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3 minutes ago, HeliX said:

But the problem is that during those things (particularly education), black people are judged or discriminated against on their skin colour where white people are not. That's the crux of white privilege.


Plenty of articles on this, but here's one https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/school-racism-black-students-exclusions-hair-kiss-teeth-a9280296.html

That is an example of racism, not white privilege. 

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Just now, Gladys said:

That is an example of racism, not white privilege. 

Racism that occurs against black people in Western countries with much more frequency than against white people. That's (at the very simplest level) what the privilege is.

It's a fairly misunderstood term because people often just dismiss it on the basis that their lives didn't feel particularly traditionally "privileged" (i.e. born into a wealthy setting). But it's pervasive across Western society, and frames a lot of other race issues.

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38 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

The protesters are actually stirring up racial hate by their actions although I think a lot of them are just out for making trouble regardless of what the protest is about.

I think there may be an element of truth in that. One of the reasons for increased policing levels is probably because they know some anarchists will be involved.

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I thought the definition of white privilege was where state institutions and processes were geared to favour whites as a whole or not to be accessible by non-whites  as a whole.  Give me an example of that, not examples of discrimination against individuals which is racism in my book. 

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32 minutes ago, HeliX said:

I'm not part of an organised anything.

Lots of people believe they have sympathy with the root issue, but then make ridiculous comments about privilege not existing, about black on black crime, about "all lives matter", about "violent protests", about "police kill white people too" etc that display that if they DO care about the root issue, they certainly don't understand it.

And, dare I say it, neither do some of the complainants. It works both ways.

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29 minutes ago, HeliX said:

He's not right though. Stu has absolutely benefited from white privilege. As has every white person in Western countries.

I think you would have found my old nan if she was still alive, would have disagreed with you.

Born in 1901,Proverty stricken, only five children of fifteen survived to become teenagers, worked in ammunitions factory from the age of eleven.

Too many things to post on here of her being a priviege white westerner.

So please don't post shite.

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Just now, Gladys said:

I thought the definition of white privilege was where state institutions and processes were geared to favour whites as a whole or not to be accessible by non-whites  as a whole.  Give me an example of that, not examples of discrimination against individuals which is racism in my book. 

I'm getting flashbacks to people who believe in micro-evolution but refuse to believe in evolution!

Countless examples of racism against individuals add up to systemic discrimination. Plus things like US Police policy being born out of openly racist written works on criminology by the likes of Edward Banfield, James Q Wilson etc. Stuff like that ends up pervading all aspects of a society and generating a system that overly favours white people.

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18 minutes ago, HeliX said:

At the simplest level, white privilege is not having your life made more difficult solely due to your skin colour.

Do you disagree that non-white people are judged on their skin colour during their lives? Do you think white people are?

Being "colourblind" would be the best solution were we currently on even footing. Until we are I think it's actually quite important to see colour.


I'm not aware of any real racial discrimination on the island but if you can find any cases in the last few years I would be willing to change my mind.

Depending on the circumstances of course.

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2 minutes ago, Holte End said:

I think you would have found my old nan if she was still alive, would have disagreed with you.

Born in 1901,Proverty stricken, only five children of fifteen survived to become teenagers, worked in ammunitions factory from the age of eleven.

Too many things to post on here of her being a priviege white westerner.

So please don't post shite.

This is a misunderstanding of white privilege. It doesn't mean all white people have privileged and great lives.

Had your Nan been born black, her life would've been harder than it already was. That's white privilege.

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Just now, P.K. said:


I'm not aware of any real racial discrimination on the island but if you can find any cases in the last few years I would be willing to change my mind.

Depending on the circumstances of course.

I'm not desperately eager to play the game where I link examples and you say "no not like that" for a second time. If you're particularly interested go back and find the court documents posted in response to your request by another poster.

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4 minutes ago, Holte End said:

I think you would have found my old nan if she was still alive, would have disagreed with you.

Born in 1901,Proverty stricken, only five children of fifteen survived to become teenagers, worked in ammunitions factory from the age of eleven.

Too many things to post on here of her being a priviege white westerner.

So please don't post shite.

Privilege is relative. 

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1 minute ago, HeliX said:

I'm not desperately eager to play the game where I link examples and you say "no not like that" for a second time. If you're particularly interested go back and find the court documents posted in response to your request by another poster.

You're the one claiming discrimination exists on the island, not me.

Put up or shut up.

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18 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Whether they were daft or not is a matter of opinion.  But I forget you can't have an opinion.

That seems to be the approach you've taken throughout this discussion.

The callers were wrong to have read a post Stu had made on the forums. Wrong to disagree with it. Wrong to call in to a phone in show to discuss it. Wrong to be prepared. So wrong that Stu needed to consistently interrupt them, laugh at them. So wrong that he needed to challenge them in a way later callers weren't. Are their voices not allowed?

The objection to that show was not that he criticised BLM, and it's a shame that Stu's being used by Katie Hopkins and co for their agenda, it was that he wouldn't allow anti-racist points to be made. Had Manx Radio not taken action, and I hope an apology and suspension suffice, it's saying only a section of the population is welcome. Thousands of people fund Manx Radio but feel it is distant and aloof from them, failure to act would confirm that.

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3 minutes ago, HeliX said:

This is a misunderstanding of white privilege. It doesn't mean all white people have privileged and great lives.

Had your Nan been born black, her life would've been harder than it already was. That's white privilege.

Hmm, wonder if that is why my black uncle, (who went to UK fromJamaica and fought with the RAF in second world war), ended up being helped through college, university and ended up being a top dog in ICI before having his own business as one of the leading cryo forming engineers. My black cousin ended up as a headteacher, my black daughter in law ended up as a manager in the UK civil service, my niece ended up as a ward sister after working hard through her education. They don't moan or cause civil problems, they just get on with life and do what is necessary to achieve their goals and asperations.

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