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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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3 hours ago, gettafa said:

And have a King Bill's education.

And still be thick? Imagine having paid for an education and not knowing how to spell hyperbole!

You made out MR has been gifted £3m. It hasn't. My car tax is £500 a year, I haven't just paid £1500. Audience size is a way to justify BBC - sized budgets maybe, but it has no real impact on production costs in broadcasting. And for the millionth time, 3FM and Energy are much cheaper to operate because there are very few people involved in playing 24/7 music. You might be happy with that, but few MR listeners who appreciate the station would accept it.

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18 hours ago, GreyWolf said:

Been listening again to Manx recently, more for news and updates but I have to say the De Haven girl is very good when she’s got a solo slot, there’s no need to double or triple up every show.

Christy is very good, shame those who know best took away her excellent Sunday afternoon show

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14 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

And still be thick? Imagine having paid for an education and not knowing how to spell hyperbole!

You made out MR has been gifted £3m. It hasn't. My car tax is £500 a year, I haven't just paid £1500. Audience size is a way to justify BBC - sized budgets maybe, but it has no real impact on production costs in broadcasting. And for the millionth time, 3FM and Energy are much cheaper to operate because there are very few people involved in playing 24/7 music. You might be happy with that, but few MR listeners who appreciate the station would accept it.

The cream of the nation, rich & thick

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26 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

And still be thick? Imagine having paid for an education and not knowing how to spell hyperbole!

You made out MR has been gifted £3m. It hasn't. My car tax is £500 a year, I haven't just paid £1500. Audience size is a way to justify BBC - sized budgets maybe, but it has no real impact on production costs in broadcasting. And for the millionth time, 3FM and Energy are much cheaper to operate because there are very few people involved in playing 24/7 music. You might be happy with that, but few MR listeners who appreciate the station would accept it.

In red is one of the Whoosshhh!!! moments. Maybe someone else will explain. But your words are indeed surprisingly appropriate.

Your car tax analogy is about as obtuse as can be. I won't even think about digging into it, not even for sport. Anyway,  I'll not mention £3million without qualifying it with the 'over 3 years' thing, but it is a valid amount give to Manx Radio by Tynwald. Whether Manx Radio spends it in one year (they could get lots and lots more presenters for example, lots more) or 3 years, it is granted to them.  But you surely agree with the £995,000 for this year. And even more next year and the year after that.

It is all academic I would suggest. All things considered. 

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If you gave me £3 million quid to produce 3 years worth of radio, I'd bite your hands off. 

12 hours of content @ £100 an hour (7am-7pm), 365 days a year costs £438,000.
Kids are making this stuff in their bedrooms, now. For clicks and ad commission. Are you telling me we can't tempt a few Manx kids to knock out some programming for the "nations station", even if we offer them £100 an hour?

Of course we can.

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6 hours ago, gettafa said:

Apologies; if you think I am being obtuse. . Please let me know where I have suggested the subvention is £3million per annum. The subvention for 2020/2021 is £1million (ok, ok, actually £995,000 subvention).  The subvention was granted by Tynwald for 3 years. So £3million it is, in the coffers. 

So I don't think need to use any hyperbowl. hyperbole

I shall have to use those little numbers that @Roger Mexico uses to explain stuff {1}


Do you really, really want me to counter that statement...

I didn't suggest that anyone is on huge salaries, but now you mention it, I understand when staff were put on a contract rate, the hand of the giver was just about bitten off. Care to expand?

I want a .decent Manx Radio, of course I do, and always have done, but some of the changes that have been implemented over the past 2/3 years and especially the last 6 months are cringeworthy. That is ok, I have no problem with that. But when it comes to such huge sums of taxpayers money propping it up then I feel I have the right to place my opinion.

I have to say, and never thought I would, but Ron and Juan sound to me like a good alternative. I wonder what the think about all this?



 I am 'acute' enough to realise that just now it is churlish and unhelpful to "bitch". I am sure the current situation with the Island/The World will sort this out in its own way...



[1] This sum is what has been granted by Tynwald for the next 3 years and is made up of:

20/21: £995,000

21/22: £1,014,900

22/23: £1,035,198

Nominally this totals over £3million (actually £3,045,098)



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Lissen yessir: We've only juss learned how t'say it. We don't know what it means. We don't know how to spell it. Don't come here with yer fancy words that yer learned at one of them fancy polly-technics. We never picked spuds and landed the herrin' with no hyperbowl. Boat in morning. On second thoughts...f**k it. 

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On 4/1/2020 at 10:41 AM, GD4ELI said:

Radio 3 is a blessed relief from the bollox of Brexit, that silly virus and the dumbing-down of daytime Radio 2 (Ken Bruce excepted).

Try it - and as for a comparison with MR - I'd say it's valid.

No need for any live presenters at MR until 7AM.

Ken Bruce is a bit of an anachronism nowadays having been a fixture on R2 since Wogan jacked it in the first time in 1985. He is to R2 in 2020 what Sing Something Simple was in 2000.

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11 minutes ago, pongo said:

Assuming you mean BBC Radio 3 - then I completely agree. It's the only old legacy broadcast station I still like. And the very best thing about the BBC.

I like to think that it could survive privatisation via corporate sponsorship or subscription rather than advertising. And without dumbing down any further. And it has dumbed down a little over the past decade.

Doesn't need a transmitter though. The whole transmitter network should be shutdown IMO - state and commercial. And the bandwidth given over to better internet.

You always say that, Pongo. Broadcasting still has a long way to go and it is more efficient for large audiences than streaming. Although you might have a point on that score when it comes to the number listening to Radio 3. I doubt it could survive privatisation but I'm confident it won't ever have to. Lot of influence among that tiny audience.

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29 minutes ago, woolley said:

Ken Bruce is a bit of an anachronism nowadays having been a fixture on R2 since Wogan jacked it in the first time in 1985. He is to R2 in 2020 what Sing Something Simple was in 2000.

Totally agree!  The morning classics are well worth a mention,  Vivaldi this week. (Not the 4 seasons) 

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