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25 minutes ago, quilp said:

Listen here, Mr cancel-culture-haughty-pants,  whether statue or monument, they're erected to symbolise, embody sentiment, a statement of historical fame or as a critique of infamy thus should not to be forgotten- "lest we forget" an'that...





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1 hour ago, pongo said:


There is a false equivalence implict in this cartoon. Since Rodin's The Thinker is a sculpture, a piece of art. It's not a monument (to dead slave trader).

A monument serves a very different cultural function.

The few surviving statues of Stalin are now in museums. Where they belong.

Not true, it is symbolic of the destruction of rational thought.  I get the symbolism entirely and it is not a false equivalence. 

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Not true, it is symbolic of the destruction of rational thought.  I get the symbolism entirely and it is not a false equivalence. 

That's a sensible and feasible parallel interpretation of what that cartoon can mean. You make a good point.

But it will also be read to mean that a monument to an imperialist, or a slaver (or a dictator) exists in the same context as a piece of art.

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You got it Gladys, exactly as I saw it.

@pongo It is up to the beholder's interpretation of any statue/monument (or any piece of symbolism/art) but if the viewer is more informed, by an additional plaque of explanation there is no reason why it should not stay in place. The current actions taken by 'protesters' are just acts of cultural vandalism as far as I'm concerned, a febrile attempt to wipe history and doesn't do the cause any good at all...

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36 minutes ago, Gladys said:

The purpose behind most of the statues of dictators is to remind everyone who is in charge

Most of the statues of Lenin went up long after he had died. Same as the slavers and imperialists. Same thing.

Granted some used to try to argue that he was somehow less toxic then Stalin.

Edited by pongo
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Leave them up as a reminder and to educate future generations about their country's history. People can think for themselves. This destruction just dumbs everybody down.

I'm fascinated by Italy's fascist era architecture for instance. Not because I admire Mussolini's legacy, but because I want to understand the history. What if we'd have obliterated Roman statuary and public buildings ? What would you have the French do with their Napoleonic past ? The Vikings (Norse pirates) ? 

Anyway, it's all kicking off down in London today, as predicted.  

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41 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

@quilp hardly wiping history. 


The removal of the Colston statue will have educated many about the Slave trade and the role that Colston had in it.

How many people knew who Colston was before the events of the past week?

It is wiping history, at least those parts of history that have become loathsome. But as SMUJ says, people can think for themselves and it should have been left as an informative and thought-provoking icon to a dreadful period in world history. How far would you go? Cleopatra's needle, Mayan and Aztec symbolism..?

And also, you summed it up yourself, "how many people knew who Colston was before the events of the past week?" that partucular statue has educated people. That's how it should be. 

Edited by quilp
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Ripping down a few statues changes nothing. It simply gives a few nice photo opps for the millennials to post on insta. The cultural change required around racism is a much more difficult task and will require some hard work from society as a whole. These bandwagon types aren't interested in that kinda thing. In a short while, they'll flit onto the latest trendy cause and poor old George will be simply another statistic.

Do statues make a difference? Do they fuck. An estimated 300k people have met violent deaths in Iraq AFTER the famous statue toppled. That's nearly 50 a day, every day for 17 years.


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2 minutes ago, piebaps said:

Do statues make a difference? Do they fuck. An estimated 300k people have met violent deaths in Iraq AFTER the famous statue toppled. That's nearly 50 a day, every day for 17 years.

So you’re saying toppling statues causes a rise in deaths? 

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

How far would you go? Cleopatra's needle, Mayan and Aztec symbolism..?

Don't be stupid.  Those are monuments and ruins which can be explained via information boards or guided tours.  The same with the Pyramids.

2 hours ago, quilp said:

And also, you summed it up yourself, "how many people knew who Colston was before the events of the past week?" that partucular statue has educated people. That's how it should be. 

Only as a result of it being torn down.  I  bet hardly anyone knew who he was before then.

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