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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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49 minutes ago, woolley said:

No, and in the genre of programme we are talking about it is not incumbent on the host to do that. It isn't a news programme or a documentary. The host can have an opinion. That's the whole idea.

Actually it is pretty much the obligation of the radio station to make sure that he does.  Part of the remit of all broadcasters is balance and those talk radio stations that employ broadcasters with particular, strongly-expressed, viewpoints are supposed to balance their output by employing those with a range of views.  Public service broadcasters, such as Manx Radio is supposed to be, tend to balance within a particular programme - apart from anything else Manx Radio hasn't got enough of such shows that they can even things out across the schedule.

Hosts can have opinions or course (difficult to stop it, given that being a raving egomaniac is part of the job description for a broadcaster) but they are supposed to be self-aware enough to know that a range of opinions being challenged will make better broadcasting  and attract more listeners, rather than those who just agree 100% with the host.

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3 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Actually it is pretty much the obligation of the radio station to make sure that he does.  Part of the remit of all broadcasters is balance and those talk radio stations that employ broadcasters with particular, strongly-expressed, viewpoints are supposed to balance their output by employing those with a range of views.  Public service broadcasters, such as Manx Radio is supposed to be, tend to balance within a particular programme - apart from anything else Manx Radio hasn't got enough of such shows that they can even things out across the schedule.

Hosts can have opinions or course (difficult to stop it, given that being a raving egomaniac is part of the job description for a broadcaster) but they are supposed to be self-aware enough to know that a range of opinions being challenged will make better broadcasting  and attract more listeners, rather than those who just agree 100% with the host.

Well you've kind of countered the point you made in the first sentence in the rest of that same paragraph, so I won't argue further other than to repeat that in the genre we are talking about the host is entitled to argue an opinion. Obviously opinions are challenged, but it's difficult to have a conversation with someone who rings in, reels off a prepared statement, becomes offended about who knows what, and then rings off.

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I think Stu will be asked to resign with a compensation packet, it is a shame,unfair and unnecessary and will further stifle free speech.  The BBC is going down that road reporting mainly peaceful demonstrations I wonder if he had been fronting a programme on either of the other two radio stations would they have crumbled under pressure from a vocal few.

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4 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Stu's never been a 'shock-jock' though. He's not a Stannage or a Beswick; let alone a Piers Morgan, Nick Ferrari or a James O'Brien. He's far too genial for that style and he wouldn't have even lasted five minutes at Manx Radio if he was.


On 10/1/2019 at 5:42 PM, Stu Peters said:

it allows me to have more fun as it's after the watershed. It was what I originally wanted to do 20 years ago when I started knocking on Manx Radio's door - I was always a fan of late night radio in the UK (Stannage, Whale, Dicken et al).


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32 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

I think Stu will be asked to resign with a compensation packet, it is a shame,unfair and unnecessary and will further stifle free speech.  The BBC is going down that road reporting mainly peaceful demonstrations I wonder if he had been fronting a programme on either of the other two radio stations would they have crumbled under pressure from a vocal few.

Of course, it doesn't help when the vocal few tell lies about you:

Stu Peters of Manx Radio used his platform as a presenter to publicly mock & laugh at racism. Whilst speaking with a black man live on air, he stated that he has never experienced more privilege than a black person and continued to make racist remarks throughout the show whilst laughing off individual comments trying to stand up for black people.
MANX RADIO WE NEED YOU TO ADDRESS THIS.. This man is currently classed as a PUBLIC servant yet can’t see the issues behind the level of racism experienced on the Isle of Man or in the world, nor has he shown any interest in educating himself on these matters.


Never mind the accusations of racism that others can't find, the claims he has never shown any inclination to educate himself on the subject of racism in the IOM (Where has that come from? Like they would know about Stu's learning interests. Eh? Music, well, yes. I challenged HeliX to find proof of recent racism on the island and he failed dismally to find any.) but what will really hurt Stu is to be wrongly accused of being a Public Servant!

I feel his pain.... To be accused of that, well, beyond the pale. Well beyond!

Perhaps it's time to contact Sue, Grabbit and Runne to redress the balance somewhat?

After all, that's got to hurt.... 

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4 hours ago, wrighty said:

In educational circles it used to be the norm to use idiot/imbecile/moron, then came mentally retarded, then came educationally subnormal, then came special educational needs... In each case the terminology started to be used as a term of abuse and then it was made non-PC and changed.  The racism conversation moves similarly.  When I was a kid I'm pretty sure 'black' was out of favour and 'coloured' was the correct term.  That fell from favour, black came back, but only in certain circs, then came 'afro-carribean', and now 'person of colour'.  Even further back it was perfectly normal, if not necessarily acceptable in polite company, to use the n-word - check out the Fawlty Towers 'Germans' episode for example, although it's probably been erased in the last couple of days by Netflix/BBC/Amazon etc.  'Gone with the Wind' is gone apparently :rolleyes:

I've reclaimed the word moron in much the same way as some gay people have reappropriated the word queer. Moron is a badge I wear with pride.

My dad used to hate the fact that gay no long meant cheerful. But he was part of a generation of people who could be really pedantic and dull about the evolution of language and culture.

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41 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Of course, it doesn't help when the vocal few tell lies about you:

Stu Peters of Manx Radio used his platform as a presenter to publicly mock & laugh at racism. Whilst speaking with a black man live on air, he stated that he has never experienced more privilege than a black person and continued to make racist remarks throughout the show whilst laughing off individual comments trying to stand up for black people.
MANX RADIO WE NEED YOU TO ADDRESS THIS.. This man is currently classed as a PUBLIC servant yet can’t see the issues behind the level of racism experienced on the Isle of Man or in the world, nor has he shown any interest in educating himself on these matters.



Whoever voted for that tissue of lies is a complete arsehole. None of what the moron who set the petition up said is even accurate. Another white virtue signaling gobshite. 

Edited by Mr Newbie
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14 minutes ago, pongo said:

I've reclaimed the word moron in much the same way as some gay people have reappropriated the word queer. Moron is a badge I wear with pride.

My dad used to hate the fact that gay no long meant cheerful. But he was part of a generation of people who could be really pedantic and dull about the evolution of language and culture.

Nothing wrong with using the word gay in its original employment. Varied usage in language keeps words alive and people awake, aside from the fact that it's such an elegant word. There are words with similar meanings, but nothing else quite conveys the same mood. I must admit that I was under the impression that the association with homosexuality came from the acronym "Good as you", but I can find no evidence of this on the web now.

I'm also a fan of the word mayhap, so clearly, there's no hope!

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

Well you've kind of countered the point you made in the first sentence in the rest of that same paragraph, so I won't argue further other than to repeat that in the genre we are talking about the host is entitled to argue an opinion. Obviously opinions are challenged, but it's difficult to have a conversation with someone who rings in, reels off a prepared statement, becomes offended about who knows what, and then rings off.

I never said he wasn't entitled to have an opinion, you're missing the point that he has to do more than that.

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