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Desperate Dan

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3 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Particularly for those made against people working in the public sector (NHS, local authorities etc - public broadcaster too I suppose) is that they’re investigated with a “guilty until proven guilty” approach (not my line - I think I got it from a book about NHS whistleblowing) - Stu may not get out of this, and unlike Clarkson I doubt Amazon will be calling.

Didn’t he also years ago get involved in some bizarre situation like a scene out of Extras where he said something about some noisy kid in a restaurant or cafe who turned out to be some sort of spanner and there was a public backlash as well? 

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3 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Just listened to the whole exchange. Stu certainly said some clumsy things - the bit about not being more privileged for example - but I don’t think he was racist, nor was he disrespectful to the callers. He was polite, and he was interrupted as much as he interrupted. 

Trouble with racism accusations, particularly for those made against people working in the public sector (NHS, local authorities etc - public broadcaster too I suppose) is that they’re investigated with a “guilty until proven guilty” approach (not my line - I think I got it from a book about NHS whistleblowing) - Stu may not get out of this, and unlike Clarkson I doubt Amazon will be calling.

"Guilty until proven guilty." Well that's the internet all over, innit? I hope that the Communications Commission is as fair-minded and impartial as you, but the worry is that they won't want the baying mob of the outraged white at their door either.

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3 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

Didn’t he also years ago get involved in some bizarre situation like a scene out of Extras where he said something about some noisy kid in a restaurant or cafe who turned out to be some sort of spanner and there was a public backlash as well? 

Yes. And then he was bullied because he didn't use local milk at his coffee shop. Couldn't make it up, really.

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2 minutes ago, Max Power said:

That wasn't the case though was it? Nobody was being put down, a question was being posed as to the reasons for a protest outside Tynwald and whether there was white privilege on the IoM. There's a big no no it seems on asking questions or debating things, we just have to accept that there is. To question anything is to be racist, isn't this fascism? 

Those might be legitimate questions to ask & if he was simply asking questions in an impartial manner to stimulate a debate then that would have been fine. But that is not really what Stu does, although I think that maybe that is what he thinks he is doing.

Rather he argues his personal point of view and appearing to argue that as a white middle aged (I am being generous there) he has been subject to no more privilege than the average black or coloured person is simply ignoring the facts. There may be little he thinks he can do about it but that is part of debate at present. It is argued that there has been no real change in discrimination because white middle age blokes do not view that we are privileged or do not accept that in general there is level of discrimination against those of colour and so the level of discrimination etc that goes on simply continues because many of refuse to acknowledge it exists. Yes it is not as bad as it used to be, I am sure we all acknowledge that and that is to be applauded, but to try and argue it effectively does not exist any more ignores the facts. 

Stu also was arguing that the level of abuse that/discrimination that coloured people receive was basically no different that from that an obese person or one with ginger hair might receive did make me wince. That was pretty crass and to equate the prejudice and discrimination coloured people are on the end of as being the same that obese or those with ginger hair receive I find almost comprehensible.  I have heard in the IoM and in the UK people say pretty offensive things about people of colour etc purely because of the colour of their skin. I have never heard the same sort of comments in respect of those who are over weight or ginger.

Am I offended by Stu's remarks. No as I am a privileged white male so they do not directly affect me.  Do I think that they are acceptable for a presenter to be arguing on a public radio station this day and age? Again no





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6 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

The only ones i can think of around Stu's age are Trevor Nelson and Don Letts, but that's national radio and I'm sure there will be many more on smaller regional stations.

One fella I used to like on Radio 2 was Mo Dutta. Nice style and easy humour. Wasn't old but seemed to vanish without trace.

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41 minutes ago, Declan said:

He repeatedly interrupted and laughed at them. He wasn’t interested in the point of view or getting them talking about their experiences. To the extent that the first caller rung off frustrated. He didn’t do that when Quirkio said there’s no such thing as white privilege because his skin burns in the sun. Or when another caller drew conclusions about all black people “or coloureds” as he called them one kid had been shy around him but friendly with somebody he knew and thought that was racism “against whitey”. 

I think it’s because Stu has a limited world view and can see the point of view of blokey blokes of certain age and although he probably genuinely believes racism and sexism  is wrong but can’t empathise with the people it affects. So he equates it with being fat or ginger. That’s like saying to someone in hospital with Covid “flu can be terrible too”. 

That’s not good broadcasting, and whatever the subject, I don’t want to hear that. Maybe he can trained by his bosses to reach an acceptable standard but he’s been unlistenable for a long time now. 

I once worked with Stu Peters and found him to be well read and traveled, with a very wide range of views. He was always kind and thoughtful when dealing with a very wide spectrum of customers. Stu was not privileged and was kicked out to find work and stand on his own two feet at an early age. He was brought up with black friends and later colleagues and is no stranger to different races. Stu has a dark sense of fun and a dry sense of humour and is no stranger to sarcasm.

One  thing Stu is not , is racist. 
Too many “ know fuck all’s” throwing their two pence worth in without having a clue. I doubt many at all on here , never mind Facebook have even met the guy. 
So sad that life is this fickle and so many people are so shallow. What is it with people being offended without truly knowing why they may be ? 
 Stu Peters has strong beliefs and stands up for them and to be counted. The whole point of his show is to stimulate debate. That word is alien to most Facebook warriors.

I feel very sorry that Stu has been picked on by a few, ( who probably know each other) and is not able to counter the stupid and childish comments, not just on Facebook , but on here too. ( you know who you are )

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I was desperately waiting for the first caller to articulate the racism that they are experiencing on a daily basis. Stu clearly doesn't know what it, so why not tell him?

Something is made of the term 'blacker than black' but he clearly is describing a very dark skin pigment which is in the context of the discussion. This is not racism (the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others). Describing someone as milk-bottle white similarly is not racist.

Facebook people are calling for complaints to be sent to cc@iomcc.im, and copied to Manx Radio. Perhaps those who feel his handling of a difficult topic was not complaint-worthy can email the same email address.

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We have reached a point in society where certain topics are now so tricky for a ‘non expert’ to navigate and discuss, especially from a broadcasters point of view, that it is safer not to do so at all. Stu Peters I strongly suspect is about to find that out. The MD, Sully, came across as very weak person on the radio and it felt to me that his mind has already been made up. 

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1 minute ago, Scotty said:

I once worked with Stu Peters and found him to be well read and traveled, with a very wide range of views. He was always kind and thoughtful when dealing with a very wide spectrum of customers. Stu was not privileged and was kicked out to find work and stand on his own two feet at an early age. He was brought up with black friends and later colleagues and is no stranger to different races. Stu has a dark sense of fun and a dry sense of humour and is no stranger to sarcasm.

One  thing Stu is not , is racist. 
Too many “ know fuck all’s” throwing their two pence worth in without having a clue. I doubt many at all on here , never mind Facebook have even met the guy. 
So sad that life is this fickle and so many people are so shallow. What is it with people being offended without truly knowing why they may be ? 
 Stu Peters has strong beliefs and stands up for them and to be counted. The whole point of his show is to stimulate debate. That word is alien to most Facebook warriors.

I feel very sorry that Stu has been picked on by a few, ( who probably know each other) and is not able to counter the stupid and childish comments, not just on Facebook , but on here too. ( you know who you are )

Well said. I think Stu is sincere too, and in no way a bigot. However, I stand by my comment that while it is honest, he would be well advised not to court such controversy on air. I appreciate that this is the less principled course, but life's too short to invite this nonsense.

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1 minute ago, Out of the blue said:

We have reached a point in society where certain topics are now so tricky for a ‘non expert’ to navigate and discuss, especially from a broadcasters point of view, that it is safer not to do so at all. Stu Peters I strongly suspect is about to find that out. The MD, Sully, came across as very weak person on the radio and it felt to me that his mind has already been made up. 

I got that impression too. Although Chris is actually a nice fella, "Oh Shit! Give it to the Communications Commission." is what came across.

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31 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Just listened to the whole exchange. Stu certainly said some clumsy things - the bit about not being more privileged for example - but I don’t think he was racist, nor was he disrespectful to the callers. He was polite, and he was interrupted as much as he interrupted. 

Trouble with racism accusations, particularly for those made against people working in the public sector (NHS, local authorities etc - public broadcaster too I suppose) is that they’re investigated with a “guilty until proven guilty” approach (not my line - I think I got it from a book about NHS whistleblowing) - Stu may not get out of this, and unlike Clarkson I doubt Amazon will be calling.

I've just been listening to it too. Agree with what said.

I thought he didn't do great deal wrong.  There was a lot of paranoid nonsense spoken.  Including some knobber who questioned manx radios employment policy and talking about how people dont get interviews if they have surnames that indicate they are black.

The callers need to wake up.


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