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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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@ Roger: We did miss a trick (we were shite actually - quelle surprise!) when the BBC were here asking us what we wanted them to do for us. I do think this could be swung though, even now. If the BBC would not do it voluntarily, it could be forced through legislation. Why should they? Because it is not their money, it belongs to the fee payer, and they are supposed to be a servant of society, not its master.


To be fair, the BBC isn't only local news and local radio. People seem to think they're licence fee disappears because there isn't a local smashie and nicey.


No, not at all, Declan. There is certainly a deficit in what we get here for the standard fee.



It's probably only a fiver or so. Each.


Enhance the website coverage. Perhaps some iPlayer only radio programmes - a nightly 5-minute news bulletin with Paul Moulton, a weekly discussion programme, The Week in Tynwald, a monthly BBC Introducing from the Isle of Man with Ed Oldham, occasional documentaries, a 5 Live TT Podcast.

Edited by Declan
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[The BBC] don't fully fund it otherwise we wouldn't have ads. They pay towards the facilities they use there and there was the one-off payment they made to government a few years ago that went to MR, but they do not fund MR in its entirety. They could and I believe they would.


I think that's unduly optimistic. It's unlikely the BBC would take over the running of Manx Radio and they certainly won't pay for something they can't control - why should they?. It's true that they fund radio and TV in the Channel Islands, but that dates back to a time when the BBC was both better-funded and more self-confident. It was also much less London-centric (though, ironically, it is still less so than most of its media critics).


I suspect the BBC already spend more per head on the Island than elsewhere in the UK - they may not spend much[1], but we have such a small population that even low spending mounts up. The CI got special treatment, which we didn't need as we already had Manx Radio when they set the local radio network up, but there's no reason why we should get the same now.



[1] From memory they pay Manx Radio a rental for the use of their facilities for the BBC journalists who are based on the Island, though I'm not sure how much as the MR accounts are typically obscure.


its in hansard somewhere that the bbc pays out more than they receive in licence fee, also they turned down a bbc radio station and get a yearly amount to fund mr

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Also being successful online is about using the control offered to scale up your marketing at the right times either seasonally or when the order books are running low. Even a plumber can set up an AdWords or facebook campaign when work is needed rather than paying 365 days regardless, the online directory model was a good idea 15 years ago but times have moved on, mind you this is Manx radio.

The last plumber and builder who did work for me both posted ads on Manx.net which basically said "I'm a plumber/builder. I do plumbing/building. If you need any plumbing/building ring this number"


Cost of advertising = zero.


Time spent = about 3 minutes.


Number of imbeciles employed to do annoying jingles = zero

Edited by hboy
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[The BBC] don't fully fund it otherwise we wouldn't have ads. They pay towards the facilities they use there and there was the one-off payment they made to government a few years ago that went to MR, but they do not fund MR in its entirety. They could and I believe they would.


I think that's unduly optimistic. It's unlikely the BBC would take over the running of Manx Radio and they certainly won't pay for something they can't control - why should they?. It's true that they fund radio and TV in the Channel Islands, but that dates back to a time when the BBC was both better-funded and more self-confident. It was also much less London-centric (though, ironically, it is still less so than most of its media critics).


I suspect the BBC already spend more per head on the Island than elsewhere in the UK - they may not spend much[1], but we have such a small population that even low spending mounts up. The CI got special treatment, which we didn't need as we already had Manx Radio when they set the local radio network up, but there's no reason why we should get the same now.



[1] From memory they pay Manx Radio a rental for the use of their facilities for the BBC journalists who are based on the Island, though I'm not sure how much as the MR accounts are typically obscure.


its in hansard somewhere that the bbc pays out more than they receive in licence fee, also they turned down a bbc radio station and get a yearly amount to fund mr


Don't think it is.

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