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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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38 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I didn't say that! 

You can't dismiss things out of hand without listening to both sides of an argument. If you do, you are just another uniformed person standing on one side.

I've had the misfortune over many years of listening to his arguments and those like him. So not uninformed by any means.

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1 hour ago, Manxberry said:


They’re just woke folk. Let’s keep surfing the media and social media looking for the next thing we can get outraged about - even when they have no apparent or actual real life experience of the thing that apparently outrages them so much! 

Edited by Mr Newbie
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Well I've just listened to most of the broadcast, the disrespectful tones came from the callers rather than Stu Peters, they were trying to goad him at every turn. The black chap, 'Jordan McGuire' sounded very Manx, considering that he has only lived here since 2016 I thought? This seems like an organised rant by three people who want to stir things up racially. Sometimes these things have a way of backfiring! 

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42 minutes ago, woolley said:

They did it by omission and neglect of responsibility, obfuscation and lying. Same result.

They didn't deliberately put virus shedders on aircraft to spread it around. 

Dear me, like having to deal with Trump...

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6 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Well I've just listened to most of the broadcast, the disrespectful tones came from the callers rather than Stu Peters, they were trying to goad him at every turn. The black chap, 'Jordan McGuire' sounded very Manx, considering that he has only lived here since 2016 I thought? This seems like an organised rant by three people who want to stir things up racially. Sometimes these things have a way of backfiring! 

What the fuck. Are you gatekeeping being black now?

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16 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

They’re just woke folk. Let’s keep surfing the media and social media looking for the next thing we can get outraged about - even they have no apparent or actual real life experience of the thing that apparently outrages them so much! 

"woke" "virtue signalling" "snowflake"

Terms made up by the right-wing in an effort to silence any discussion about, you know, actually being better people.

Edited by HeliX
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3 hours ago, Amadeus said:

The clip is still on the site. Seems typical Stu and some SJWs got their knickers in a twist. Remember it's fashionable to be outraged. 

Correct, but remember whilst most of the faux outrage, and condemnation, is done, as to not to make a passing reference, and it’s deemed that you are either a subverted racist or you merely have no feelings. This shitstorm out of nothing has been manufactured, and designed to cause controversy, prior to the BLM demo next week. Manx Radio sadly has lost the plot, but the damage has been done. 

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4 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Correct, but remember whilst most of the faux outrage, and condemnation, is done, as to not to make a passing reference, and it’s deemed that you are either a subverted racist or you merely have no feelings. This shitstorm out of nothing has been manufactured, and designed to cause controversy, prior to the BLM demo next week. Manx Radio sadly has lost the plot, but the damage has been done. 

Nothing faux about it. His comments were outrageous. As they have been many times in the past, too. Wonder if he'll get away with it this time.

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Just now, Max Power said:

Not Black, the guy's accent seemed very Manx although he has only lived here since 2016?

What relevance does that have? To me it sounded like somewhere between Liverpool and Manchester, but unless I'm reading your post wrong you're attempting to discredit his viewpoint on racism as a young black male based on how you feel about his accent?

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

That's globalisation for you. They told Blair and his ilk that it would emancipate the world and level people up. What they meant was they could get everything made for peanuts and to hell with labour conditions and the environment. Unregulated global capital doing what it does. You can say we are equally to blame, but where can you turn when so many household necessities are made exclusively in China. I would agree that a consumerism driven economy is an abomination, not to mention unsustainable.

However I have always thought that a lot of the UK's manufacturing problems were caused by profiteering, poor management and lack of care for employees.

It seems that big business has forgotten that people won't accept the massive profits that are made and the fact that there is/was hardly any customer care. Make as much profit as possible and try and get away with the poorest quality and customer care possible seems to have been the mantra.

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3 minutes ago, HeliX said:

What relevance does that have? To me it sounded like somewhere between Liverpool and Manchester, but unless I'm reading your post wrong you're attempting to discredit his viewpoint on racism as a young black male based on how you feel about his accent?

What I'm questioning is whether this is simply a set up to a) Get rid of Stu Peters and b) To promote the BML protest on 9th June. His viewpoint is fine but his supposed outrage is pathetic. He obviously couldn't debate and get his point across, he had to do it by discrediting every other viewpoint out of hand, even it was pretty mild in terms of the subject. That's not how you win over any support, you create more opposition.

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9 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Nothing faux about it. His comments were outrageous. As they have been many times in the past, too. Wonder if he'll get away with it this time.

Outrageous. oh come on.

You have to be careful with using superlatives because you very soon run out of them. You place the ceiling too low. And it devalues your stance and agenda.


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