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17 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Why does it matter if it was a prepared statement?

Of course it matters, it confirms it was a concerted effort.

Years ago, I worked for an overseas development organisation, much of their work was in sub-saharan Africa.  They had to lay their annual accounts before Parliament, which meant quite  bit of to'ing and fro'ing with the responsible HMG dept in the drafts.  A picture was pulled because it showed the wife of an in-country rep sitting on a Range Rover with several local children (cant remember which country) happily climbing on it.  The reason was that it was patronising and shouldn't show a white woman amongst black children, it should have been a black woman.  That was over 20 years ago.  No matter that the local rep was coordinating the delivery of condoms, mosquito nets and basic water supply equipment. 

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Just now, Gladys said:

Of course it matters, it confirms it was a concerted effort.

Years ago, I worked for an overseas development organisation, much of their work was in sub-saharan Africa.  They had to lay their annual accounts before Parliament, which meant quite  bit of to'ing and fro'ing with the responsible HMG dept in the drafts.  A picture was pulled because it showed the wife of an in-country rep sitting on a Range Rover with several local children (cant remember which country) happily climbing on it.  The reason was that it was patronising and shouldn't show a white woman amongst black children, it should have been a black woman.  That was over 20 years ago.  No matter that the local rep was coordinating the delivery of condoms, mosquito nets and basic water supply equipment. 

It absolutely does not confirm it was a concerted effort. The only thing it can possibly confirm is that the first caller wanted to make a particular statement and didn't want to misspeak.

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

Followed in quick succession by callers who also did not want to "misspeak"?

The other two callers didn't appear to be reading from scripts to me. The second caller certainly had a lot of facts to hand but most of what they spoke to was personal experience. Lucy appeared to just be rather knowledgeable, as she picked up on a reference Stu made that was unrelated with no hesitation at all.

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6 minutes ago, HeliX said:

The other two callers didn't appear to be reading from scripts to me. The second caller certainly had a lot of facts to hand but most of what they spoke to was personal experience. Lucy appeared to just be rather knowledgeable, as she picked up on a reference Stu made that was unrelated with no hesitation at all.

Wouldn’t it be funny it it all turns out that they know each other? 

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17 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Of course it matters, it confirms it was a concerted effort.

Years ago, I worked for an overseas development organisation, much of their work was in sub-saharan Africa.  They had to lay their annual accounts before Parliament, which meant quite  bit of to'ing and fro'ing with the responsible HMG dept in the drafts.  A picture was pulled because it showed the wife of an in-country rep sitting on a Range Rover with several local children (cant remember which country) happily climbing on it.  The reason was that it was patronising and shouldn't show a white woman amongst black children, it should have been a black woman.  That was over 20 years ago.  No matter that the local rep was coordinating the delivery of condoms, mosquito nets and basic water supply equipment. 

Well said

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9 minutes ago, HeliX said:

The other two callers didn't appear to be reading from scripts to me. The second caller certainly had a lot of facts to hand but most of what they spoke to was personal experience. Lucy appeared to just be rather knowledgeable, as she picked up on a reference Stu made that was unrelated with no hesitation at all.

No, Lucy had a list of questions which she just ploughed through "when did this..", "what do you think of...." , "did you know....". 

I have no doubt that the sentiments of each caller were sincere and honestly held.  What I do doubt is that it was not coordinated. 

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7 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

Wouldn’t it be funny it it all turns out that they know each other? 

It would surprise me, though obviously it's not implausible.

But to be clear, even if they knew each other and this was a "set up", the thing that got Stu in trouble was still the things he chose to say. Not "those pesky kids".

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Why can’t posters click on positive posts, without being limited ? I can understand if a poster is  “ dissing” another posters views, but to stop posters liking comments seems crazy to me. But what would I know about social media etiquette ?

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

No, Lucy had a list of questions which she just ploughed through "when did this..", "what do you think of...." , "did you know....". 

I have no doubt that the sentiments of each caller were sincere and honestly held.  What I do doubt is that it was not coordinated. 


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9 minutes ago, Gladys said:

No, Lucy had a list of questions which she just ploughed through "when did this..", "what do you think of...." , "did you know....". 

I have no doubt that the sentiments of each caller were sincere and honestly held.  What I do doubt is that it was not coordinated. 

They all had chips on their shoulders. Fucking painful witch hunt.

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25 minutes ago, HeliX said:

It would surprise me, though obviously it's not implausible.

But to be clear, even if they knew each other and this was a "set up", the thing that got Stu in trouble was still the things he chose to say. Not "those pesky kids".

Firstly it looks like increasingly it was a set up. It’s funny how you now hypothesize around this being plausible and then still use that hypothesis to arrive at a totally strange and different conclusion to everyone else even “if it was true” [it is]. If that set up scenario was the case [it is] it’s a bit like a kid setting up their grandad and then slagging them off on social media simply for having views that were formed in another time. It’s a cheap, easy, target. It’s not clever and it’s indicative of nothing other than the fact that a man in his 60s doesn’t have the same world view as someone in their 20’s. It’s not evidence of institutional racism or anything else. As I have said several times Peters is just an Alan Partridge character who works for a pretty rubbish radio station on the IOM. He’s not Robert Peston or Piers Morgan. He runs a crap late night call in on an island of 80,000 people where half the callers are probably pissed. It’s just a coordinated cheap shot to generate publicity for a forthcoming event. Nothing less. Other than he’s probably lost his job because of it. 

Edited by Mr Newbie
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4 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

Firstly it looks like increasingly it was a set up. It’s funny how you now hypothesize around this being plausible and then still use that hypothesis to arrive at a totally strange and different conclusion to everyone else even “if it was true” [it is]. If that set up scenario was the case [it is] it’s a bit like a kid setting up their grandad and then slagging them off on social media simply for having views that were formed in another time. It’s a cheap, easy, target. It’s not clever and it’s indicative of nothing other than the fact that a man in his 60s doesn’t have the same world view as someone in their 20’s. It’s not evidence of institutional racism or anything else. As I have said several times Peters is just an Alan Partridge character who works for a pretty rubbish radio station on the IOM. He’s not Robert Peston or Piers Morgan. He runs a crap late night call in on an island of 80,000 people where half the callers are probably pissed. It’s just a coordinated cheap shot to generate publicity for a forthcoming event. Nothing less. Other than he’s probably lost his job because of it. 

Is thinking someone is responsible for the thoughts that come out of their mouth a "strange" conclusion?

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1 minute ago, HeliX said:

Is thinking someone is responsible for the thoughts that come out of their mouth a "strange" conclusion?

I genuinely think you are in need of help.

Nobody ever goes this far on a topic without having a carer on hand. FFS, just reread what  you have posted over the last few days.You have won the award of the most posts in a week, but gained the title of biggest sucker. You see that ?

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