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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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4 hours ago, Donald Trumps said:

Sounds to me like the supermarket muzak you'd hear if Shoprite were generous enough to pay for such a thing

Shoprite do have such a thing. I am convinced that I was told the Boy Brindley was involved in putting it together, but now I can't find evidence to support this.

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Again, a purely personal observation and not a company stance:

I imagine you have to be careful with FOI requests as I'm assuming only MR would be subjected to them. Which means there's no shortage of opportunities for competitors to seek to gain an advantage (possibly by proxy to stay disguised), if only by causing disruption. I suspect this may have been the case in the recent MLC paper which apparently sought to decimate the national broadcaster for the benefit of the commercial operators.

There's been a lot of noise about a 'level playing field'. Remember that Manx Radio built that field (with taxpayer funding) and trained all the players on it, bar a few foreign imports. It was there long before the competitors (who knew exactly the market they were entering) defected to start their own minor league.

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58 minutes ago, piebaps said:

Indeed. That's very disappointing. The publication is however hit and miss as even central Gov don't publish them all.

They all need to be out in the open.

There's actually a long list of excuses they have not to publish and they say: "Publication is on a discretionary basis and responses will only be published where there is a wider public interest in the request and response" as general get out.  Obviously there are some that are reasonable, such as when personal information is involved, but surely the default should be that everything is published unless there is a good reason not to.  The one over-riding exception I would suggest is when the requester asks for non-publication, or maybe delayed publication, though oddly that doesn't seem to be listed as a valid reason.

One particular problem that I've noticed in the past is that sometimes when there is an attempt to refuse information and it is only released on appeal, the answer still doesn't get into the public domain even though the fact that the appeal was won is.  It's a bit odd and of course just another way for those who want the information kept quiet to do so, even though they have lost the legal process.

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6 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

I imagine you have to be careful with FOI requests as I'm assuming only MR would be subjected to them. Which means there's no shortage of opportunities for competitors to seek to gain an advantage (possibly by proxy to stay disguised), if only by causing disruption. I suspect this may have been the case in the recent MLC paper which apparently sought to decimate the national broadcaster for the benefit of the commercial operators.

You've misunderstood this Stu.  This isn't about responding to FoI requests - and Manx Radio had very wide exemptions there anyway.  It's about the general publication of such responses so anyone can read them.  Obviously if such a request is validly refused, there's nothing there to publish.

A commercial rival would presumably be not particularly worried about a response not being published - indeed might prefer it that way.  And if they did want it published they could do so themselves.  So it's the public at large that is being refused the information here.

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24 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

You've misunderstood this Stu.  This isn't about responding to FoI requests - and Manx Radio had very wide exemptions there anyway.  It's about the general publication of such responses so anyone can read them.  Obviously if such a request is validly refused, there's nothing there to publish.

A commercial rival would presumably be not particularly worried about a response not being published - indeed might prefer it that way.  And if they did want it published they could do so themselves.  So it's the public at large that is being refused the information here.

Maybe I am just naive here, but If a private individual submits a freedom of information request, then to answer and any info is supplied to that individual. Why then should the supplier publish such to all and sundry?

Edited by dilligaf
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42 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

Again, a purely personal observation and not a company stance:

I imagine you have to be careful with FOI requests as I'm assuming only MR would be subjected to them. Which means there's no shortage of opportunities for competitors to seek to gain an advantage (possibly by proxy to stay disguised), if only by causing disruption. I suspect this may have been the case in the recent MLC paper which apparently sought to decimate the national broadcaster for the benefit of the commercial operators.

There's been a lot of noise about a 'level playing field'. Remember that Manx Radio built that field (with taxpayer funding) and trained all the players on it, bar a few foreign imports. It was there long before the competitors (who knew exactly the market they were entering) defected to start their own minor league.

Oh knob off. Sounding like MR were the first to ‘do’ radio. 

This insular attitude is exactly what Government want. Please pray tell what burning USP that MR have that are too afraid to tell their competitors.  I’ll tell ya, how to spunk a million quid a year on fuck all.  

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21 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Maybe I am just naive here, but If a private individual submits a freedom of information request, then to answer and any info is supplied to that individual. Why then should the supplier publish such to all and sundry?

Because the point about freedom of information is freedom of information, not cosy little arrangements where only the right people know things.  It's rather as if when an MHK asks something in Tynwald they're only ever told "I'll tell you in private".

Obviously there are exceptions where the information is particular just to that person and no one is saying those should be published (though nowadays these are more likely to be done in other ways) but I think that it should be for the requester to be able to say whether the response is published, whereas at the moment the decision is the Department's.  But generally people ask for information from the government because they want not just know something, but for that to be more widely known.

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1 hour ago, Stu Peters said:

Again, a purely personal observation and not a company stance:

I imagine you have to be careful with FOI requests as I'm assuming only MR would be subjected to them. Which means there's no shortage of opportunities for competitors to seek to gain an advantage (possibly by proxy to stay disguised), if only by causing disruption. I suspect this may have been the case in the recent MLC paper which apparently sought to decimate the national broadcaster for the benefit of the commercial operators.

There's been a lot of noise about a 'level playing field'. Remember that Manx Radio built that field (with taxpayer funding) and trained all the players on it, bar a few foreign imports. It was there long before the competitors (who knew exactly the market they were entering) defected to start their own minor league.

I imagine this would have been a completely different opinion / statement had the Civil Service Radio hoofed you completely Stu, instead of putting you on "The Loveline Slot"

You'd have been wearing Crocs trying to impress George Fergusson for a gig at 3FM instead of glorifying MR which essentially ripped off Radio Caroline with a Govt budget 

"Built the field" - ARRRFFFFF.....

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10 minutes ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

I imagine this would have been a completely different opinion / statement had the Civil Service Radio hoofed you completely Stu, instead of putting you on "The Loveline Slot"

You'd have been wearing Crocs trying to impress George Fergusson for a gig at 3FM instead of glorifying MR which essentially ripped off Radio Caroline with a Govt budget 

"Built the field" - ARRRFFFFF.....

Stupid post. But not unexpected tbh. You don’t help yourself, do you ?

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1 hour ago, Stu Peters said:

Again, a purely personal observation and not a company stance:

I imagine you have to be careful with FOI requests as I'm assuming only MR would be subjected to them. Which means there's no shortage of opportunities for competitors to seek to gain an advantage (possibly by proxy to stay disguised), if only by causing disruption. I suspect this may have been the case in the recent MLC paper which apparently sought to decimate the national broadcaster for the benefit of the commercial operators.

There's been a lot of noise about a 'level playing field'. Remember that Manx Radio built that field (with taxpayer funding) and trained all the players on it, bar a few foreign imports. It was there long before the competitors (who knew exactly the market they were entering) defected to start their own minor league.

Missed this post earlier, but 100% agree with you. There will always be the knockers, not the desirable type either.

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6 hours ago, Max Power said:

There was an informative programme with interviews from Alan Shea and several others with regard to the police persecution of homosexuals around 1992 the other night. It was quite shocking listening and well beyond what MR would have normally put out. Before 9pm too and 'ass bandit' amongst other expletives was used! 

You are right to applaud the station for that. I heard Andy Wint advertise that two part program.

This would not be .possible earlier I don’t think, so that must be a plus.

I will be the first to admit that I was so called “homophobic” for many years, but having discovered that many people I know are “gay”, I have had to seriously rethink my views. Although I cannot begin to understand how genes work or how we are orientated from birth, I have to admit that we are all equal, with equal rights and entitled to be treated the same. Looking back to those days in the late 80s early 90s is shameful, that society treated men that way.

Manx Radio is, in my view quite brave to air those programs considering the way lots of people still think. Well done MR.

I also remember Edga  Quines comments on TV. WHAT ? ( although I assume they were mentioned in the broadcast)

Edited by dilligaf
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