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Desperate Dan

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3 hours ago, Declan said:

At this years poetry slam, the presenter was a poet from across and introduced John Dog in the way you would expect if you didn't know better. He walks on stage muttering loudly "It's spelt Callister but it's pronounced Collister."

I'd still it's best to get things right and Foxdul and Andruss seem like reasonable adhearance to the local tongue. Whereas calling PSM, Port le Moirrey sounds like a wilful affectation.

Well, you kind of open up a few things there. John 'Dog' getting uppity about someone not knowing how to pronounce his surname. There are folk down south who insist they are called 'Callister' just how it is spelt. Mind you though, I knew siblings who spelt their surname differently and both insisted they were right (Faragher and Fargher)

Saying Port le Moirrey would indeed be a wilful affectation, and silly too. Calling it when chatting amongst friends as 'Pot le' ticked all the boxes - less syllables, perfectly understood, and a slight but only slight acknowledgment to the Manx language.

Foxdale pronounced Foxtul sounds silly when the next place you name is Silverdale. I realise the etymology may be quite different but 'Foxtul' still sounds highly affectatious. When I was 10 I knew Manx men of 90, and none of them came out with this 'Foxtul' stuff. LIkewise Andreas.

I'll tell John Dog the next time I see him to start calling Port St Mary 'Port le', then maybe he can have a go at Manx Radio about it.

And bollocks to Pulrose, it's 'Pully'. I have never heard anyone from there call it anything else.


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1 hour ago, gettafa said:

Well, you kind of open up a few things there. John 'Dog' getting uppity about someone not knowing how to pronounce his surname. There are folk down south who insist they are called 'Callister' just how it is spelt. Mind you though, I knew siblings who spelt their surname differently and both insisted they were right (Faragher and Fargher)

Saying Port le Moirrey would indeed be a wilful affectation, and silly too. Calling it when chatting amongst friends as 'Pot le' ticked all the boxes - less syllables, perfectly understood, and a slight but only slight acknowledgment to the Manx language.

Foxdale pronounced Foxtul sounds silly when the next place you name is Silverdale. I realise the etymology may be quite different but 'Foxtul' still sounds highly affectatious. When I was 10 I knew Manx men of 90, and none of them came out with this 'Foxtul' stuff. LIkewise Andreas.

I'll tell John Dog the next time I see him to start calling Port St Mary 'Port le', then maybe he can have a go at Manx Radio about it.

And bollocks to Pulrose, it's 'Pully'. I have never heard anyone from there call it anything else.


John Dog's a fundamentalist. His abhorrence of the pronounced "o" in C'stain got him the gig to make the radio commercial. Sorry, but it sounds like a speech impediment to me. I knew a lovely old couple Mr and Mrs Costain, Manx as the hills and now long gone who, I am sure, would have looked at me "away with the fairies" had I pronounced their name with the Dog affectation.

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54 minutes ago, woolley said:

John Dog's a fundamentalist. His abhorrence of the pronounced "o" in C'stain got him the gig to make the radio commercial. Sorry, but it sounds like a speech impediment to me. I knew a lovely old couple Mr and Mrs Costain, Manx as the hills and now long gone who, I am sure, would have looked at me "away with the fairies" had I pronounced their name with the Dog affectation.

The Manx establishment, and that includes Manx Radio. Always need a local Manxie as a role model, an undeniable oracle of all things Manx. They took the piece of straw out of his mouth and Hey Presto! They have one.



Although to be fair, Phil Gawne seems to be taking over that mantle


Edited by gettafa
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2 hours ago, woolley said:

John Dog's a fundamentalist. His abhorrence of the pronounced "o" in C'stain got him the gig to make the radio commercial. Sorry, but it sounds like a speech impediment to me. I knew a lovely old couple Mr and Mrs Costain, Manx as the hills and now long gone who, I am sure, would have looked at me "away with the fairies" had I pronounced their name with the Dog affectation.

Sorry to be a party pooper but as I’ve previously posted I knew the Hills in London many moons ago. They weren’t Manx. They were actually Jewish. Alive with the sound of music too.

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11 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

Sorry to be a party pooper but as I’ve previously posted I knew the Hills in London many moons ago. They weren’t Manx. They were actually Jewish. Alive with the sound of music too.

Oh, I know them. They have eyes.

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16 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Going to miss Paul Corkish and all request Sundays one of the few programmes worth listening to.

I have just been reading the new schedule properly and and very disappointed, I realise II'll be losing lots of favourite listening slots. 

'll not hear Chris Williams in the mornings now now except saturdays,  (sorry Chris) :(

I'll not hear Stu any more as I don't  usually listen to radio that late,  (sorry Stu) :(

I'll not hear the Marc's Greatest Hits or Paul Corkish at 6pm,  (sorry folks) :(

and looking at what's on at the times I usually listen, I think I will probably just end up on Radio 2 .

I fear this is going to wreck the MR listening figures :-(     It certainly looks like it will drastically alter my listening habits once I hear the end product,

MR is usually on from 8am - 3pm continuous in our house, up to now, but things look like they will change next week .

The one slot I won't have to change though is in the afternoon, I usually turn off at the same time each day and that slot hasn't altered    (I wonder why !)

I think I will soon get very bored with a 2 hour 'newsy' morning programme, not what I want to wake up to.and just too long winded (akin to the awful merry-go-round 24hr rolling news )

Maybe I'll just record Chris from 5am and replay it at 8am :lol:  maybe they could have MR+3 on 1368KHz  !

or root out my old Mark White MR programme tapes and play them 


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