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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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8 hours ago, WKRP said:

In the week that the stations going back to Government for more money it seems a very odd thing to do to promote the spending of money remaking the stations jingle package, and not even spending that money on the Isle Man. Surely Dave Armstrong, DAM productions could have done this locally?

And let’s not forget more staff....I mean it’s only taxpayers money.


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11 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Don't have a problem with this at all. Why all the fuss. They can't win , can they.

They can't lose when the Govt Cash Machine keeps paying out on demand?

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Can anyone tell me which 6 Isle of Man residents actually listen to the shite this so called radio station puts out? Is it the same 6 who provide the “mass protests” outside tynpotworld or on Hango Hill at New Year? Why it deserves a single penny of public money is beyond comprehension. Unless it’s purpose is to piss off Juan Turner.

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35 minutes ago, No more NIMBY,s said:

Can anyone tell me which 6 Isle of Man residents actually listen to the shite this so called radio station puts out? Is it the same 6 who provide the “mass protests” outside tynpotworld or on Hango Hill at New Year? Why it deserves a single penny of public money is beyond comprehension. Unless it’s purpose is to piss off Juan Turner.

To be fair, that is one listener for each of your posts (and that is within 1 hour of joining MF)

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1 minute ago, gettafa said:

To be fair, that is one listener for each of your posts (and that is within 1 hour of joining MF)

Well thank you for the welcome G. Don’t worry, once I’ve found something more useful to do like scratching my bollocks I’ll leave you to it.

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7 hours ago, gettafa said:

Good point Charlie.

We're talking what is probably the most menial of music gigs here - the recording of a radio jingle. I think Charles Guard knocked up many of the jingles this past few years. but it looks like they've wanted a load of backing singers as well as the bank of strings.

That recording studio doesn't come cheap. How much did it all cost including the travel by the radio controller and staff. I suppose the answer would - in typical IoM Gov form - we managed to use one of the presenters to be one of the singers so that represents a significant cost saving.

There are plenty of more than adequate musicians and recording facilities on the Island.

I hope Tynwald make a note of this jingle extravaganza when it takes a look at Manx Radio's begging bowl this year.

If there is an argument for this indulgence then it should be justified and paid for by an increase in advertisement revenue.


Slight snag, Tynwald in all their wisdom wanted them to be self funding without advertising (prize eejits !) but failed to explain how that works 

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7 hours ago, Tempus Fugit said:

Slight snag, Tynwald in all their wisdom wanted them to be self funding without advertising (prize eejits !) but failed to explain how that works 

They didn't. A committee set up by Tynwald did but that was rejected by Tynwald. I believe the committee, in a rather cack-handed way, suggested that adverts be dropped; subvention increased; and money taken from the BBC licence fee to pay for it so we would not paying for public service broadcasting twice (taxes and licence fee) when most other countries in the world only pay once. Not sure why you think there's an issue with the public not paying twice for a service an ever decreasing amount of people listen to?

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