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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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4 minutes ago, x-in-man said:


To me, I found the news every, what seemed like every 5 mins, a bit too much.

Later on in the day I switched the radio on to 'secret sound' - Christ on a bike!  I thought it was supposed to be a new thing, not re-runs of Alan Partridge shows. 

Andy made the output feel like it was the 1970s again, Beth still hacks me off when she tells everyone they are 'listening to Manx Ragio'.

Tried the other offerings, crashing intros, shite music - gave up. Went the Radio 2.


You'd feel right at home with Steve Wright in the Afternoon then. What a load of bilge that is.

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30 minutes ago, Ezza said:

If you want inane chat and music there's always 3FM, Radio 2 or Radio 1. The whole point of local radio is that it's LOCAL. And LOCAL means news and updates on the Isle of Man - not meaningless amateur chat and music!

that's manx radio new slogan........

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1 hour ago, gettafa said:

Not that sincere, otherwise you would have known that Chris Kinley is on the evening slot. Which I definitely won't be listening to. I don't need a DJ to provide their incisive and critical knowledge of "that's a good record". The rest is fresh from wiki/google. I can do that.

No I genuinely tried to read the new schedule thing to find out what Kinley was doing & couldn't see it. Maybe I'm just going blind

Edited by Donald Trumps
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45 minutes ago, Ezza said:

If you want inane chat and music there's always 3FM, Radio 2 or Radio 1. The whole point of local radio is that it's LOCAL. And LOCAL means news and updates on the Isle of Man - not meaningless amateur chat and music!

Local radio for local people

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57 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

But the trouble is that it doesn't stop bad decisions quite the opposite.  Without the CEO (or with an interim who doesn't want to offend anyone) the underlings will continue with their merry ways even less constrained by common sense than they normally are.  An absent or a weak CEO (like Black at the DoI) will just mean they do whatever they fancy and the job of the CEO is just restricted to putting in the supplementary budget figures to pay for the follies.  And the Minister is just there to ritually apologise whenever things get too obvious.

There's an argument for saying that most of the CEOs are unnecessary (they didn't really exist when the ministerial system started).  But that would require Ministers who were prepared to actually take control of the operational department heads  and hold them to account and it is now discouraged by the way the system is set up.  Every reorganisation just puts in more well-paid middlemen to weaken political control and perpetuate the system. 

Silo government has to go

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Treasury Minister to request in Tynwald tomorrow:

"basic public service subvention be increased from £899,830 to a level
of £995,000 plus CPI commencing 1st April 2020"

Should CoMin Radio receive this additional amount of taxpayers money for 1) reducing news & current affairs, & 2) replicating BBC Radio2 on Manx airwaves?

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Serves you whining, whinging, wordsworth weasels right that you missed Mavis Quayle addressing the nation on the nations station at 5.30 this evening. Marvellous speech it was too, even quoting napoleon at one stage - dynamite not bonaparte but one can't have everything. Anyway, the only thing he's not got covered post brexit is iceberg lettuces. Possibly overlooked them, not for the first time.

  • Haha 2
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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

Serves you whining, whinging, wordsworth weasels right that you missed Mavis Quayle addressing the nation on the nations station at 5.30 this evening. Marvellous speech it was too, even quoting napoleon at one stage - dynamite not bonaparte but one can't have everything. Anyway, the only thing he's not got covered post brexit is iceberg lettuces. Possibly overlooked them, not for the first time.

If that’s faithful reporting I think Mavis must be taking mind expanding substances. If it isn’t, I think you are.

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Also of interest in Tynwald tomorrow is a motion from MLC Sharpe:

38. Public Service Media The Hon Member of Council, Mrs Sharpe, to move – That Tynwald recognises the importance of public service media; and that a committee of three Members be appointed to investigate and report with recommendations for a public service media strategy which would (a) utilise resources from the public and private sectors within an on-going effective framework; (b) increase the reach of public service media across all age demographics; and (c) provide good value for the taxpayer.

Yes, but why - what is it's purpose?

Here's a thing about Public Service Media:


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