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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Opinion based talk-back radio encourages controversy. This kind of outcome is an inevitable part of the formula. Those scheduling it would have understood that perfectly well. Assuming they are even vaguely fluent in the medium.

Can't blame the presenter.

Edited by pongo
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22 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

I cannot help but feel that Helix is part of an organised machine that, whatever the merits of its strategic argument, is actually failing in terms of tactics.

That's a long-winded way of saying that you are pissing off an awful lot of people who actually have sympathy with the root issue.

Some people actually like a pissing contest.

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9 minutes ago, Sir Dom said:

Go Stu........


Valid points.

Stu is part of a witch hunt.  It's shocking really.

What's amazing is that 15000 people are able to gather in London breaking the law but hardly anyone is arrested .

And the weird irony that it's a covid 19 spreading environmental and the people seemingly most at risk of dying are perpetuating the problem for themselves.

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47 minutes ago, woolley said:

Why is it a crime among the permanently offended to call a person "coloured" but perfectly fine to refer to "a person of colour"? I've even heard a black person refer to herself as "coloured". It's nonsensical. 

I think you tend to see every challenge to every term as because it’s seen by the objector as racist or offensive. People using the term coloured aren’t (in most cases) using it as a pejorative and when it’s challenged it’s from the point of view “we don’t say that anymore Dad”. But it suits the right-wing narrative of “perpetually offended snowflakes eroding freedoms” so you use hyperbole. 

”Coloured” is problematic because of its historical use in South Africa’s racial distinction and the US Jim Crow laws.

In British English it was often used euphemistically to describe an individual as if describing them as black or Asian is offensive. We use euphemisms to avoid saying something bad - but there’s nothing bad about being black or Asian so why be coy about describing people that way? And, of course, at one time, some people used it as a euphemism for the n-word and other racist terms. So people aren’t really sure which word you’re using the euphemism to replace. For clarity, in general really, euphemisms are best avoided. 

People of Colour isn’t universally accepted and I don’t really like it but it is used differently.  It’s used as a collective noun for a group of people with a wide range of ethnicities and doesn’t have the historical context. Maybe it’s a step towards reclaiming and neutralising “coloured” but it still sounds coy and euphemistic to me. 

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:


You're having a laugh!

As I have already pointed out, although obviously not simply enough, the first caller piled through their verbiage peppered with figures without giving Stu a chance to cut in.

Not just Stu but I would challenge anyone to remember any of that diatribe that could be used as a discussion point.

Dear me...

The post you quoted literally said "Wait until they finish and then discuss any points you like". What's the issue exactly?

Let's give Stu the benefit of the doubt and say he couldn't work out how to wait and then speak, even if that IS the case, what part of the first callers 'diatribe' forced Stu to put his foot in his mouth and make daft comments about privilege?

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