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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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MR trying to generate funds from elsewhere = good thing.


This idea = pointless thing. It'll fizzle out like every other similar idea before it. If they actually made their website any good, people would pay them to advertise on it (instead of the stream of exchanged favours that you see advertised on there).

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All of these online directory ideas share one major drawback: Pointlessness. If a customer is going to a local shop, he isn't going to look at it on an online directory first. If he is looking for the business online he will Google it and go straight to their website, or worse, an off-Island one. Either way, he isn't going to look for it on an online directory site first.


It doesn't matter, of course, that the consumer isn't impressed by these novelties. All it needs is for the advertiser to be seduced and pay the shilling. Most will not because they know as well as I do from experience how well they work. A few will be tempted and that will carry it for a short while until they fall away before the inevitable demise. Same happened with MR+. Will it take a few quid short term? Maybe. Would it survive as a standalone commercial venture? Certainly not.

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Surprised Ron Berry/3FM is not crying foul over more Manx Radio subvention money being spent on this project.

They said this morning during the commercial interview what the station had spent money starting this venture? What's it got to do with making radio programmes?

You can see why the commercial sector is not happy with the unlevel playing field. Manx Radio management seem to just be able to start any new project they like, no matter if it works out, it's only tax payers money that gets lost.

It's also a shame that Juan Turner dosn't/can't get involved in this argument either but this is what he did say about the Government/Manx Radio situation some years ago.


'The Isle of Man Government own Manx Radio and pump almost £1million pounds a year annual subsidy in to the failing radio station. In addition another Government Department (Department of Home Affairs) provide free of charge transmission on 4 VHF frequencies and 1 Medium Wave frequency island wide – this includes ALL site rental, electricity and hardware renewal – there is no cost to Manx Radio. But the double whammy is that the Department contract back the maintenance of these facilities to Manx Radio themselves thus the state owned broadcasters receives even more public money.’

Turner goes on, ‘The Manx Government also gave all of the Isle of Man’s BBC licence fee rebate from digital switchover to Manx Radio – why? as Manx Radio is also permitted to operate fully commercial. It is an outrage that BBC money is going to prop up an over structured commercial operation. In addition to this the Manx Government restrict access to commentary rights to the TT Races thereby closing down revenue options for other broadcasters. They refuse to tender out the radio rights, yet all other parts of the TT from TT T-shirts and stickers to Television rights are put out to tender. This would normally be anti competitive illegal action although not as the Isle of Man is not part of Europe, it can abuse this loophole.’

“Then last year the IOM Treasury have completely refurbished Manx Radio’s building with state of the art studios that Radio 2 would be proud of – again at no cost to Manx Radio.

“With all of these issues the Government make it deliberately difficult to compete.”

Wit the Government opening the window for public consultation on SAVE surely this could be an area to look at?

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Then last year the IOM Treasury have completely refurbished Manx Radios building with state of the art studios that Radio 2 would be proud of again at no cost to Manx Radio.[/size][/font][/color]

With all of these issues the Government make it deliberately difficult to compete.

Wit the Government opening the window for public consultation on SAVE surely this could be an area to look at?

No private business can compete with that. It's basically driving the competition into the ground using, ironically, some of the business taxes raised from the competition and from workers who work for the competition. It's a disgrace that tax money is effectively being used to potentially drive self supporting tax paying businesses out of business.

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Then last year the IOM Treasury have completely refurbished Manx Radios building with state of the art studios that Radio 2 would be proud of again at no cost to Manx Radio.[/size][/font][/color]

With all of these issues the Government make it deliberately difficult to compete.

Wit the Government opening the window for public consultation on SAVE surely this could be an area to look at?

No private business can compete with that. It's basically driving the competition into the ground using, ironically, some of the business taxes raised from the competition and from workers who work for the competition. It's a disgrace that tax money is effectively being used to potentially drive self supporting tax paying businesses out of business.



Don't show yourself up anymore than you have already over this.

Ron Berry and Mobile Mike ( and even Turner) need to each grow a pair.

​How many years have we heard the same old jealous clap trap from them, Berry in particular. Boring doesn't even come close.

Do you think any of them has the smallest clue as to how they appear to the general public.?

The fact that Turner is an MLC is even more amazing.

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Then last year the IOM Treasury have completely refurbished Manx Radios building with state of the art studios that Radio 2 would be proud of again at no cost to Manx Radio.[/size][/font][/color]

With all of these issues the Government make it deliberately difficult to compete.

Wit the Government opening the window for public consultation on SAVE surely this could be an area to look at?

No private business can compete with that. It's basically driving the competition into the ground using, ironically, some of the business taxes raised from the competition and from workers who work for the competition. It's a disgrace that tax money is effectively being used to potentially drive self supporting tax paying businesses out of business.

Don't show yourself up anymore than you have already over this.

Wow, Notty's dad reveals where he got his lovely manners from.


Why should Berry or Turner grow a pair? They've invested their own money into their stations. Not been given state of the art facilities free gratis by the taxpayer funded (in part at least) by tax their businesses and their workers have actually paid. How can any private business "up their game" when they have to invest their own capital and justify the investment to other shareholders and their competitors don't and just keep on getting more free money from the taxpayer to build even better facilities?

Edited by JackCarter
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Then last year the IOM Treasury have completely refurbished Manx Radios building with state of the art studios that Radio 2 would be proud of again at no cost to Manx Radio.[/size][/font][/color]

With all of these issues the Government make it deliberately difficult to compete.

Wit the Government opening the window for public consultation on SAVE surely this could be an area to look at?

No private business can compete with that. It's basically driving the competition into the ground using, ironically, some of the business taxes raised from the competition and from workers who work for the competition. It's a disgrace that tax money is effectively being used to potentially drive self supporting tax paying businesses out of business.

Don't show yourself up anymore than you have already over this.

Wow, Notty's dad reveals where he got his lovely manners from.


Why should Berry or Turner grow a pair? They've invested their own money into their stations. Not been given state of the art facilities free gratis by the taxpayer funded (in part at least) by tax their businesses and their workers have actually paid.



But their stations are shit by comparison to MR.

I can only presume you are not from around here. so know little of the history. laugh.png



edit to ask, Who is "Notty's" mum ?

Edited by dilligaf
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Then last year the IOM Treasury have completely refurbished Manx Radios building with state of the art studios that Radio 2 would be proud of again at no cost to Manx Radio.[/size][/font][/color]

With all of these issues the Government make it deliberately difficult to compete.

Wit the Government opening the window for public consultation on SAVE surely this could be an area to look at?

No private business can compete with that. It's basically driving the competition into the ground using, ironically, some of the business taxes raised from the competition and from workers who work for the competition. It's a disgrace that tax money is effectively being used to potentially drive self supporting tax paying businesses out of business.

Don't show yourself up anymore than you have already over this.

Wow, Notty's dad reveals where he got his lovely manners from.


Why should Berry or Turner grow a pair? They've invested their own money into their stations. Not been given state of the art facilities free gratis by the taxpayer funded (in part at least) by tax their businesses and their workers have actually paid.

But their stations are shit by comparison to MR.

I can only presume you are not from around here. so know little of the history.


Shit according to you. Some angry old tosspot on an Internet forum.


Have you considered that maybe they're shit as they haven't had the money to invest into their businesses as they don't get a wall of free cash thrown at them every year? Maybe they're shit as they can't afford to invest millions in new studios which their competitors get build for free from taxes they contribute to? Every investment they have to make has to be approved by the shareholders and has to have some element of commercial reality to it. Not just receive free money from the government magic money fairy to spend on whatever grandiose uneconomic plan they choose.

Edited by JackCarter
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The subvention should be ringfenced to provide the public service content (manx language, current affairs, special interest programmes) which should be properly costed and similarly ringfenced from other output. Until the day when we can get the Beeb to cough up and fund the station from the licence fee which provides poor value to the Island. When are we going to have that conversation?

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Then last year the IOM Treasury have completely refurbished Manx Radios building with state of the art studios that Radio 2 would be proud of again at no cost to Manx Radio.[/size][/font][/color]

With all of these issues the Government make it deliberately difficult to compete.

Wit the Government opening the window for public consultation on SAVE surely this could be an area to look at?

No private business can compete with that. It's basically driving the competition into the ground using, ironically, some of the business taxes raised from the competition and from workers who work for the competition. It's a disgrace that tax money is effectively being used to potentially drive self supporting tax paying businesses out of business.

Don't show yourself up anymore than you have already over this.

Wow, Notty's dad reveals where he got his lovely manners from.


Why should Berry or Turner grow a pair? They've invested their own money into their stations. Not been given state of the art facilities free gratis by the taxpayer funded (in part at least) by tax their businesses and their workers have actually paid.

But their stations are shit by comparison to MR.

I can only presume you are not from around here. so know little of the history. laugh.png

Shit according to you. Some angry old tosspot on an Internet forum.


Have you considered that maybe they're shit as they haven't had the money to invest into their businesses as they don't get a wall of free cash thrown at them every year? Maybe they're shit as they can't afford to invest millions in new studios which their competitors get build for free from taxes they contribute to?


You really are so full of crap.



If they can't afford to invest, why are they trying to run stations in opposition to our leading station ?

I am not full of crap as you say, but if you tune in to 105 or 98.6 you may find some.

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