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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Why does a radio station need to operate from a prime real estate site valued at 1.175 million ?

Surely in these days of technology it could operate from an industrial unit costing far less to service the debt and thus need less support ?

Serious questions

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Stu, I don't listen to Manx Radio ever as it just does not appeal to me but I do listen to Energy FM and Radio 1 and 2. However, I do appreciate that there are a great many people on the island, mainly our older folk, who do listen to Manx Radio and it keeps them abreast of what's happening on the island but having said that I fail to understand why the island's other two radio stations (Energy FM and 3FM) function without having to be subsidised by taxpayer money, why can't Manx Radio function without taxpayer subsidies?

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1 minute ago, asitis said:

Why does a radio station need to operate from a prime real estate site valued at 1.175 million ?

Because it's nice of course.

I like MR.

Whenever the sirens are sounded I always check that our wireless is tuned into MR.

That's the thing about Public Service Broadcasting - the public have to pay for it.

(The clue is in the name - Public Service Broadcasting)

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8 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I object to the term 'handouts' as you would expect. But moving on, learning lessons and going forward. Why would they?* They're private businesses with shareholders established primarily to return a profit, whereas Manx Radio is owned by the people it serves, and was established to provide a public service. The cost of providing a public service needs to come from the public purse.


* I have no knowledge of any grants, loans or other favourable deals done by government to aid either station, someone else might.

If MR is owned by the people it serves, have they chosen it's present direction?

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1 minute ago, Donald Trumps said:

If MR is owned by the people it serves, have they chosen it's present direction?

Steady on.

The "people" were allowed to choose the direction of the UK.

Look how badly that turned out...!

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10 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Steady on.

The "people" were allowed to choose the direction of the UK.

Look how badly that turned out...!

More interminable and insufferable trolling. Who are you trying to impress, other than yourself you boring fuck?

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3 hours ago, asitis said:

Why does a radio station need to operate from a prime real estate site valued at 1.175 million ?

Surely in these days of technology it could operate from an industrial unit costing far less to service the debt and thus need less support ?

Serious questions

HMS Urley was little more than a worthless concrete military installation when Manx Radio was first offered it (presumably by IOMG). Generations of MR engineers have knocked it into some sort of shape where it's now fit for purpose as Broadcasting House, but probably unsuitable for anything much else but knocking down to be replaced by yuppie flats. Would you prefer that? I'd be quite happy to broadcast from a warehouse out of town, but the move would probably cost more than you'd save. And government isn't very good at selling supposedly 'prime' developement sites so it would probably just be left to rot.


3 hours ago, yootalkin2me said:

Stu, I don't listen to Manx Radio ever as it just does not appeal to me but I do listen to Energy FM and Radio 1 and 2. However, I do appreciate that there are a great many people on the island, mainly our older folk, who do listen to Manx Radio and it keeps them abreast of what's happening on the island but having said that I fail to understand why the island's other two radio stations (Energy FM and 3FM) function without having to be subsidised by taxpayer money, why can't Manx Radio function without taxpayer subsidies?

 They are not required to provide the same level of service. What they do is great if you just want background music and a few news headlines, but 'more music' stations costs a fraction of what a full-service local station does. Manx Radio could compete directly with them if the government gave the station to those operating it (to run as an unsupported workers co-op maybe), but it would simply become another jukebox station with no real news, current affairs, community programming, farming, specialist music, sport, religion, Manx Gaelic, outside broadcasts, phone-ins or documentary series (and much more). 


3 hours ago, Donald Trumps said:

If MR is owned by the people it serves, have they chosen it's present direction?

I think many of the schedule changes made in October were as a result of asking radio listeners what they wanted, so yes. If the number listening goes down, changes will be made again I'm sure.

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