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Desperate Dan

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Just now, HeliX said:

If the only way you can conceive of someone standing up for someone else is that they're virtue-signalling and attention-seeking, that's a rather sad view of the world.

That wasn't the case though was it? Nobody was being put down, a question was being posed as to the reasons for a protest outside Tynwald and whether there was white privilege on the IoM. There's a big no no it seems on asking questions or debating things, we just have to accept that there is. To question anything is to be racist, isn't this fascism? 

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2 minutes ago, Max Power said:

That wasn't the case though was it? Nobody was being put down, a question was being posed as to the reasons for a protest outside Tynwald and whether there was white privilege on the IoM. There's a big no no it seems on asking questions or debating things, we just have to accept that there is. To question anything is to be racist, isn't this fascism? 

I think we're talking at cross purposes, the post of mine you've quoted was a comment on the use of the word "woke" to dismiss constructive discussion about becoming better to each other, not really anything to do with last night's radio.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with asking questions, so long as you're interested in the answer and not just trying to push an agenda.

I have no complaints with Stu asking questions. The complaints I have are around the way he spoke to the first two callers, his comments about not benefiting from privilege, and his repeated quoting of statistics about "black on black" crime as some sort of refutation of the worth of the BLM movement, with refusal to accept any reasoning behind the statistics (i.e. it's about poverty, not race).

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

It seems it was Stu's contribution to the thread on here which prompted the callers to come on to his programme 'Late, Live and Unleashed'. I thought he behaved respectably whilst teasing out some good points from the callers? Isn't that the purpose of phone in programmes? I can't see racism in any of his comments, just asking the questions which a lot of people would ask at this time! I almost think that this was a set up by a group of friends who have set out to try and trap him. He didn't say anything at all racist, other than to question whether is existed to any great degree on the island, is that something which he should lose his job for?

He repeatedly interrupted and laughed at them. He wasn’t interested in the point of view or getting them talking about their experiences. To the extent that the first caller rung off frustrated. He didn’t do that when Quirkio said there’s no such thing as white privilege because his skin burns in the sun. Or when another caller drew conclusions about all black people “or coloureds” as he called them one kid had been shy around him but friendly with somebody he knew and thought that was racism “against whitey”. 

I think it’s because Stu has a limited world view and can see the point of view of blokey blokes of certain age and although he probably genuinely believes racism and sexism  is wrong but can’t empathise with the people it affects. So he equates it with being fat or ginger. That’s like saying to someone in hospital with Covid “flu can be terrible too”. 

That’s not good broadcasting, and whatever the subject, I don’t want to hear that. Maybe he can trained by his bosses to reach an acceptable standard but he’s been unlistenable for a long time now. 

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1 hour ago, HeliX said:

He said "I have no more privilege as a white man than you do as a black man". Which is patently false.


Nobody is claiming there aren't underprivileged white folk. But the point is, that if any living white person had been born black instead, they would have had more barriers thrown up in their path during life, experienced more racism and prejudice, and generally had a shittier time.

Well I can’t think of many black radio presenters in the UK for starters, especially around Stu Peters age, surely that should tell him something.

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25 minutes ago, Max Power said:

That wasn't the case though was it? Nobody was being put down, a question was being posed as to the reasons for a protest outside Tynwald and whether there was white privilege on the IoM. There's a big no no it seems on asking questions or debating things, we just have to accept that there is. To question anything is to be racist, isn't this fascism? 

Too true. But I can't understand why Stu puts himself through it with such contentious subjects. It was just the same with the "wet ops" affair where the only effect was more publicity for Murphy's cause and his profile. I do wish he would keep away from controversy because it only takes someone to come on and take the conversation to an area where he makes an ill-considered or thoughtless remark, shooting from the hip as he does. It's recorded online for all time and then it's another shitfest. It might be honest, but it's bloody stressful.

Memo to Stu: Stick to something boring like Manx politics and hold your hand out for the money at the end of the month.

Edited by woolley
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54 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Stu Peters has said something stupid and you wonder if it's a setup? He does have priors.


I presume the latter half of your post is referring to Peters.

If he was such a broadcaster/presenter that provoked division and had ‘previous’ as you claim, I’m quite positive The Nations Propoganda Mouthpiece wouldn’t entertain him at their Studios either as an employee or as a freelancer. I’m sure AGs Chamber would be listening each night for fear that something untowards is uttered.

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Just listened to the whole exchange. Stu certainly said some clumsy things - the bit about not being more privileged for example - but I don’t think he was racist, nor was he disrespectful to the callers. He was polite, and he was interrupted as much as he interrupted. 

Trouble with racism accusations, particularly for those made against people working in the public sector (NHS, local authorities etc - public broadcaster too I suppose) is that they’re investigated with a “guilty until proven guilty” approach (not my line - I think I got it from a book about NHS whistleblowing) - Stu may not get out of this, and unlike Clarkson I doubt Amazon will be calling.

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