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12 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Just listened to the whole exchange. Stu certainly said some clumsy things - the bit about not being more privileged for example - but I don’t think he was racist,

Trouble with racism accusations, particularly for those made against people working in the public sector (NHS, local authorities etc - public broadcaster too I suppose) is that they’re investigated with a “guilty until proven guilty” approach (not my line - I think I got it from a book about NHS whistleblowing) - Stu may not get out of this, and unlike Clarkson I doubt Amazon will be calling.

I would agree that he was not being racist but I think that some of  the things he was saying and views he was expressing where not acceptable for a presenter on a public service broadcaster.

I do have a trouble with regard to some racism allegations as occasionally you see or hear somebody being abused, sometimes racially, and just because that person is of a different race does not mean you are being racist. If I was walking down the street and somebody just hit me with no provocation I would probably give a fairly abusive response and the form of it would probably be based on an obvious characteristic of that person which might be colour. In such a case you are giving out abuse simply because of the other parties actions not because of the colour of their skin

If on the other hand you simply have derogatory views about them purely based on the colour of their skin or would treat them differently because of that you are.

I would not describe Stu as a racist, I would rather see him as being completely unaware or uneducated on the matter. Many of us are in the same boat and we need to change or the discrimination/prejudice will continue. Regrettably I have to include myself in that as whilst I would like to think I don't hold those views I know I have some preconceptions.  

Finally I think that this matter does show why many choose to post anonymously. It is not because we have anything to hide but it is fairly easy to say something very clumsily without meaning to be offensive which will be quickly forgotten if you do so anonymously but can impact your day job if you do so in your own name.

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2 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

I've just been listening to it too. Agree with what said.

I thought he didn't do great deal wrong.  There was a lot of paranoid nonsense spoken.  Including some knobber who questioned manx radios employment policy and talking about how people dont get interviews if they have surnames that indicate they are black.

The callers need to wake up.


If what Stu said is gonna be perceived as racist, we need to stop allowing the Gov to fund trade missions to South Africa to bring people over. I know plenty of Saffies here and if you want racism.. get them drunk and let them rumble.

Stu is always on the border with certain topics and I personally don't see anything overly offensive made.

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8 minutes ago, Scotty said:

I once worked with Stu Peters and found him to be well read and traveled, with a very wide range of views. He was always kind and thoughtful when dealing with a very wide spectrum of customers. Stu was not privileged and was kicked out to find work and stand on his own two feet at an early age. He was brought up with black friends and later colleagues and is no stranger to different races. Stu has a dark sense of fun and a dry sense of humour and is no stranger to sarcasm.

One  thing Stu is not , is racist. 
Too many “ know fuck all’s” throwing their two pence worth in without having a clue. I doubt many at all on here , never mind Facebook have even met the guy. 
So sad that life is this fickle and so many people are so shallow. What is it with people being offended without truly knowing why they may be ? 
 Stu Peters has strong beliefs and stands up for them and to be counted. The whole point of his show is to stimulate debate. That word is alien to most Facebook warriors.

I feel very sorry that Stu has been picked on by a few, ( who probably know each other) and is not able to counter the stupid and childish comments, not just on Facebook , but on here too. ( you know who you are )

Yep, the Facebook lynchmob cannot even be bothered listening to the broadcast even after several links. "Its too long but he's a racist anyway"


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4 minutes ago, dooahhdoo said:

Yep, the Facebook lynchmob cannot even be bothered listening to the broadcast even after several links. "Its too long but he's a racist anyway"


I've listened to it and I think it's unacceptable. 

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14 minutes ago, TurricanII said:

I was desperately waiting for the first caller to articulate the racism that they are experiencing on a daily basis. Stu clearly doesn't know what it, so why not tell him?

Something is made of the term 'blacker than black' but he clearly is describing a very dark skin pigment which is in the context of the discussion. This is not racism (the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others). Describing someone as milk-bottle white similarly is not racist.

Facebook people are calling for complaints to be sent to cc@iomcc.im, and copied to Manx Radio. Perhaps those who feel his handling of a difficult topic was not complaint-worthy can email the same email address.

I have emailed my support, thanks for the info.

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17 minutes ago, TurricanII said:

I was desperately waiting for the first caller to articulate the racism that they are experiencing on a daily basis. Stu clearly doesn't know what it, so why not tell him?

Something is made of the term 'blacker than black' but he clearly is describing a very dark skin pigment which is in the context of the discussion. This is not racism (the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others). Describing someone as milk-bottle white similarly is not racist.

Facebook people are calling for complaints to be sent to cc@iomcc.im, and copied to Manx Radio. Perhaps those who feel his handling of a difficult topic was not complaint-worthy can email the same email address.

These Facebook warriors needs shooting.  Wankers

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6 minutes ago, dooahhdoo said:

Yep, the Facebook lynchmob cannot even be bothered listening to the broadcast even after several links. "Its too long but he's a racist anyway"


Have to just say that I agree. I tried to “like” your post but I have exceeded my limit of daily likes :( I didn’t know they were rationed.

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