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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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7 hours ago, Donald Trumps said:

There's an election coming

Matt Hancock in the UK is preening himself in front of the cameras, perhaps in the hope that the Johnson premiership is about to tumble

Hang on there...Hancock is being set up as the fall guy for all this. He hasn’t one chance in a billion of leading the Tories. The figure readying for the fall of the rapidly failing Johnson is none other than historic NHS underminer Jeremy Hunt. That’s why he laid into Johnson (successfully) last week at the Liaison Committee hearing. The irony of Hunt challenging Johnson on the failure of government to support both the NHS and care homes wasn’t lost on me, and illustrates the moral vacuum at the heart of politics.

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7 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Hang on there...Hancock is being set up as the fall guy for all this. He hasn’t one chance in a billion of leading the Tories. The figure readying for the fall of the rapidly failing Johnson is none other than historic NHS underminer Jeremy Hunt. That’s why he laid into Johnson (successfully) last week at the Liaison Committee hearing. The irony of Hunt challenging Johnson on the failure of government to support both the NHS and care homes wasn’t lost on me, and illustrates the moral vacuum at the heart of politics.

The likes of Shapps have been telling anyone who will listen that there would have been fewer fatalities had there been a decent testing system in place putting Hancock front and centre for the inevitable Public Enquiry. Plus they've all been lying about protecting care homes when the reality is they did nothing.

Hunt will also be pilloried for the running of exercise Cygnus and then ignoring the findings.

Frankly I think the vacuum in UK politics is between the ears of the politicians...!

I wonder how the Bozo Bluster Show that is PMQ's will pan out today? Rees-Mogg only wanted MPs back in the HoC to try and make Bozo look less like a rabbit in the headlights. It might just faze Starmer enough to put him off his forensic approach. I guess we'll find out.

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You’re right that Bozo’s crew will be highlighting Hunt’s past misdemeanors to protect their guy. As for the baying Tory mob putting Starmer off his stride...not a bit of it. This is a guy who was one of the country’s top QCs. He’s more articulate, better prepared, brighter and better informed than Johnson. The fact that the Tory Back-bench automatons will be grunting and snarling will neither deflect Starmer nor improve Bozo’s failing performance at the despatch box.

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13 hours ago, Scotty said:

That is just the online stuff though. The majority actually listen to the radio. You know, the medium that is what the service is all about

You are correct of course.

But it is an indication that can't be ignored. When you consider the previous figures Manx Radio was top of the pile.

Well, let's wait for the next set of RAJAR figures. Even a second virus wave won't save New Manx Radio from a kicking, which I believe it did this time. 

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6 minutes ago, gettafa said:

It's better than an MF thread being taken over by continued and irrelevant biatch fights between two posters

I don't think that happens so much nowadays, does it? Anyway, I believe that is the first time I ever had to look up the meaning of a word posted on MF. Congratulations. 

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12 minutes ago, gettafa said:

You are correct of course.

But it is an indication that can't be ignored. When you consider the previous figures Manx Radio was top of the pile.

Well, let's wait for the next set of RAJAR figures. Even a second virus wave won't save New Manx Radio from a kicking, which I believe it did this time. 

I used to be very pro Manx Radio and the subvention. I still feel the same way in terms of the value of a lot of the local interest speech based content. I think now that the problem they have is not so much with themselves but with the audience. How interested really are today's young adults in this local interest production, and are they going to replace the older, dying listeners in sufficient numbers? If not, and I strongly suspect not, then it becomes progressively harder to sustain an argument for the subvention as time goes on and the problem becomes more acute and obvious to all. It isn't a situation peculiar to Manx Radio. It's likely that the network of BBC local stations around the UK will also come under increasing scrutiny for precisely the same reasons. Alienating older listeners through programme changes in an attempt to attract a demographic that isn't even engaged will only hasten the downward spiral. 

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Spot on.

Although I would point out that Manx Radio, even in action as 'New' Manx Radio, managed to secure  a £million a year of taxpayers money over the next three years.

I suppose it is like a politician knowing they can to do what the hell they like for the next 5 years, and stick two fingers up at their constituents (until maybe the 9 months or so running up to next election).

Edited by gettafa
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13 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Hang on there...Hancock is being set up as the fall guy for all this. He hasn’t one chance in a billion of leading the Tories. The figure readying for the fall of the rapidly failing Johnson is none other than historic NHS underminer Jeremy Hunt. That’s why he laid into Johnson (successfully) last week at the Liaison Committee hearing. The irony of Hunt challenging Johnson on the failure of government to support both the NHS and care homes wasn’t lost on me, and illustrates the moral vacuum at the heart of politics.

Hunt hasn't got a chance of being made PM

Hancock appears to be enjoying his time in the sun

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7 minutes ago, Donald Trumps said:

Do people still listen to the radio on the radio?

Well judging by the miniscule numbers listening online you would have to hope so. What a shame we can't assess broadcast listening numbers as easily as we can for streaming.  

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Radio should perhaps be abondoned & internet service providers obliged to provide a limited bandwidth free internet service for visitors  - & those who don't want to invest in lots of tech bits  - as a part of their service contract

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