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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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This leads me on to another point.

When you consider the longest serving member of House of Keys is.....Graham Cregeen MHK, then I wonder if Manx Radio generally was becoming far too knowledgeable about local politics and indeed local life in general. With so many of the House of Keys (and LegCo) these days being know-it-all newcomers to the Island (that is not intended as an insult, just a simple straightforward observation) there was a danger that the tail was wagging the dog.

Manx Radio - let's get it dumbed-down and make those pesky presenters more do their DJ record spinning job rather than dabble too much in things Manx and politic.

£95k will sort it.

...and job done.

Edited by gettafa
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1 hour ago, Declan said:

Stu's not my mate. 


"The latest figures confirm that overall radio listening remains strong with nine out of ten people (89.2% of the population) tuning in each week for an average of 20.8 hours."

Also commuters have had alternatives to radio since the invention of the cassette.

Your suggestion that television killed radio is ridiculous


I'm not too bothered by the changes to MR it's never really cut the mustard for me. I've always felt that most of it's programming is aim at someone older than me. I guess now I'm ancient I should be firmly in their target market - interested in local politics, Manx culture, involved a bit in local arts - but it has always felt like it was run for a clique of people like Howard Cain who seem totally unlike and disinterested in the people I know. 


Most of what he posts can be included in those four words

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1 hour ago, gettafa said:

This leads me on to another point.

When you consider the longest serving member of House of Keys is.....Graham Cregeen MHK, then I wonder if Manx Radio generally was becoming far too knowledgeable about local politics and indeed local life in general. With so many of the House of Keys (and LegCo) these days being know-it-all newcomers to the Island (that is not intended as an insult, just a simple straightforward observation) there was a danger that the tail was wagging the dog.

Manx Radio - let's get it dumbed-down and make those pesky presenters more do their DJ record spinning job rather than dabble too much in things Manx and politic.

£95k will sort it.

...and job done.

You clearly didn't read the Tynwald report. The £95k was an increase to recognize that the costs of providing the service had increased since the last time the Govt bung was settled. You would also know that only 37% of output is covered by the Govt bung and the remainder is funded by commercial income.

You have also used the term "establishment" yet haven't ever named who they are, where they meet, how you join the club and how it interferes with daily life.......again:D

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15 hours ago, craggy_steve said:

New MR MD on MTTV 

Good on him for doing the interview. Confirms what I suggested earlier in respect of the new schedule, obviously going after an audience of which I am not part - so nice to be excluded -  more to the point though he honestly accepts that MR are in competition with the other stations for advertising revenue, which seems to mean that we no longer have three radio stations trying to address separate segments of the audience in the IoM, because MR appears to be seeking to broaden its appeal into the demographic niches dominated by the other stations. 

Really not sure how that can work, a state subsidised station seeming to be in direct competition with the private sector for audience segments to bolster its advertising proposition. Not Mr Sully's fault, he's just here to make MR as successful as it can be within the rules set by Tynwald, but Tynwald need to get a grip. Either each station has its own target franchise / audience segment, or the market becomes a free for all with one having the advantage of state subsidy - ostensibly to do the PSB bit but nevertheless giving it a resilience and critical mass which the others cannot duplicate. Increasingly looking like the only rational solution is to take MR out of the commercial sector and fund it solely as a PSB.


I've been banging on about this for years now...

On 1/15/2013 at 6:54 AM, Albert Tatlock said:

The real issue is licencing. The communications commission issue licences, so why were 2 additional licences issued instead of 1 when it was likely that they would effectively cost the taxpayer money by loss of advertising revenue for Manx Radio? In other words why were things not looked into properly in the first place?

There needed to be a decision made on whether to maintain MR as a national broadcaster, or outsource to a third party. This is what licence issuers are paid well to do or at least advise on.

And how long are licences issued for? Forever, or can they not be renewed for, say, one of the stations?

I think many of us are missing some fundamental points in this debate. Now we are faced with three options?: start revoking licences after a certain time has passed, decide to outsource or keep the national broadcaster (the corporatisation debate) and sack the fuckwits who did not think all this through properly whilst being well paid to do so. But no way IMO in this debate should those in private business who have effectively wrecked the overall model by diluting it be given any taxpayers money at all.

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1 minute ago, Albert Tatlock said:

I've been banging on about this for years now...

On 1/15/2013 at 6:54 AM, Albert Tatlock said:

The real issue is licencing. The communications commission issue licences, so why were 2 additional licences issued instead of 1 when it was likely that they would effectively cost the taxpayer money by loss of advertising revenue for Manx Radio? In other words why were things not looked into properly in the first place?

There needed to be a decision made on whether to maintain MR as a national broadcaster, or outsource to a third party. This is what licence issuers are paid well to do or at least advise on.

And how long are licences issued for? Forever, or can they not be renewed for, say, one of the stations?

I think many of us are missing some fundamental points in this debate. Now we are faced with three options?: start revoking licences after a certain time has passed, decide to outsource or keep the national broadcaster (the corporatisation debate) and sack the fuckwits who did not think all this through properly whilst being well paid to do so. But no way IMO in this debate should those in private business who have effectively wrecked the overall model by diluting it be given any taxpayers money at all.

I think you'll find that the fuckwits you allude to have long gone with their gold plated pensions.

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1 hour ago, piebaps said:

You clearly didn't read the Tynwald report. The £95k was an increase to recognize that the costs of providing the service had increased since the last time the Govt bung was settled. You would also know that only 37% of output is covered by the Govt bung and the remainder is funded by commercial income.

You have also used the term "establishment" yet haven't ever named who they are, where they meet, how you join the club and how it interferes with daily life.......again:D

£95k is £95k, dress it up however you want.

If you claim you don't know what the establishment is, the chances are you are a part of it.

Who? What? How? try going to the Villa Marina on any 4th July for the Tynwald Banquet as a good starting point. 

I would point out that the establishment (the definition of which is rather nebulous depending on context and your ability/desire to understand) interferes with all our daily life, although I have to say not necessarily detrimentally.



Edited by gettafa
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