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39 minutes ago, Mr Shoe said:

For the record, I think there is white privilege. But of all the privilege accorded to the various populations in the world, "white privilege" is one of the most slight and western society deserves some credit for that (although capitalism also helps).

But, I will defend anyone's right to state they don't believe there is privilege.

Western society also deserves credit for freedom of speech. Or used to.

Yes I think on balance I'd rather be black in America than, say, South Asian in Saudi Arabia. But there's plenty of work to do in the West still.

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29 minutes ago, pongo said:

Unlike the gammon and / or those suddenly using new usernames.

I thought gammon was a peculiarly Brexit insult? Some posters do seem to have got a bit right wing I’ll grant you but equally Helix has chosen to ignore many points that don’t suit their particular agenda. Not least that this looks unequivocally like a set up which will likely take a mans job from him purely by being the easiest target in the world for this sort of coordinated and agitated virtue signaling. 

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3 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

I thought gammon was a peculiarly Brexit insult? Some posters do seem to have got a bit right wing I’ll grant you but equally Helix has chosen to ignore many points that don’t suit their particular agenda. Not least that this looks unequivocally like a set up which will likely take a mans job from him purely by being the easiest target in the world for this sort of coordinated and agitated virtue signaling. 

Pongo's down with the kids.

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8 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

I thought gammon was a peculiarly Brexit insult? Some posters do seem to have got a bit right wing I’ll grant you but equally Helix has chosen to ignore many points that don’t suit their particular agenda. Not least that this looks unequivocally like a set up which will likely take a mans job from him purely by being the easiest target in the world for this sort of coordinated and agitated virtue signaling. 

I don't think it's fair to say I ignored that point when I refuted it several times.

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13 minutes ago, pongo said:

Well let's hope not.

TBH the job offers will probably be flooding in.

Well that would be nice. How much pleasure it would be telling them to stick it where the sun don't shine, especially after their staunch "support".

That's just me of course. Stu probably isn't so vindictive.


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4 hours ago, HeliX said:

I'm not sure you can dismiss three of them just because they happen to have been in the same year? The UK ones I copied from someone else's post, as I did the tribunal one.

The MLC - the Facebook threads got deleted. I know 'cause I was in them. No use to you obviously, but there's your explanation.

"Nobody wants you here" isn't something I've ever said to someone jumping a queue. You?

I did read the Tribunal by the way. Regardless of their overall finding, that document is full of casual and not so casual racism.

You funny.

You know better than a Tribunal? Don't think so. They look at evidence and take a fair and balanced view without a pre-conceived agenda. You surely can't think you would get away with that? I suppose you could be naive enough to think that perhaps you could...

Three were dismissed not because they were in the same year but because nobody except an idiot would try and claim they were "recent" at eleven years ago....

The MLC - the Facebook threads were conveniently deleted. Do you have any evidence of how this happened?

"Nobody wants you here" was countered by "Hates all foreigners" that conveniently you seemed to forget. You don't suppose they had a bit of " history" do you? Dear me. You know what? I believe they did....

You seem to have forgotten that three of your examples of "recent racism on the IOM" completely failed to mention the island at all....

It's just pathetic. A decent guy trying to do his job is in the shithouse and you're trying to promote a pissing contest because you think you're clever....

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7 hours ago, pongo said:

Be great to see everyone find where the common ground is.

There already is common ground. The problem is there are some intent on not looking further than what they think they know. On both sides.

Edited by Andy Onchan
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9 hours ago, Mr Shoe said:

General question for people who believe in white privilege: do you believe in (for example) arab privilege or chinese privilege?

Assuming you're in Saudi or China respectively.

I've been in places where if there's no English menu outside the restaurant, I'm not welcome. And if I go in, I'll be asked to leave. Not legal in the UK (or the US AFAIK). 

As a white male who has travelled extensively I cannot think of anywhere that has ever refused me service or treated me less favourably than anyone else.

I have been into restaurants that have no English menu (why should there be an English menu by the way?) and have been made welcome. 

If I was a black male I am not sure I would have had those same experiences.  Even in Western Europe some countries can be very unwelcoming to blacks such as Poland and Hungary.  

White privilege does exist but it is very subtle in most cases but can have a big impact on someone's daily life.

Just think about the reaction a black male would get walking through an affluent area compared to a white male.  One is probably going to attract more attention and looks than the other.

As to those who think these calls were some form of set up don't most radio phone ins actually speak to the callers off air first?  So wouldn't Stu have known who was on the line and what point they were going to make?

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