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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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9 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Why ? What a stupid thing to say.

Because the tired old talk-back format is invariably controversial. It's designed to push buttons and to be annoying. What has taken place here, or something like it, was inevitable.

And for what? A handful of listeners at best.

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1 minute ago, pongo said:

Because the tired old talk-back format is invariably controversial. It's designed to push buttons and to be annoying. What has taken place here, or something like it, was inevitable.

And for what? A handful of listeners at best.

Works well on LBC though to be fair.

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29 minutes ago, Gladys said:

The article has a transcript of the first call, Jordan could not get a word in edgeways! (Not.)

It’s even clearer his questions were scripted seeing that laid out. I’m glad this set up is starting to blow up on them. 

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Just for clarity, I have copied and pasted Stu and Jordan's transcript:-




Stu Peters (SP): Let’s go to line one, I think we’ve got somebody else who wants to have a quick word. Hello, this is Manx Radio.

Jordan Maguire (JM): Hi, my name’s Jordan. I am a black man that lives on the Isle of Man.

SP: OK Jordan.

JM: Yeah, and I’m calling in reference to a post that you made stating “I expect” – is this Stu Peters, sorry?

SP: It is, yeah.

JM: Yeah, it says: “I expect the protest would be in front of the US embassy in Douglas, otherwise an Isle of Man protest about police brutality in America makes no sense except as a virtue signalling snowstorm. In other news, saw this on a graph earlier, in 2018 the US had around 50,000 white on black violent crimes compared with 400,000 black on black and around 550,000 black on white violent crimes.

SP: Yes.

JM: “All lives matter” in capitals. There so many things wrong with this I honestly don’t know where to start but…

SP: Well, no, go ahead. If you…

JM: I haven’t even got to my point. The fact that you’re starting that, insinuating a Manx protest over police brutality is pointless unless it’s in a destination that you deem fit is absurd, first of all.

SP: We’ll why are demonstrating outside of Tynwald?

JM: Why can’t I?

SP: You can demonstrate anywhere you like but it doesn’t make any sense to me, which is the point that I was trying to make on the Manx Forums thread.

JM: Explain why that doesn’t make sense to you.

SP: I don’t understand why people on the Isle of Man are protesting in support of Black Lives Matter in America, which is 3,000 miles away.

JM: Right, ok, so if people are breaking human rights anywhere around the world, that doesn’t make sense to you that we would stand up for it?

SP: But who are you standing…

JM: Let’s think about World War One. The official records show that 8,261 Manx men enlisted in the armed forces, which was 82.3% of the Isle of Man’s male population at the military age. Of these, 1,165 gave their lives and 987 were wounded. As these lives weren’t taken on our soil does it change what they fought for, or the atrocities that they had to endure? And I’m in no way comparing their sacrifices to that or protesters. The location of the war you fight has no bearing on the reasoning or the validity of.

SP: I just…

JM: And I want to understand why you think that, just because lives are being brutalised and oppressed in a country, anywhere around the world not just in America, why it doesn’t matter to you.

SP: Alright, can I speak for a second?

JM: I’d love you to.

SP: OK, I think that what happened to George Floyd is despicable. I think that what that police office did is probably criminal but we’ve got to wait until the courts decide that. But I think that what that man did is that he murdered George Floyd and I think that’s awful. I can understand to a point why people, I can understand very clearly why people in America are protesting about it. I can understand why Black Lives Matter – and American organisation – is protesting about it. But what I can’t understand is why people around the rest of the world are protesting, and specifically in the Isle of Man, why you would have a protest outside of Tynwald about it?

JM: OK, so, when you’re saying “all lives matter” that first of all is just derogatory and ridiculous…

SP: No, it’s not derogatory.

JM: For all lives – listen – for all lives to matter we have to raise the people of all creed, colours, religions to the level that white people’s privilege allows them to be. For all lives to matter, black and other…

SP: I’ve had no more privilege in my life than you have Jordan.

JM: Excuse me?

SP: I’ve had no more privilege in my life than you have. I’m a white man, you’re a black man you say.

JM: If you believe that then you’re already – this is exactly what white privilege is. I’m not saying that you haven’t, like, endured anything in your life. But you have automatically – the system is built for you to win already. I have to go through everything in my daily life, and I have to go through these things that you don’t see so you don’t think they exist. Or, I kind of believe that you’re an intellectual man to a degree. You’re either extremely ignorant or extremely – I don’t know what you are, but I’m not talking with you any longer…

SP: Well…

JM: With that kind of opinion.

SP: I think…

JM: I hope that you can be saved from your own ignorance and I encourage you to enlighten yourself.

SP: Well…

JM: On issues that people such as myself have to face every single day, and both realise and empathise with the – the world that we live in is far from a [level] playing field….

SP: Can I speak again or are you just going to rant?

JM: Being on this earth. Goodbye.

SP: You’re just going to rant. OK. Well, that was good. Let’s move on, we’ve got somebody else on line two. Hello, this is Late, Live and Unleashed, apparently.

Manx Radio suspended the radio host and is investigating him for racism.

This radio host was just doing his job, trying to get a caller to explain himself. He tried to stick to the argument, despite being abused by this caller. For that, the man’s radio career of over 20 years is now in jeopardy.


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15 minutes ago, HeliX said:



Can you name any young white boys murdered off the top of your head? Madeline McCann's been in the news constantly due to the efforts of her parents. There are a lot of child murders and the race doesn't matter, Piers Morgan is just bandwagoning there. 

Edited by Max Power
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1 hour ago, Declan said:

It does raise a valuable way of considering the world though. Step aside from race and consider gender. I certainly have more freedom to travel independently and walk U.K. city streets at night than I would if I was a woman. I hadn’t really considered that as an advantage I had before people talked about Male Privilege, so it helps frame the problem in my mind. I just wish there was a better term. 

Yes it's interesting how the phrasing alters the perception.

When in South America I was free to roam wherever I wanted day or night pretty much compared to the girls in the group who felt very uncomfortable on many occasions unless there was someone with them.

I just considered that to be a sad fact of life rather than a privilege to me but that statement is fair comment.

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28 minutes ago, Mr Woo said:

And from The Spectator, concerning Stu Peters:


Written by another of the Spiked Online people. That publication (Spiked)  is what emerged from the remains of the old Revolutionary Communist Party after Living Marxism lost its big case. Polemicists and click-baiters.

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