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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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9 minutes ago, Declan said:

That's where my objection to the program comes from. People are reading the transcript of one call and saying he did nothing wrong. But a transcript cannot show him scoffing at the anti-racist callers, interrupting and it only includes one call not the whole show where he was  "playing devil's advocate" towards anti-racist callers and having a good laugh with those that disagreed with them. He didn't challenge one callers use of the word coloured and when questioned on it said it was because "he might kick off".

You can't play devil's advocate to only one side of a debate - on a state-funded broadcaster.


So do you approve of this new group 'People of Colour' that's been set up locally Declan ? Are they racists too then ?

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43 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

So do you approve of this new group 'People of Colour' that's been set up locally Declan ? Are they racists too then ?

This "person of colour" = fine, but "coloured" = hanging offence dichotomy is symptomatic of the height of stupidity we have now attained. Completely barking.

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16 minutes ago, woolley said:

This "person of colour" = fine, but "coloured" = hanging offence dichotomy is symptomatic of the height of stupidity we have now attained. Completely barking.

white is a colour too isn't it ?   i'm waiting to join the white lives matter group when that gets set up.

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18 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

But they aren't saying that it's their ongoing investigations.  They will be aware of the ones at Manx Radio and may even keep any complaints to them on file, but I doubt they would act until the other ones had been concluded.

Here's the procedure:

FireShot Capture 071 - Praise & Complaint - Manx Radio - www.manxradio.com.pdf

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3 hours ago, KERED said:

I don't have it in  for him, but I have never been a fan of Mr Peters. I am not surprised that a complaint has (apparently) been made about him. In fact I am surprised that it didn’t happen sooner.

I did not hear his comments, so I can’t say whether or not I think they were racist.

However – I agree with other posters who have said that he is not the right person to host a phone-in show. He does not seem to have the ability to play “Devil’s Advocate” which is to remain impartial and to put forward opposing views, even when they differ from one’s own. He destroyed Talking Heads for me with his bigoted and opinionated views. Contributors who disagreed with him were given a hard time, whilst those who agreed, were  awarded a cheery “I like the cut of your jib, young feller!”  Some, who had the temerity to question his authority were told to “wind yer neck in!”

 Towards the end, I found the best parts of the show were when Frank from Ramsey kept winding him up, until getting himself banned.

If he is allowed back on air on the Island’s National Broadcaster, I hope it will be just as a regular presenter, and not “unleashed”.

 BTW - Is the Communications Commission investigating this, or not?

It isn't a news programme though. It is intended to be controversial, and the host to be provocative rather than impartial. People are expected to argue and that is what is meant to provide the entertainment. There was a bloke on Manchester local radio in the 80s called James Stannage and he was notoriously controversial with many bans and scrapes to his name. People used to ring up to be insulted. It's a more than 30 year old genre that Stu always wanted to bring to Manx Radio. Perhaps society has simply become too po-faced to accept such output now

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1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

So do you approve of this new group 'People of Colour' that's been set up locally Declan ? Are they racists too then ?

I object to being classed as white. My skin colour has never ever been white. Slightly pinkish when I was born (according to my dear old mum) then several shades of flesh tones thereafter and to this day.

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32 minutes ago, woolley said:

This "person of colour" = fine, but "coloured" = hanging offence dichotomy is symptomatic of the height of stupidity we have now attained. Completely barking.

The gradual creep of language is seen in other areas too.  In educational circles it used to be the norm to use idiot/imbecile/moron, then came mentally retarded, then came educationally subnormal, then came special educational needs... In each case the terminology started to be used as a term of abuse and then it was made non-PC and changed.  The racism conversation moves similarly.  When I was a kid I'm pretty sure 'black' was out of favour and 'coloured' was the correct term.  That fell from favour, black came back, but only in certain circs, then came 'afro-carribean', and now 'person of colour'.  Even further back it was perfectly normal, if not necessarily acceptable in polite company, to use the n-word - check out the Fawlty Towers 'Germans' episode for example, although it's probably been erased in the last couple of days by Netflix/BBC/Amazon etc.  'Gone with the Wind' is gone apparently :rolleyes:

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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

It isn't a news programme though. It is intended to be controversial, and the host to be provocative rather than impartial. People are expected to argue and that is what is meant to provide the entertainment. There was a bloke on Manchester local radio in the 80s called James Stannage and he was notoriously controversial with many bans and scrapes to his name. People used to ring up to be insulted. It's a more than 30 year old genre that Stu always wanted to bring to Manx Radio. Perhaps society has simply become too po-faced to accept such output now

The relatively new Controller of Programming and Content must be wondering if this was the right move! :D 

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They seem to be taking their time with this 'investigation'. Hopefully all three parties (complainant, Stu and MR) will come to an agreement - resulting in a more intellectual debate on the topics involved.

Any other outcome will be divisive IMO - and actually cause more problems here in the longer term than it will solve.


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