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Desperate Dan

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15 minutes ago, woolley said:

The whole thing IS stupid, 

Partly I guess it's about responding to the advertisers who may not want their brands associated with any controversy. That's commercial.

It should be de-escalated. Realistically that means everyone taking a deep breath and trying to see the other point of view.

I doubt Manx Radio really wants to be running something which so divides opinion. Also - this story touches on the uncomfortable balance around being both tax funded (ie official) and yet also commercial.

Edited by pongo
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1 hour ago, Mr Newbie said:

By most accounts he seems to be a fair enough bloke. But it doesn’t detract from the fact that this was a clear set up from the start. From the scripted questions of more than one caller to the scripted posts of white middle class outrage that went up on Twitter and Facebook very shortly afterwards and the bombardment of the sponsor to get them to pull. It’s a campaign to promote awareness. As I’ve said often enough Jeremy Paxman he ain’t so it’s a pretty inferior scalp which has been claimed here so I’m not sure why they are all patting themselves on the back like they’ve changed the world and socked a blow to racism. They all think that they’re grown ups because they got a 60 year old bloke who runs a poor phone in show on a tiny parochial radio station in trouble. That’s really socking it to society and to racists everywhere! 

Are those the actions of "a fair enough bloke"?

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Just now, woolley said:

Excellent! I will associate myself with this to the Commission, and I encourage everyone else to do the same.

How are you going to do that?  Send them an email? (Sorry, seem to be on your case at the moment.)

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It's partly the veneer of legitimacy that makes this whole thing stink so badly: the inevitable quoting of Orwell and Voltaire, the rhetoric that aligns itself with academia and with dissenting scholars. But the idea that this is a group that will be populated mostly by daring philosophers is nonsense. It will surely be made up mostly of Twitter dads from Surrey with South Park avatars, port-and-waistcoat undergraduates, hashtag FreeTommy lads and the kind of people who love it when airlines go bust and they get to refer to "Britons needing repatriation" like it's 1945 again. Also, straight-up racists! In other words, all sorts of people just looking for other people who share their prejudices, on the hunt for a forum to support them.

Edited by pongo
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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

I agree, funnily enough.

To be fair, I don't think our viewpoints are gulfs apart. And I think our ideas of how things should look would differ very little. It's just all the details inbetween we're struggling to agree on :)

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12 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Not sure I understand your point Woolley. 

I think that probably lost something from the post in the chain before the one I quoted. Mr Newbie is saying that the caller "by most accounts seems a fair enough bloke", but then goes on to list actions that seem anything but fair on Stu.

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33 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I find TJ funny, its a shame he went so mental a couple of years back and isn't allowed to post here anymore. Obviously the Sultan being banned has contributed pretty highly to some of the new accounts though.

I was trying to get a few other people to join but this place has a pretty poor reputation and I'm not even that sure why. It's a far better discussion platform than either facebook or twitter, and the content is certainly no worse.

It is, and this thread proves that. We have discussed this topic with differing views being aired freely. I have had a couple of my viewpoints changed and I'm sure others have too. Once you get over the fact that we do have some posters who think it's fun to attack others personally because we are anonymous, supposedly. it can be pretty good and informative! I just ignore that sort of thing, it's immature and childish. How many people will not contribute to a Twitter or FB conversation because they are not 'anonymous.'

A friend of mine from Lincolnshire who visits the island for the TT and MGP, got into a FB debate last night, with a young man from the island about the BLM protests. Next salute, he's getting threats from the guy's brother for being racist! He's now concerned about coming back here!

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4 hours ago, HeliX said:

Earlier today Gladys suggested that what you were describing was in fact racism not 'White privilege'. You disagreed. 

But when you aggregated the links for P.K. - You seem to have quoted cases built solely on racism not privilege???

Can you therefore please clarify exactly what we are being asked to protest here - Racism, or white privilege? You seem to be flitting in and out of two completely different things with the difference, I suggest, being absolutely crucial to the debate for many people.

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6 minutes ago, HeliX said:

To be fair, I don't think our viewpoints are gulfs apart. And I think our ideas of how things should look would differ very little. It's just all the details inbetween we're struggling to agree on :)

That is what an open debate is about. :)

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2 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Earlier today Gladys suggested that what you were describing was in fact racism not 'White privilege'. You disagreed. 

But when you aggregated the links for P.K. - You seem to have quoted cases built solely on racism not privilege???

Can you therefore please clarify exactly what we are being asked to protest here - Racism, or white privilege? You seem to be flitting in and out of two completely different things with the difference, I suggest, being absolutely crucial to the debate for many people.

Not being subjected to racism is a white privilege. Racism is part of the sum of white privilege, but not the whole.

EDIT: PK asked me for examples of racism. That's why all the links are about racism...

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8 minutes ago, woolley said:

I think that probably lost something from the post in the chain before the one I quoted. Mr Newbie is saying that the caller "by most accounts seems a fair enough bloke", but then goes on to list actions that seem anything but fair on Stu.

Thanks, I got my "he" s mixed up. 

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