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8 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Don't much like Howard Stern either. Perhaps he made his Twitter private because people were trawling back through it to dig up dirt on him to post here. He clearly reads MF since he quoted Stu's own post to him.

Are you Mr Badass?

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Just now, Mr Newbie said:

It could be worse. Stern is quite tame for America. I wonder what the the Manx woke folk would make of Ted Nugents Detroit radio show?


It was mostly Stern's attitude towards his female guests that bothered me.

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1 hour ago, HeliX said:

The bits of protests that turn violent or destructive are regrettable and a great shame, you won't get any argument from me on that. But they don't do anything to turn me away from the underlying cause and movement.

Can't disagree with your former sentiments but how much of a kick up the Ass do you, me or anyone need to address the latter?

It is becoming a realisation that a 3 week media sensation is not the way to address the underlying problem, the surname, colour perception, ( can they speak English ? ), still allowable in Manx Law I believe!

I'd be more enclined to hire someone of Eastern European origin than a Manx Girl with multiple  piercings on (or in?), her face! Does that make me bigoted? Probably! Racist? No.

Do we really have racial prejudice at the forefront of  our minds when we hire someone?

When I hire someone for a mundane role, I'm happy take on a person with 'Learning Difficulties' because they are more likely to stick at the job for a longer period and it gives them a chance of employment,  than someone who is trying to comply with JSA requirements! Does that make me bigoted? Yes, because I an judging them by my perceptions of what their value to me will be but No, because I am not judging them by the colour of their skin, their ethnicity or where they come from as a deciding factor? No, it is because I, as an employer, decide what will be best for me, irrespective of the colour, racial backgriund of the applicant. Yes.

Is that prejudice?

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4 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Can't disagree with your former sentiments but how much of a kick up the Ass do you, me or anyone need to address the latter?

It is becoming a realisation that a 3 week media sensation is not the way to address the underlying problem, the surname, colour perception, ( can they speak English ? ), still allowable in Manx Law I believe!

I'd be more enclined to hire someone of Eastern European origin than a Manx Girl with multiple  piercings on (or in?), her face! Does that make me bigoted? Probably! Racist? No.

Do we really have racial prejudice at the forefront of  our minds when we hire someone?

When I hire someone for a mundane role, I'm happy take on a person with 'Learning Difficulties' because they are more likely to stick at the job for a longer period and it gives them a chance of employment,  than someone who is trying to comply with JSA requirements! Does that make me bigoted? Yes, because I an judging them by my perceptions of what their value to me will be but No, because I am not judging them by the colour of their skin, their ethnicity or where they come from as a deciding factor? No, it is because I, as an employer, decide what will be best for me, irrespective of the colour, racial backgriund of the applicant. Yes.

Is that prejudice?

Yes judging people on things other than their behaviour is prejudice. You're intelligent so I'm surprised you needed to ask.

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7 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

As explained by others in this topic, it's obvious he was set up by people who know each other. This was a planned attempt at getting a reaction, followed up by a fake shitstorm on social media. Because being woke and outraged is all the rage these days, everyone went right with it. Now self righteous wannabe SJWs are telling everyone to check their privilege and I feel like I walked into a South Park episode. 

Not obvious to me at all. Set up or not to open his mouth and say stupid things he still said them.

Would it be acceptable for me to state that you believe that as I understand you are German and we know all Germans have underlying Nazi sympathies and think that the Aryan race are superior and then say it was fine to say that as you set me up?

I think that to accuse you of that or any German would be pretty outrageous but then I think that to suggest that Obama being president shows that their is no discrimination against black people in the USA or black people etc in the IoM suffer the same level of abuse as those who are fat or ginger.

Set up or not he opened his mouth and say stupid things. His punishment for that? A slap across the knuckles I think should be sufficient and to be frank some of the postings on here defending what he said I find far more offensive. Judging by many of the postings on here I think that the figures on the 2009 report about racism in the IoM are understated if this site was representative of the IoM as a whole. Hopefully it is not. Mind you I think some of you would argue that if there was a mass lynching by KKK in the IoM you would be arguing it was the fault of those that were lynched as they had not run away fast enough not to be caught.

I'm done with this site



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1 minute ago, HeliX said:

You can try to portray wanting to be a decent person badly however you like fella, doesn't bother me.

Sorry HeliX, cheap shot. This whole thing is obviously a complex issue, it's not going to be solved with silly name calling, which is more or less what the 'gang' did to Stu Peters last night. That is not taking hold of the situation and convincing him or anyone else of anything, it's the silencing of debate. A technique which smacks a bit of Common Purpose, who seem to want to live in a socio/fascist utopia where we are 'encouraged' to have the same beliefs and opinions. 

Racism will die out eventually as the people who have perpetuated it die out. At present it is still about even in very young people, even though many white people marched with the civil rights protesters in the 50s and 60s. Quite a few paid with their lives for BLM but it has led to slow progress. I don't know the answers, any more than those who seem to have cost a man his job for talking. If people are not allowed to form their own opinions then we will end up in a worse situation as people start wondering what side of an argument to be on. It's easy in these days to be pushed into saying something which others may think is wrong, Tolerance and understanding has to work both ways, it's the only way. 

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