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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

As to those who think these calls were some form of set up don't most radio phone ins actually speak to the callers off air first?  So wouldn't Stu have known who was on the line and what point they were going to make?

Manx Radio of late you speak straight to the presenter. 

There used to be a producer on Mannin Line, Catherine Nichol, who would speak to you first and phone you back, but she would bang on and on at you asking all sorts of questions, 'Spanish Inquisition' style, and wearing you down on your viewpoint and politics and what size shoes do you wear and ...and....and. 

I only wanted to say "I think they should keep the Wurlitzer". 



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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

As a white male who has travelled extensively I cannot think of anywhere that has ever refused me service or treated me less favourably than anyone else.

I have been into restaurants that have no English menu (why should there be an English menu by the way?) and have been made welcome. 

If I was a black male I am not sure I would have had those same experiences.  Even in Western Europe some countries can be very unwelcoming to blacks such as Poland and Hungary.  

White privilege does exist but it is very subtle in most cases but can have a big impact on someone's daily life.

Just think about the reaction a black male would get walking through an affluent area compared to a white male.  One is probably going to attract more attention and looks than the other.

As to those who think these calls were some form of set up don't most radio phone ins actually speak to the callers off air first?  So wouldn't Stu have known who was on the line and what point they were going to make?

You would be viewed with suspicion anywhere in the world that has a homogeneos population because of unfamiliarity. That's simply human nature. A healthy wariness of the unknown. As for vetting callers, I don't believe the late night Manx Radio budget runs to such extravagance. 

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

You would be viewed with suspicion anywhere in the world that has a homogeneos population because of unfamiliarity. That's simply human nature. A healthy wariness of the unknown. 

100 years ago sure, but with easy international travel and mass communication surely that view is now mostly outdated? Or at least should be.

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3 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

100 years ago sure, but with easy international travel and mass communication surely that view is now mostly outdated? Or at least should be.

No. Not all the world is multicultural by any means, not even all of the Western world. That view is a product of conditioning. 

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10 minutes ago, woolley said:

No. Not all the world is multicultural by any means, not even all of the Western world. That view is a product of conditioning. 

As I said that has not been my experience when travelling and I accept that my personal experience may not be totally representative.


27 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Manx Radio of late you speak straight to the presenter. 

There used to be a producer on Mannin Line, Catherine Nichol, who would speak to you first and phone you back, but she would bang on and on at you asking all sorts of questions, 'Spanish Inquisition' style, and wearing you down on your viewpoint and politics and what size shoes do you wear and ...and....and. 

I only wanted to say "I think they should keep the Wurlitzer". 

Thanks for the reply.  I don't call in on radio phone ins but assumed that they would have some sort of check to ensure that the people who are going to be put on air are not going to put forward something that would be totally unacceptable particularly in relation to a topic like BLM.

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

As a white male who has travelled extensively I cannot think of anywhere that has ever refused me service or treated me less favourably than anyone else.I

You’ve never been to Saudi Arabia then? Went there got treated like shite as a Westerner. China isn’t a great experience either. Neither are parts of Africa where the colonial hangover has really turned against white people. As I said above white privilege is really only a factor in democratic nations where society makes rules for the majority. If the majority are white then clearly it’s going to be easier as a white person than anyone in a minority group as democracies mould themselves around delivering laws and rights that the majority of voters want. 

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9 minutes ago, woolley said:

No. Not all the world is multicultural by any means, not even all of the Western world.


Poland, Hungary, what was the DDR and others still harbour anti-semitic feelings despite the Holocaust...

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10 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

You’ve never been to Saudi Arabia then? 

No, but that is through choice as I tend to travel on holiday and I know that the laws and customs of that country would impinge upon part of what I enjoy in a holiday.  My business travel is very much Europe focused. 

12 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

China isn’t a great experience either. Neither are parts of Africa where the colonial hangover has really turned against white people. As I said above white privilege is really only a factor in democratic nations where society makes rules for the majority. If the majority are white then clearly it’s going to be easier as a white person than anyone in a minority group as democracies mould themselves around delivering laws and rights that the majority of voters want. 

I went to China many years ago but only very briefly and given that we had an armed guard I would suggest that the country is more open to westerners now than it was then.  I have travelled to Africa but never had the experience you describe.  In fact the welcome we received was warm and we were treated very well.  What I did find remarkable was the apparent lack of what we would refer to as a middle class.  People there seemed to be either very wealthy or living in poverty but that is a different discussion.

As you have touched on much comes down to the culture and laws of the countries that you visit.  As westerners I am sure many of us would find countries with much more repressive regimes to be a shock and unwelcoming.  

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I think the place where I've felt most discriminated against that I've ever been was Quebec City, because my french is poor and they won't speak english there. Montreal was different though, Montreal was great. 

Not surprised to hear someone mention Saudi, that's pretty much a given for that part of the world. The only arabic country I've been to was Morocco, and once you were out of the tourist areas I had a wonderful time, and the people were lovely. Much more welcoming than I'd expected tbh.

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7 hours ago, P.K. said:

You funny.

You know better than a Tribunal? Don't think so. They look at evidence and take a fair and balanced view without a pre-conceived agenda. You surely can't think you would get away with that? I suppose you could be naive enough to think that perhaps you could...

Three were dismissed not because they were in the same year but because nobody except an idiot would try and claim they were "recent" at eleven years ago....

The MLC - the Facebook threads were conveniently deleted. Do you have any evidence of how this happened?

"Nobody wants you here" was countered by "Hates all foreigners" that conveniently you seemed to forget. You don't suppose they had a bit of " history" do you? Dear me. You know what? I believe they did....

You seem to have forgotten that three of your examples of "recent racism on the IOM" completely failed to mention the island at all....

It's just pathetic. A decent guy trying to do his job is in the shithouse and you're trying to promote a pissing contest because you think you're clever....

Are you suggesting there are no examples of casual or non-casual racism in the Tribunal document?

11 years ago is pretty recent.

The threads were deleted because they were shit-flinging matches. Hardly convenient.

Is saying that someone hates all foreigners racism? Does it somehow negate what the first person said?

I didn't forget they don't include the IOM, I said specifically in the post you quoted "The UK ones I copied from someone else's post"

I'm not interested in a pissing contest, and I'm certainly not interested in your moving goalposts.

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25 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Thanks for the reply.  I don't call in on radio phone ins but assumed that they would have some sort of check to ensure that the people who are going to be put on air are not going to put forward something that would be totally unacceptable particularly in relation to a topic like BLM.

It's a good point. I am sure from now on, it will be the Fort Knox approach. The old days it had got a little ridiculous, and Catherine Nichol, I am sure she won't mind me saying, was the Iron Lady. But totally needless although these events will show perhaps not.

Incidentally, I have only phoned in once in the past 6 or 7 years maybe longer. I have never phoned in the Stu Peters Late Show show but listen to it. Buster was always good to spill a few beans, and David Quirk is often on to try and get back into the House of Key although to be fair it was always good to hear what he had to say. The programme was alright.

The very first caller was a bit odd on Wednesday. It sounded to me like the guy was going to give a bit of stick (he sort of mentioned that too) but realised Stu was a nice enough guy and so bottled out of the bollicking mode. I may be wrong and apologise to the guy if I am, but it was certainly a very odd night on Wednesday.

Had Catherine Nichol been there as producer of the show, she would have recognised exactly where each caller was coming from and been able to prime the presenter before phoning teh caller back

So from being an easy going chat show where a person could just phone straight in on air, I suppose there will now be check caller.

More cost, more hassle, less freedom. In fact, probably no phone in.

That is what Jordan has given us. No doubt he and his friends will feel that is a victory in itself. Jordan got his 5 minutes of air-time but will have effectively killed it for everyone else.


Edited by gettafa
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28 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

No, but that is through choice as I tend to travel on holiday and I know that the laws and customs of that country would impinge upon part of what I enjoy in a holiday.  My business travel is very much Europe focused. 

I went to China many years ago but only very briefly and given that we had an armed guard I would suggest that the country is more open to westerners now than it was then.  I have travelled to Africa but never had the experience you describe.  In fact the welcome we received was warm and we were treated very well.  What I did find remarkable was the apparent lack of what we would refer to as a middle class.  People there seemed to be either very wealthy or living in poverty but that is a different discussion.

As you have touched on much comes down to the culture and laws of the countries that you visit.  As westerners I am sure many of us would find countries with much more repressive regimes to be a shock and unwelcoming.  

Saudi is awful and despite liberalization in the last few years still isn’t western friendly. Western women even less. I knew a woman years ago who got shouted at by the religious police for the way she was dressed which was incredibly intimidating and she said she would never set foot in the country again. China has moved on but you still know your place as a westerner (which is absolutely fine it’s their country), and specifically in places like Zimbabwe they actively hate white westerners as a result of the awful colonial past in that country and it can be very uncomfortable indeed. Other African countries are getting similar in their approach as majority black governments take control which is also the way it should be. White privilege is largely a factor in western democracies which is hardly surprising when the majority of all voters electing people into parliaments are white westerners. I think that’s very different to somewhere like Rhodesia in the 1960s and 70s where 10% of the population formed a white privileged parliament which gave them all the rights and told the other 90% of the country what to do. 

Edited by Mr Newbie
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