repeating what some random people say on Twitter.  Which is what a lot of UK journalism seems to consist of nowadays.  And it's far better than just cutting down a government press release to five sentences, which is Manx Radio's usual method. 

And the link does also contain interviews with someone from a road safety charity and with Oor Derek - though maybe those weren't up when you first posted. If you're not going to to put it up under News on the website, where would you?  It's also worth remembering that the Island introduced restrictions on mobile phones when driving before the UK, so there is the possibility of local action.


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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well to be fair it's better journalism to get reactions off what some random people say in Strand Street, than it is repeating what some random people say on Twitter.

Voxpops are equally dumb. And almost invariably edited to represent a range of (often preconceived) opinion - typically without any of the weighting  which a proper survey provides. It's cheap and formulaic filler. The same. Meaningless.

The best way of doing the news would be to read it out and put it online. No need for an old fashioned radio station at all. Ditto TV. Shut it all down and sell off the frequencies. Spend the money improving connectivity.

Edited by pongo
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5 hours ago, pongo said:

Voxpops are equally dumb. And almost invariably edited to represent a range of (often preconceived) opinion - typically without any of the weighting  which a proper survey provides. It's cheap and formulaic filler. The same. Meaningless.

The best way of doing the news would be to read it out and put it online. No need for an old fashioned radio station at all. Ditto TV. Shut it all down and sell off the frequencies. Spend the money improving connectivity.

Pongo, you've been banging on with this same old idea for years now. Give it a rest eh?

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12 hours ago, hissingsid said:

The person who is responsible for collating the news stories must feel as if they are walking on egg shells with the Government being their main sponsor and of course they must not upset advertisers, difficult job in a small community I think.

Doesn't come into it in my experience (5 years in the newsroom). News is news and is reported without fear or favour.

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I think there is a sea change up at the MR newsroom. There are a lot of young hacks in there, and they have come up to speed pretty quickly. The ‘communications release’ broadcasting does remain an issue. Most of them are vapid, and add nothing to the Island picture, but because Minister X has said something there seems to be a compulsion to publish it. 

Ignoring a few might make the Cabinet Office Comms room up its game?

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2 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

I think there is a sea change up at the MR newsroom. There are a lot of young hacks in there, and they have come up to speed pretty quickly. The ‘communications release’ broadcasting does remain an issue. Most of them are vapid, and add nothing to the Island picture, but because Minister X has said something there seems to be a compulsion to publish it. 

Ignoring a few might make the Cabinet Office Comms room up its game?

Do you think they know how to up their game?

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