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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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31 minutes ago, WKRP said:

Interesting to see the Manx Radio story on next weeks Tynwald questions.


a fair amount of detail...yet they fail to mention question 12

The Hon. Member for Douglas East (Mrs Barber) to ask the Minister for Policy and Reform –
How many Freedom of Information requests have been made to Manx Radio; how many have been answered (a) partially (b) fully and (c) rejected; and where they are published?
Surely this is worth a mention in the article and makes the newsroom look independent from any perceived management interference.

Still bitter then ?

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Immensely bad for our democracy that the flagship news & current affairs programme is being shut down and not replaced by a genuine alternative

Is the cold, dead hand of Treasury involved I wonder...

IOMG & it's various offshoots never in my view make enough effort on social media to promote & explain their works, therefor few venture to have a look/take a listen


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13 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Still bitter then ?

Bitter or not, it's still an interesting question about FoI from Barber/Bettison.  FoI does happen to include 'Publicly-owned companies' and the most prominent of these is Manx Radio[1].  The only requests I can find are those relating to its dealings with the DfE.  Maybe no one has asked directly, but it's there are a number of wide-ranging excuses for them not to publish FoI responses (as opposed to just telling the requester) and it's not unknown for them to forget in any case.

Similarly you'd think some sort of statistics of FoI would be published on a regular basis and must be collected and analysed as part of normal government business.  Indeed this did happen at the start of the process.  But now it obviously has to winkled out of them with Tynwald questions - even though you would think that if you wanted to demonstrate any commitment  to the principle of the freedom of information, you would be open about how it is operating.


[1]  Most of the others are dormant or similar, though Laxey Glen Mills is another relevant one.  One obvious entity not listed is the Meat Plant, but I'm not sure of the exact legal status of that - as with so much relating to agriculture the finances are rather difficult to pin down.

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57 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Bitter or not, it's still an interesting question about FoI from Barber/Bettison FoI does happen to include 'Publicly-owned companies' and the most prominent of these is Manx Radio[1].  The only requests I can find are those relating to its dealings with the DfE.  Maybe no one has asked directly, but it's there are a number of wide-ranging excuses for them not to publish FoI responses (as opposed to just telling the requester) and it's not unknown for them to forget in any case.

Similarly you'd think some sort of statistics of FoI would be published on a regular basis and must be collected and analysed as part of normal government business.  Indeed this did happen at the start of the process.  But now it obviously has to winkled out of them with Tynwald questions - even though you would think that if you wanted to demonstrate any commitment  to the principle of the freedom of information, you would be open about how it is operating.


[1]  Most of the others are dormant or similar, though Laxey Glen Mills is another relevant one.  One obvious entity not listed is the Meat Plant, but I'm not sure of the exact legal status of that - as with so much relating to agriculture the finances are rather difficult to pin down.

They have done what to justify their pay ? Oh yes, nothing.  Two people who have done jack shit, who have now realised their jobs are not permanent and they can be emptied sharpish. SAD

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32 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

They have done what to justify their pay ? Oh yes, nothing.  Two people who have done jack shit, who have now realised their jobs are not permanent and they can be emptied sharpish. SAD

What are you on? They are one and the same person. Married name now....

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In the week that the stations going back to Government for more money it seems a very odd thing to do to promote the spending of money remaking the stations jingle package, and not even spending that money on the Isle Man. Surely Dave Armstrong, DAM productions could have done this locally?

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Good point Charlie.

We're talking what is probably the most menial of music gigs here - the recording of a radio jingle. I think Charles Guard knocked up many of the jingles this past few years. but it looks like they've wanted a load of backing singers as well as the bank of strings.

That recording studio doesn't come cheap. How much did it all cost including the travel by the radio controller and staff. I suppose the answer would - in typical IoM Gov form - we managed to use one of the presenters to be one of the singers so that represents a significant cost saving.

There are plenty of more than adequate musicians and recording facilities on the Island.

I hope Tynwald make a note of this jingle extravaganza when it takes a look at Manx Radio's begging bowl this year.

If there is an argument for this indulgence then it should be justified and paid for by an increase in advertisement revenue.


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