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Desperate Dan

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14 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Many different people on both sides of the argument. There seem to be a lot of black people denouncing the rioting and the protests. Some people obviously are not bothered or are accepting of the current situation?

And others who have been ground down. I think you’ll find that the debate and support is often more like: 



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4 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

It's times like this that we miss the input of Mad Uncle Ronnie. 

I hope his Sharon's ass is alright too if she is still with that Turkish jouster.

They say once you had _____ you don't go ____

('cos too slack)

And her farts don't make a noise anymore

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2 minutes ago, HeliX said:

This has been addressed half a dozen times in the last few pages, but that person isn't being treated negatively based solely on their skin colour. If they were black, they would be. On top of everything else.

White privilege is not a suggestion that all white people have great lives or all black people have bad lives. It's simple that white people (in the West at least) are not treated poorly simply for the colour of their skin.

I'm not necessarily up for sharing global wealth entirely equally no, though I do support UBI.

Would a white person get away with shouting in a police officers face?

Or chucking bottes and bricks at police horses?

Or defacing the Cenotaph? (on the 76th anniversary of the D Day landings)

The BAME do

Go and try it and let us know how you get on

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16 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Are those racial feelings though? 

I was objecting to the implication that people see violent protests and blame/change their feelings towards a race. When in reality, the minority of people being violent are from various races, and are better described as unpleasant people than anything else.

I agree, funnily enough.

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Just now, Sir Dom said:

Would a white person get away with shouting in a police officers face?

Or chucking bottes and bricks at police horses?

Or defacing the Cenotaph? (on the 76th anniversary of the D Day landings)

The BAME do

Go and try it and let us know how you get on

Yes they would. It's only a couple of weeks since white people stormed the Michigan capitol building with rifles. 

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I find TJ funny, its a shame he went so mental a couple of years back and isn't allowed to post here anymore. Obviously the Sultan being banned has contributed pretty highly to some of the new accounts though.

I was trying to get a few other people to join but this place has a pretty poor reputation and I'm not even that sure why. It's a far better discussion platform than either facebook or twitter, and the content is certainly no worse.

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2 hours ago, pongo said:

Of course I read it.

This whole thing is stupid and should be de-escalated before any more nutjobs try to use it as a vehicle for their personal agendas.

Find a good moderator and get them all around a table to try to understand each other better. It doesn't deserve to be world news.

The whole thing IS stupid, and for that reason it is good that is IS world news. In my opinion there were people on that show who rang in with the express purpose of being offended.The more publicity this nonsense and the weakness of the Manx Radio management in its response receive, the better. I am very surprised at the actions of a man with the experience of Chris Sully. To suspend Stu Peters and with the next breath invite the caller to contribute to a programme speaks volumes about how much support the station's staff can expect when things go pear-shaped while working for it. It's tantamount to pre-empting the Communications Commission investigation and telling the caller he was right. Total disgrace.

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:


Of course one barrier to integration would be that people on either side say 'why bother with all of that', the danger of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time is pretty daunting to most folk. Why risk being called a racist by getting involved with black people? This is also one barrier to employment, far from increased protection, legislation increases the chances of difficulties in the workplace. This, particularly should the situation arise where a black employee needs admonishing. I have experienced this myself with an Indian lady I employed. She was a bit slow and slap dash on a particular task, I merely asked her what the problem was as things were not progressing. Five minutes later she was in my office telling me that I was picking on her because of her colour? You can imagine how that would make you feel when given the choice of two employees the next time you are hiring. I did employ people of other races following this but it was always on my mind that should another employee do or say something racist, or the person want's to claim that they did, it would create a huge backlash against the business should it get out of hand. A bit like the Manx Radio issue in some ways.

On a separate point, one thing which I noticed in the Trevor Phillips documentary was, ihow he described the areas which the different races settled in. They wanted to live in areas where other people from their area of their country settled. I think this is probably normal behaviour when you look at the USA for example, huge areas were settled by people from a particular country. We seem to feel that having areas where Asians, Blacks etc is that they have been herded into ghettos and they don't want to integrate, They try to live their lives separately in these areas? I don't know, I think in some ways the USA works better than the UK as people who move there want to be Amarican, whereas it appears that some people who move here don't tend to want to be British?  

We have had a similar situation in the UK for decades in Northern Ireland where Catholics were in a similar position to Black people today. The colour wasn't the issue, it was their religion and Irish heritage against the supremacy of the Scots/English Protestants. Look how that manifested itself and what happened. 

I don't think there are any easy answers, what ever is done sometimes has consequences which cancel out the good intentions. 

I wanted to show appreciation for this post, Max, but in the current shortage and rationing regime, I appear to have run out of "likes" for the day.

Every word is on point. Every employer goes in fear of the dreaded words "it's because I'm black, Muslim or whatever" when usually it is nothing of the sort. This has caused employers to be extremely defensive and to go to the expense and trouble of recording every event and discussion that could conceivably be distorted and used against them in the future. You are correct about this atmosphere being poisonous to employee relations and having precisely the opposite effect of what the campaigners intend for diverse opportunity. There are plenty of unscrupulous people of all ethnicities who know that major organisations will make a payout rather than involve themselves in the hassle and publicity of defending a case, even if completely unjustified. It's only shareholders'/taxpayers'/ratepayers' money after all. More difficult for a small private enterprise.

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:



Can you name any young white boys murdered off the top of your head? Madeline McCann's been in the news constantly due to the efforts of her parents. There are a lot of child murders and the race doesn't matter, Piers Morgan is just bandwagoning there. 

No surprise there then. Man is totally cringeworthy.

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