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Desperate Dan

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44 minutes ago, piebaps said:

IOM Today being totally up with the news as usual. The question was asked in the House of Keys on 4th Feb http://www.tynwald.org.im/business/hansard/20002020/k200204.pdf

The newspapers also rather spared giving a full account of Skelly's incoherence.   Edge asked a follow up questionCan the Minister confirm that, subject to the outcome of that procurement process, any of the organisations interested will have time to obtain the necessary licences that were part of the specification ? In other words had the DfE left the process so late, that any bidders (apart from Manx Radio presumably) wouldn't have time to complete the paperwork and technical requirements.  Skelly replied:


Yes, clearly we need to ensure compliance, and part of that will be technical ability to achieve what is necessary in the provision. Following that there is scoring, there is awarding, there is cooling off, and that is all part of the process.

Gura mie eu[1]

Which makes little sense, but seems to indicate quite a lengthy process still to be gone through when the TT is less than four months away.

Like everything else that seems to come out of DfE it seems so amateurish.  Any reasonable procurement process would have been completed and awarded months ago so that the successful bidder had the chance to get everything set up properly.  The contract would almost certainly be for more than a single year as well.  It's as if the people in DfE have so little to do and are so unwilling to make any decisions that they will drag everything out for a long as possible, just to justify their existence.  


[1]  It's a minor irritation, but why does Skelly insist on finishing every reply with saying "Thank you" in Manx?  No one does the equivalent in English.  It's like "Ooh! I know one Manx phrase and I'm going to use it at every opportunity".

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2 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

[1]  It's a minor irritation, but why does Skelly insist on finishing every reply with saying "Thank you" in Manx?

Rhetorical on your part I suspect Roger, but let me answer anyway:

Because he’s an Olympic standard twat.



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14 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

[1]  It's a minor irritation, but why does Skelly insist on finishing every reply with saying "Thank you" in Manx?  No one does the equivalent in English.  It's like "Ooh! I know one Manx phrase and I'm going to use it at every opportunity".

To be fair, everyone who uses any Manx phrases at all is like that

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22 minutes ago, quilp said:

He's been on every morning for a few months doing the early show woollster.

What? Instead of Chris Williams? Where's he gone then? Are they doing a cultural exchange? Fall out at 3FM? Shows how much I listen nowadays, doesn't it? Surprised George is back. I thought the chasm would be too wide with all that has happened.

ETA: I see. Chris W has been moved to late morning. How odd. Better then getting up for 5am, I suppose. I'd have told them to shove that billet. Maybe Chris did too! Doesn't answer why George is there rather than at 3FM.

Edited by woolley
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