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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Notty's angry dad: You should just be embarrassed by that statement. It's simply foolish (and pathetic). They are running commercial radio stations and commercial stations have to have a large share of the available airtime to generate more advertising revenue. That's how normal businesses grow and make money. They compete with competitors. In the case of Manx Radio it's actually an insult to its competitors as it takes some of the taxes paid by them, and paid by wages they pay to their staff, and uses that money to try to put that business out of business by making uncommercial taxpayer investments to improve their facilities so they can take revenue off them. Talk of taking the absolute piss!

Edited by JackCarter
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Notty's angry dad: You should just be embarrassed of that statement. It's simply foolish. They are running commercial radio stations and commercial stations have to have the a large share of the available airtime to generate advertising revenue. That's how normal businesses make money. They compete with competitors to grow. In the case of Manx Radio it's actually an insult to its competitors as it takes the taxes paid by them, and paid by wages they pay to their staff, and uses some of that money to try to put that business out of business. Even though they're spending some of that businesses taxes. Talk of taking the absolute piss!


Advertisers have to look at the audience of a station to see how to target their investment.

The audience of 3FM and Energy are mainly kids who spend very little.

So unless they sell alcopops or sweeties, there is little chance of millions coming the way of those two "stations".


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That's not even an argument.



Oh yes it is.


In fact it is the only answer to your stupidity.


You are not a "Media Star" yourself by any chance. ?

Oh dear you really are embarrassing yourself Notty's angry dad. You clearly don't understand the word "commercial". It is blatantly unfair to take tax taxes off a business (that's employing people and paying taxes as a fully commercial enterprise) and use some of those taxes to make totally uneconomic investments into taxpayer funded competitors operating in the same market place in order to make that business more competitive. If they do actually put Energy or 3FM out of business they've actually killed a commercial enterprise that was solvent and contributing to our local economy (and employment) to keep a load of loss making government employees in jobs. It's completely mental, but then again it's totally par for the course in the IOM.

Edited by JackCarter
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That's not even an argument.



Oh yes it is.


In fact it is the only answer to your stupidity.


You are not a "Media Star" yourself by any chance. ?

Oh dear you really are embarrassing yourself Notty's angry dad. You clearly don't understand the word "commercial". It is blatantly unfair to take tax taxes off a business (that's employing people and paying taxes as a fully commercial enterprise) and use some of those taxes to make totally uneconomic investments into taxpayer funded competitors operating in the same market place in order to make that business more competitive. If they do actually put Energy or 3FM out of business they've actually killed a commercial enterprise that was solvent and contributing to our local economy (and employment) to keep a load of loss making government employees in jobs. It's completely mental, but then again it's totally par for the course in the IOM.



God this is getting boring.

You are very obviously not from around here, so know very little of the background to 3FM or Energy.

Take a little break from being a total dick and look into these two stations start-ups.

If you still can't see your stupidity, you really are beyond help.

Manx Radio is and always will be the "Voice of Man". The pretenders will fall by the wayside.


Edit to add that I have no idea who "Notwell" is and have no connection whatsoever.

He posts a lot of "stuff" that I agree with and despite comments to the contrary, is pretty much straight down the middle in his views.

Sad that the lefties can't see sense, but that's life eh ?

Edited by dilligaf
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Sorry. But I think Dilligaf is very wrong here.


I am a bloke in his early forties. I have money to spend in local businesses as do my friends, colleagues etc.


If they listen to local radio it is 3FM.


The only exception out of the people I see on a regular basis is my mum who listens to Manx Radio who is nearly 80.


This latest venture is a money wasting joke, and the fact that they get any money from government is a piss take.

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Sorry. But I think Dilligaf is very wrong here.


I am a bloke in his early forties. I have money to spend in local businesses as do my friends, colleagues etc.


If they listen to local radio it is 3FM.


The only exception out of the people I see on a regular basis is my mum who listens to Manx Radio who is nearly 80.


This latest venture is a money wasting joke, and the fact that they get any money from government is a piss take.


Like why would a bloke in his 40s listen to 3FM ?

Discerning folk would be listening to Manx Radio. Let the Teeny Boppers listen to the others.

The advertisers know where the majority of people listen, which is

why MR get the £££££. job done.

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Sorry. But I think Dilligaf is very wrong here.


I am a bloke in his early forties. I have money to spend in local businesses as do my friends, colleagues etc.


If they listen to local radio it is 3FM.


The only exception out of the people I see on a regular basis is my mum who listens to Manx Radio who is nearly 80.


This latest venture is a money wasting joke, and the fact that they get any money from government is a piss take.


Like why would a bloke in his 40s listen to 3FM ?

Discerning folk would be listening to Manx Radio. Let the Teeny Boppers listen to the others.

The advertisers know where the majority of people listen, which is

why MR get the £££££. job done.



You might have a point about Energy's listeners, but I think you'll find that 3FM has a pretty wide reach. It's not my cup of tea, but it provides a 'service' at no cost the taxpayer and, as others have mentioned, will in fact pay tax into the coffers.


The idea that the state should fund a preferred station, instead of funding content, is not really very fair. The UK have already started moving away from this, by making the BBC fund other parts of the communications industry through the licence fee. It's inevitable that, at some point, resources will be shared amongst broadcasters here. It's just sad that it will take so long to get to that point, when such a move could really energise what is a pretty stagnant sector here on the Island.


I appreciate Manx Radio are trying to bring additional revenue in through things such as this new venture, but it will be pennies in the long run really: the idea is not very good, it's not really needed and the pool of advertisers who might use it have got plenty of cheaper, more direct options available elsewhere. It's free to set up a Facebook page, for example, and you can talk directly to your customers there.

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Discerning folk would be listening to Manx Radio. Let the Teeny Boppers listen to the others.

The advertisers know where the majority of people listen.

The advertisers know that outside of a decrepit pensioners and taxi drivers no one really listens to MR outside news, weather and obituaries. That is why MR struggle to sell advertising and keep coming up with shit ideas. If the station was as popular as you make out then why are they doing this?

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Discerning folk would be listening to Manx Radio. Let the Teeny Boppers listen to the others.

The advertisers know where the majority of people listen.

The advertisers know that outside of a decrepit pensioners and taxi drivers no one really listens to MR outside news, weather and obituaries. That is why MR struggle to sell advertising and keep coming up with shit ideas. If the station was as popular as you make out then why are they doing this?



If I was selling stair lifts I might pay to advertise on MR.

Anything for people under 60 - total waste of money

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Also being successful online is about using the control offered to scale up your marketing at the right times either seasonally or when the order books are running low. Even a plumber can set up an AdWords or facebook campaign when work is needed rather than paying 365 days regardless, the online directory model was a good idea 15 years ago but times have moved on, mind you this is Manx radio.

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