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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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I quite like Manx Radio. Keeps me in touch and the like. But I do wish they would dump the multiple presenter thing. DJ’s should fly largely solo. If they can’t they are in the wrong job. And they do have some very good presenters. 

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2 hours ago, piebaps said:

Am I missing something? It was £875k last year, where did £3m come from?

You can't help yourself PB, can you. But thanks for the opportunity to explain:


RECOMMENDATION An increase in the basic public service subvention from £899,830 to a level of £995,000 plus CPI commencing 1st April 2020. This reflects our plans, detailed in this report, to increase audience engagement and involvement and the improved output across all platforms. Previously budgets have been cut which has had an adverse effect on output. This level of subvention combined with the commercial revenue predictions will provide a solid and sustainable footing for the future

Source: Manx Radio Report

You can go to Tynwald Hansard yourself for the nod through.

2020/21 is £995,00. (Between friends we can call that £1,000.00).

Over 3 years it is actually £3,045,098 (read the report page 9). For the sake of brevity I am happy to call that £3 million. OK?



It's party time on Douglas Head.

Hadn't you noticed?

Edited by gettafa
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You're being obtuse though gettafa: you're suggesting the annual subvention is £3m, and it clearly isn't. The actual amount has been up and down like a bride's nightie for years, going back to the Darwin Report (http://www.tynwald.org.im/business/committee/PSB/Public Evidence/Darwin Report.pdf) almost 20 years ago where Tynwald agreed a proper level of funding, inflation linked, then spent years trying to reduce it whilst allowing competition to erode commercial income yet wanting the same level of service.

I can't imagine any broadcaster anywhere in the world that has been subjected to so much scrutiny by so many 'experts' for so many years, and constantly mired in political and financial uncertainty, whilst maintaining a diverse and high quality output with something for everyone. You should be happy to have a Manx station that is owned by the people and run for the listeners (NOT the government as is often alleged). But crack on bitching about it - if you succeed you'll at least be doing Ron and Juan a favour.

Oh, and all this 'party time at Douglas Head' is tired and tedious. Nobody - even the big bosses - are on huge salaries compared to industry rates and equivalents elsewhere. Have a look at some BBC pay grades.

Edited by Stu Peters
Fat fingers
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5 hours ago, Wilson said:

I quite like Manx Radio. Keeps me in touch and the like. But I do wish they would dump the multiple presenter thing. DJ’s should fly largely solo. If they can’t they are in the wrong job. And they do have some very good presenters. 

I listened this morning at about 0515 for 20 minutes or so (Medium wave 1368) - one presenter is bad enough, but two? Really?

Rule #1 of early morning radio - speak little and no dribble.

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4 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

You're being obtuse though gettafa: you're suggesting the annual subvention is £3m, and it clearly isn't. The actual amount has been up and down like a bride's nightie for years, going back to the Darwin Report (http://www.tynwald.org.im/business/committee/PSB/Public Evidence/Darwin Report.pdf) almost 20 years ago where Tynwald agreed a proper level of funding, inflation linked, then spent years trying to reduce it whilst allowing competition to erode commercial income yet wanting the same level of service.

I can't imagine any broadcaster anywhere in the world that has been subjected to so much scrutiny by so many 'experts' for so many years, and constantly mired in political and financial uncertainty, whilst maintaining a diverse and high quality output with something for everyone. You should be happy to have a Manx station that is owned by the people and run for the listeners (NOT the government as is often alleged). But crack on bitching about it - if you succeed you'll at least be doing Ron and Juan a favour.

Oh, and all this 'party time at Douglas Head' is tired and tedious. Nobody - even the big bosses - are on huge salaries compared to industry rates and equivalents elsewhere. Have a look at some BBC pay grades.

I think the crux is we are effectively paying twice for public service broadcasting- once through the subvention, and secondly through the license fee. And MR is a hybrid, as it is allowed to take advertising revenue. 

Its these sort of really reasoned debates that now need to take place post-crisis. Goverment needs to take a very hard look at affordability, and also what is affordable for the public. The subvention costs around 30 quid per household. That is a lot of bread on the table.

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4 hours ago, Wilson said:

I agree. I think Manx Radio consistently punches above its weight on what is pretty much a shoestring budget. Critics need to be careful what they wish for.

Considering how small it's listenership is it's incredibly expensive. I will be willing to bet both 3fm and Energy FM run on a lot less than the cost of the subvention let alone the additional commercial revenue.

Edited by Ham_N_Eggs
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10 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

...and no dribble.

Do you mean drivel? Or can you actually hear dribble dripping onto the microphone? Perhaps you can.

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4 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

You're being obtuse though gettafa: you're suggesting the annual subvention is £3m, and it clearly isn't. The actual amount has been up and down like a bride's nightie for years, going back to the Darwin Report (http://www.tynwald.org.im/business/committee/PSB/Public Evidence/Darwin Report.pdf) almost 20 years ago where Tynwald agreed a proper level of funding, inflation linked, then spent years trying to reduce it whilst allowing competition to erode commercial income yet wanting the same level of service.

I can't imagine any broadcaster anywhere in the world that has been subjected to so much scrutiny by so many 'experts' for so many years, and constantly mired in political and financial uncertainty, whilst maintaining a diverse and high quality output with something for everyone. You should be happy to have a Manx station that is owned by the people and run for the listeners (NOT the government as is often alleged). But crack on bitching about it - if you succeed you'll at least be doing Ron and Juan a favour.

Oh, and all this 'party time at Douglas Head' is tired and tedious. Nobody - even the big bosses - are on huge salaries compared to industry rates and equivalents elsewhere. Have a look at some BBC pay grades.

But we are not the BBC Stu, we are a small radio station broadcasting to a very small audience ! sort of hospital radio on a slightly bigger scale ! Not knocking the station as I've never been a listener but in these times its hard to justify a million quid a year when other arguable more important frontline services are going to hell for lack of cash !

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6 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

Do you mean drivel? Or can you actually hear dribble dripping onto the microphone? Perhaps you can.

Probably both. Been up since 03:45 so brain's fading...

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7 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

You're being obtuse though gettafa: you're suggesting the annual subvention is £3m, and it clearly isn't.

Apologies; if you think I am being obtuse. . Please let me know where I have suggested the subvention is £3million per annum. The subvention for 2020/2021 is £1million (ok, ok, actually £995,000 subvention).  The subvention was granted by Tynwald for 3 years. So £3million it is, in the coffers. 

So I don't think need to use any hyperbowl.

I shall have to use those little numbers that @Roger Mexico uses to explain stuff {1}


7 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

 The actual amount has been up and down like a bride's nightie for years, going back to the Darwin Report

Do you really, really want me to counter that statement...

7 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Oh, and all this 'party time at Douglas Head' is tired and tedious. Nobody - even the big bosses - are on huge salaries compared to industry rates and equivalents elsewhere. Have a look at some BBC pay grades.

I didn't suggest that anyone is on huge salaries, but now you mention it, I understand when staff were put on a contract rate, the hand of the giver was just about bitten off. Care to expand?

I want a .decent Manx Radio, of course I do, and always have done, but some of the changes that have been implemented over the past 2/3 years and especially the last 6 months are cringeworthy. That is ok, I have no problem with that. But when it comes to such huge sums of taxpayers money propping it up then I feel I have the right to place my opinion.

I have to say, and never thought I would, but Ron and Juan sound to me like a good alternative. I wonder what the think about all this?



 I am 'acute' enough to realise that just now it is churlish and unhelpful to "bitch". I am sure the current situation with the Island/The World will sort this out in its own way...



[1] This sum is what has been granted by Tynwald for the next 3 years and is made up of:

20/21: £995,000

21/22: £1,014,900

22/23: £1,035,198

Nominally this totals over £3million (actually £3,045,098)


Edited by gettafa
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38 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Apologies; if you think I am being obtuse. . Please let me know where I have suggested the subvention is £3million per annum. The subvention for 2020/2021 is £1million (ok, ok, actually £995,000 subvention).  The subvention was granted by Tynwald for 3 years. So £3million it is, in the coffers. 

So I don't think need to use any hyperbowl.

I shall have to use those little numbers that @Roger Mexico uses to explain stuff {1}


Do you really, really want me to counter that statement...

I didn't suggest that anyone is on huge salaries, but now you mention it, I understand when staff were put on a contract rate, the hand of the giver was just about bitten off. Care to expand?

I want a .decent Manx Radio, of course I do, and always have done, but some of the changes that have been implemented over the past 2/3 years and especially the last 6 months are cringeworthy. That is ok, I have no problem with that. But when it comes to such huge sums of taxpayers money propping it up then I feel I have the right to place my opinion.

I have to say, and never thought I would, but Ron and Juan sound to me like a good alternative. I wonder what the think about all this?



 I am 'acute' enough to realise that just now it is churlish and unhelpful to "bitch". I am sure the current situation with the Island/The World will sort this out in its own way...



[1] This sum is what has been granted by Tynwald for the next 3 years and is made up of:

20/21: £995,000

21/22: £1,014,900

22/23: £1,035,198

Nominally this totals over £3million (actually £3,045,098)


'So I don't think need to use any hyperbowl' - Is that like the Superbowl, only bigger?

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