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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Yes, as a summary court not sure it would be a published judgement as that would be my preferred source. 

Summary courts are the lower level ones, is that right? I'd expect someone who attacked someone else with a piece of wood, bit off part of someones ear and used racist language in the attack to end up at a higher court personally. This is the Isle of Man though...

I'll see if I can find out another way, might take a while.

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1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

In my experience, as a rule no one 'teaches' it.

I've met plenty of racist people. Some are widely travelled and base their views on what they've seen and how they've been treated in different countries and by different cultures. Put yourself in their shoes and you might even begin to understand where they're coming from. Other racists that I've met are just thick, and it's usually a primal, tribal identity thing. You'll never educate some of them out of it.

I've met far more 'whites' that hate other 'whites' for all sorts of reasons, and they've slaughtered each other in millions since time began. It's the same for all races. The reasons might be spurious or petty, but also it might be resources; religion; language; geography; history, or some other cultural difference. At root level it's about competition, dominance and power - the drivers of survival and evolution.

Racism in the human species has been around for tens of thousands of years; it assumes new forms, and it ain't gonna change any time soon.     

You could argue parents teach it if they have it, but otherwise you're pretty spot on. I've been lucky enough to travel around the world and also live in various parts of it, and racism exists everywhere and sadly always will to varying degrees. White on Black is by far not the only type either. It's just the one receiving all the limelight right now. Some of it is deep rooted in illogical stupidity and will never be erased, some is based on experiences, some is taught (often by the media and national interests) and some is based on insecurity and uncertainty - or maybe call it fear of the unknown. 

I've almost had my car taken to bits for wearing the wrong t-shirt at a Balkan border, gotten a very unexpected response when I innocently called that country north of Greece Macedonia in a Greek office, had a gun pulled on me during a rainy night because a local security guard didn't like foreigners, seen members of multiple Asian nations hate on each other in various ways, etc, etc... You'll never eradicate it all. You can just try to understand the world better for yourself. Try and see and experience as much of it as you can. Like Mark Twain once said:

“travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.”


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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

I have stated repeatedly that I believe racism does exist here as everywhere.  My point is whether this demo is the right thing at the right time for the IOM. 

I am not saying BLM discredits other anti-racism causes, but it draws the focus from them leaving other minorities out on a limb somewhat.  I repeat, many houses burning. 

I'm not sure this can be followed through to a fair conclusion though? You can't really say no-one can demonstrate unless everyone demonstrates for "racial issues" at the same time. Is there a workable solution to being allowed to demonstrate against a particular recent example of injustice that doesn't leave other injustices out on a limb? Not even just for racial issues, really.

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The sheer arrogance of the organiser on Face Book certainly does not help their cause.  He is going to educate Islanders.....and we are welcome to take the knee at 1:00pm he is hoping an MHK will give a speech and he will be speaking.   He is talking down as if we are uneducated idiots.   People like him will cause divisions on our Island for no good reason.  There are always ignorant people about who will make remarks about people why do the overweight people not have a march or bald people or redheads but they are ignorant and should be ignored.   Who does he think he is ?

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1 minute ago, HeliX said:

I'm not sure this can be followed through to a fair conclusion though? You can't really say no-one can demonstrate unless everyone demonstrates for "racial issues" at the same time. Is there a workable solution to being allowed to demonstrate against a particular recent example of injustice that doesn't leave other injustices out on a limb? Not even just for racial issues, really.

I think it's just the timing that's the issue. We've hopefully just defeated Corona. To risk starting a second wave is seen as undesirable by many. 

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3 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

I think it's just the timing that's the issue. We've hopefully just defeated Corona. To risk starting a second wave is seen as undesirable by many. 

That doesn't seem to be the primary issue in the posts I was replying to, but from the event page...



We also have 0 known active cases, and enough days with no new cases to be pretty confident. The queue at B&Q is probably more dangerous.

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3 hours ago, piebaps said:

Racist behaviour isn't taught in our schools and is not something you're born with. Somebody somewhere however is teaching it........


2 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

In my experience, as a rule no one 'teaches' it.

I've met plenty of racist people. Some are widely travelled and base their views on what they've seen and how they've been treated in different countries and by different cultures. Put yourself in their shoes and you might even begin to understand where they're coming from. Other racists that I've met are just thick, and it's usually a primal, tribal identity thing. You'll never educate some of them out of it.

I've met far more 'whites' that hate other 'whites' for all sorts of reasons, and they've slaughtered each other in millions since time began. It's the same for all races. The reasons might be spurious or petty, but also it might be resources; religion; language; geography; history, or some other cultural difference. At root level it's about competition, dominance and power - the drivers of survival and evolution.

Racism in the human species has been around for tens of thousands of years; it assumes new forms, and it ain't gonna change any time soon.     


35 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

You could argue parents teach it if they have it, but otherwise you're pretty spot on. I've been lucky enough to travel around the world and also live in various parts of it, and racism exists everywhere and sadly always will to varying degrees. White on Black is by far not the only type either. It's just the one receiving all the limelight right now. Some of it is deep rooted in illogical stupidity and will never be erased, some is based on experiences, some is taught (often by the media and national interests) and some is based on insecurity and uncertainty - or maybe call it fear of the unknown. 

I've almost had my car taken to bits for wearing the wrong t-shirt at a Balkan border, gotten a very unexpected response when I innocently called that country north of Greece Macedonia in a Greek office, had a gun pulled on me during a rainy night because a local security guard didn't like foreigners, seen members of multiple Asian nations hate on each other in various ways, etc, etc... You'll never eradicate it all. You can just try to understand the world better for yourself. Try and see and experience as much of it as you can. Like Mark Twain once said:

“travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.”


I was amused by piebaps" assertion that "somebody, somewhere is teaching racism". SMUJ gives a clue by saying that it's been around for thousands of years, and then Amadeus gives further insight in arguing that parents teach it. What this all boils down to is the plain fact that it is a form of aggression, and aggression is innate in all animals. Whether it is over possession of the most desirable member of the opposite sex, best territory, contesting perceived disadvantage or injustice, access to resources, or the threat of the unfamiliar stranger, individuals, groups or entire nations have it in them to fight and struggle. This is a fundamental facet of the makeup of all of us. It is how we survived and became successful. Of course it's a characteristic that can be harnessed and manipulated, but, for better or for worse, it is in us all at a primal level. Our remarkable levels of civilisation are a product of development, evolution and education, but at the basic level, we are still animals.

Amadeus quotes the words of Twain "Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” Absolutely. However, a huge percentage of the global population does exactly that.

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