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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Tuned in this morning expecting to hear the old Mandate days back with a speech based programme, but got to find out that Hartley is in hiding!

As BBC local stations revert back to a news agenda I think Manx Radio are missing the boat.

If you want to be the PSB of the island then dump the lightweight formate and DJ presenter and give Beth a full support team to keep the nation informed.

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I'm out of the loop as far as daytime programming is concerned (I've been 'socially isolated' since swapping to the Late Show in October and rarely see another soul). But a couple of thoughts:

Yes, the WuFlu is a global catastrophe - but on a local level there's probably little to actually report. Government gives a daily press conference and doesn't seem to engage with the media outside of that, certainly seems disinclined to answer questions but probably can't address specifics (which are most of the questions asked) as they're busy trying to keep taxpayers alive. Mostly understandable as they have The Bigger Picture to consider. There's only so many times you can tell people to stay at home and wash their hands, so it's important for life to continue outside of that bubble.

The schedule changes were made after asking listeners what they wanted and looking at what other PSB's were doing. Whilst I completely understand it might not please traditionalists who don't like change, I think the anecdotal evidence so far is that it's attracting new listeners who didn't like the old 'boring news and current affairs all morning'. Time will tell and there's nothing inscribed in tablets of stone. If BBC Local is going to a pure news format it's probably because they have a huge global news gathering operation generating a thousand stories an hour on how to wash your hands and stay at home.

There's been far too much talk of 'stepping up to the plate' recently. I take it to be an American sporting reference to do with their version of Rounders and has no place here. Let's stop it.

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14 minutes ago, Donald Trumps said:

Let there be a new station for younger listeners

& give us old folks community talk radio

They tried that once, KIK FM.

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23 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

The schedule changes were made after asking listeners what they wanted and looking at what other PSB's were doing. Whilst I completely understand it might not please traditionalists who don't like change, I think the anecdotal evidence so far is that it's attracting new listeners who didn't like the old 'boring news and current affairs all morning'.

Sorry Stu, most of the day time spoken word is inane. It is truly awful. I'm sure the listeners didn't sign up for that.

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On 3/23/2020 at 12:49 PM, x-in-man said:

That Wint bloke, his show is a fecking car crash most of the time.  Does he not know how to use a fader when he constantly tries to talk over people?  

Either that or he just goes for dead air. It is a technique that can be useful to force someone to speak further during that awkward moment but I suspect he has lost concentration/interest because he gets bored with anyone else's voice but his own.



On 3/23/2020 at 1:21 PM, Shake me up Judy said:

Rubbish isn't he. He just breezes through the programme, never really engaging with what people are saying, and eases them off the line with bland cliches, jaunty optimism and that awful media insincerity. 

Yes, when Beastie came on there was all that exuberant insincerity/sincerity like he was talking to an old friend.

Beastie was not put off one bit. She came on to give him a kick in the balls - for the way he treated an earlier listener - and duly delivered it.

Edited by gettafa
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2 hours ago, Donald Trumps said:

Yes, if there is a requirement for something for the young - & I'm not sure there is - it should perhaps be some kind of streaming music service

There are only a small number of DAB stations available on Island - perhaps extend the DAB capacity here so that more specialist speech and music channels are available.   Then MR could morph (back) into a very local community focussed station.  

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