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Desperate Dan

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18 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I'm quite happy for you to explain how. Did they order Boris to delay the UK lockdown by 3 weeks and pretend everything is fine?

I am in no way defending the Thug State that the CCP operates, and am fully aware that they told lies early on and continue to do so.

It is accurate to say the world has suffered because of China.  People should remember that when racing to buy their cheap low quality shit off Amazon.

Edited by The Dog's Dangly Bits
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4 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

It is accurate to say the world has suffered because of China.  People should remember that when racing to buy their cheap low quality shit of Amazon.

25% tariff on everything would be a good start. It might encourage the rest of the world to start making their own stuff again.

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5 minutes ago, woolley said:

25% tariff on everything would be a good start. It might encourage the rest of the world to start making their own stuff again.

Agreed.  Trump is spot on with trade tariffs.

China are like a fucking plague flooding the world with low quality shite.  It's a shame so much manufacturing has gone because of it.

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Another supposed shitstorm here on Fraggle Rock. 

Manx Solutions for Manx Problems - bound to entail a screw up, and cost a fortune.

I really hope that Stu Peters gets a fair hearing, and is not subjected to the Manx Lynch Mob mentality, with a hatred of successful and financially independent  people, than a concern with justice.



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47 minutes ago, woolley said:

Would you prefer China Flu? Are you afraid to acknowledge that it came from China?

No - but would be grateful if you could point me to some conclusive evidence. All I can seem to find are conclusions which involve the words "believed" or "suspected".

On the balance of probabilities, it appears (there's another of those wishy washy terms) more likely than less likely it originated in China, but that could change.


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1 minute ago, piebaps said:

No - but would be grateful if you could point me to some conclusive evidence. All I can seem to find are conclusions which involve the words "believed" or "suspected".

On the balance of probabilities, it appears (there's another of those wishy washy terms) more likely than less likely it originated in China, but that could change.


Wait up to two weeks, info is leaking out.

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12 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

Agreed.  Trump is spot on with trade tariffs.

China are like a fucking plague flooding the world with low quality shite.  It's a shame so much manufacturing has gone because of it.

Are we not equally to blame for so eagerly consuming it, in the name of our consumerism-driven economy then? Whether it's Chinese designed and made or just assembled in China from Western components?

All in the name of profit and lower costs to us, the proud new owners?

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I’ve listened to it.  I don’t think Stu is consciously racist. But he is totally unempathtic towards the experience of the first two male callers, interupts throughout openly laughs at them. The female caller that follows is at least spoken to with respect, but then has a good blokey chuckle about her with the next caller. 

The best radio phone in hosts respect the callers, listen to them draw out their experience. There is empathy and they don’t simply scoff and dismiss uncomfortable views. 

Manx Radio will never win my listening if this is the way its presenters treat the public. 

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

If I poison you, is your absolute failure to handle the toxicity my fault?

I suspect, because I cannot be certain, that China didn't deliberately spread the virus.

Dear me....

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15 minutes ago, Declan said:

I’ve listened to it.  I don’t think Stu is consciously racist. But he is totally unempathtic towards the experience of the first two male callers, interupts throughout openly laughs at them. The female caller that follows is at least spoken to with respect, but then has a good blokey chuckle about her with the next caller. 

The best radio phone in hosts respect the callers, listen to them draw out their experience. There is empathy and they don’t simply scoff and dismiss uncomfortable views. 

Manx Radio will never win my listening if this is the way its presenters treat the public. 

I just hope he gets a fair hearing in this world of people looking to be offended. I'm sure people call his show in the sure knowledge that Stu will not be Alex Brindley.

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44 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

The clip is still on the site. Seems typical Stu and some SJWs got their knickers in a twist. Remember it's fashionable to be outraged. 

Isle of Man News and Politics in absolute meltdown, although I suspect 99% of the contributors haven't even heard it. Nothing new there.

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1 hour ago, Mr Newbie said:

If you’ve heard the clip (it’s on FB now) it isn’t really that controversial. It seems like some sad teenager full of her own self righteousness and her silly student mates who have nothing to do currently have blown it up out of all proportion. It wasn’t a classic Stu Peters fauxpar of the inferior Jeremy Clarkson variety sadly. He even agreed with her at one point. This has all the classic signals of a #metoo “2” style social media trend about it. Everyone is jumping on board claiming they’ve been affected even if they’re very clearly white. 

I've heard it a fair bit of it and I am sure that Stu thought he was being perfectly reasonable and I would not describe, in the parts I have heard Stu being overtly racist. However as I have stated previously in these discussions, unlike say Andy Wint who love him or hate him he comes across as putting the alternative view to that of the caller, Stu comes across as somebody stating his view and he makes it fairly clear when he agrees or disagrees with a view being expressed and this can be a problem.

In a nutshell from the parts I heard it appeared that Stu was expressing his opinion that there was not and is not in general prejudice or discriminated against black/coloured people. His view appeared to be that they got a bit of abuse just a person might get for being fat. He also expressed the view that as the previous president of America was coloured that was an indication that coloured/black people have the same opportunities etc in the USA as white people. There seemed to be no understanding that because a few might break through there may be a large pool who where still subject to prejudice. I would also argue that Obama despite being president of the USA was subject to a level of prejudice just because of his colour. Which white president has been subject to continued allegations that they are not American?

Now I am a solidly Anglo Saxon middle class male and have no direct experience of any such prejudice but I can see that there appears to be, in places, prejudice by large elements against coloured black people and while, fortunately, in the IoM we do not have the brutality some cops in the USA appear to routinely like to dish out I am sure there is an element of prejudice in the IoM. You just have to hear the language that some people use over here. 

In essence I don't think that Stu showed any awareness that many see the problem in tackling the racism that does is exist and addressing the problem,  is the likes of him and me not recognising that it is prevalent in society as we are not on the receiving end and it is not overt. We all say we have no truck with it and will stand up for anybody who is overtly being abused but there are plenty of ways it can be made to felt without it being overt and Stu appeared to come across as basically disparaging that.

I presume that he did not meant to and is probably mortified that it has been taken that way.

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