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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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The the sooner the better the London govt will sell off the frequencies and old - fashioned broadcasting will be shut down for good. DAB and TV, even satellite, included.

The old-fashioned broadcasting model has no future in an era of on-demand content. The idea of a programme comes from the music hall era.

We don't need legacy radio transmitters or studios any longer. 

The future belongs to content creators - people with a proven record of building an audience online. Innovators. People who can make great content - rather than filling up space.

PS - imagine the kind of amazing IOM content which could be produced for the money currently wasted on Manx Radio. Especially when you think about how much 1st rate content is produced today with almost no money.


Edited by pongo
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25 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Because everyone had assumed that he had been appointed the CEO some time back (certainly we all have in discussions) and even the Department's own page gives that impression ("Dan Davies is the Chief Executive Officer and is responsible for a budget of around £30 million") with nothing about interim or anything[1].  So when it came out at the Social Affairs Policy Review Committee that he was technically only the interim one, it caused some surprise.  He'd been appointed as such over a year ago, but everyone assumed he had since been made permanent.

There's a bigger story here - one very symptomatic of the Quayle administration.  They seem very unwilling to make any decisions - even over who to appoint to positions.  If in doubt just commission another review and claim they can't do anything until that reports.  The new DHSC CEO is similarly interim and others have come and gone once their contract is over.  Maybe they're just waiting for the right candidate to turn up on a Harley.


[1]  Interestingly Davies' own LinkedIn doesn't mention the DHA at all.  I assumed he just hadn't updated, but it may have been leaving things ambiguous.

You’ve alluded to the cataclysmically awful appointment of our Harley-mounted friend at DHSC so I’m delighted that the Quayle administration is confining their senior appointments to those of an interim nature only. Hopefully it is in itself an interim step to Quayle and his kindergarten chums taking the final step to actually making no decisions whatsoever and hence improving government at a stroke.

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I listened to the committee and don't think Dan came over too well. The position of CEO of any Department is, or should be, a mighty responsible job. The pay is good. I would expect someone with more knowledge and experience. He's a good guy and a damned good DJ but I'm not sure he is the right man for such a job.

He must have been central to giving the go ahead for the prison TV documentary. That says it all.



Edited by gettafa
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Well goodbye Sunday requests.. I will miss it and Paul Corkish, a lot of requests came from over the water too so spreading the word no more.    I can see it being just the News and weather from now on if Carnaby Street has gone then goodnight Vienna.   So sad all they had to do was to follow your man who did the last report and cater for the older audience instead of pandering to the younger listeners who they have no chance of attracting.   I would put money on if I stopped 20 young folk and asked if they listened to MR there would be 90 per cent or more saying no. My cat could run this station better than the idiots that are in charge and that is a hard fact.

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2 hours ago, pongo said:

The the sooner the better the London govt will sell off the frequencies and old - fashioned broadcasting will be shut down for good. DAB and TV, even satellite, included.

The old-fashioned broadcasting model has no future in an era of on-demand content. The idea of a programme comes from the music hall era.

We don't need legacy radio transmitters or studios any longer. 

The future belongs to content creators - people with a proven record of building an audience online. Innovators. People who can make great content - rather than filling up space.

PS - imagine the kind of amazing IOM content which could be produced for the money currently wasted on Manx Radio. Especially when you think about how much 1st rate content is produced today with almost no money.


Pongo, you're like a dog with a bone on this.

I have a bit more sympathy than I used to have, but I still think you're at least 20 years early. Also, the infrastructure to deliver online is going to need a lot of work and investment if you are proposing to transfer all the current broadcast output/consumption onto it. It will be capacity and power hungry. It's inefficient, not a bit environmentally friendly, and on another thread you were telling us we should be making more use of public transport!



I also think that you throw the baby out with the bathwater to some degree. When listening to traditional radio or viewing tv, whether spoken word or music, you are exposed to new concepts that you haven't encountered before without effort or conscious decision on your part. You turn it on, it's there. You may hear a new tune you like played on a radio station and decide to explore that artist's work further.  With streaming, people tend to go for the familiar. An artist they like. A film with an established director or actor they are into. You choose upfront what you see or hear.

How many people are going to select your brilliant new Manx content online? At its best, radio puts surprising and interesting content into people's cars and homes that they wouldn't otherwise experience and without the individual's intervention.

Edited by woolley
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3 hours ago, pongo said:

The the sooner the better the London govt will sell off the frequencies and old - fashioned broadcasting will be shut down for good. DAB and TV, even satellite, included.

The old-fashioned broadcasting model has no future in an era of on-demand content. The idea of a programme comes from the music hall era.

We don't need legacy radio transmitters or studios any longer. 

The future belongs to content creators - people with a proven record of building an audience online. Innovators. People who can make great content - rather than filling up space.

PS - imagine the kind of amazing IOM content which could be produced for the money currently wasted on Manx Radio. Especially when you think about how much 1st rate content is produced today with almost no money.


Please point me at all this first rate Isle of Man content being produced with almost no money.

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8 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Please point me at all this first rate Isle of Man content being produced with almost no money.

Facebook, Twitter, 3FM, Paul Moulton, Brook Wassal, the drone flyers, photographers etc, it should be a market economy with the money following talent, surely a  highly experienced successful businessman as yourself would have to agree.

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OK, so I tried the new MR. Not for me, I held out for 7 minutes of the breakfast show but I'm clearly not part of the target demographic so switched off. Turned on again for the news at 8, but I don't think that 5 minutes a day is really the listening time the new boss was hoping for and the news summary was thin - wanted to turn it off again but hung on in there for the whole 5 minutes to give them a fair trial, I guess I must be one of the Internet generation.

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