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Desperate Dan

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

I disagree. Sometimes in life you have to make a stand, and the time to do that is at the moment of maximum impact. What would be the point of keeping mum until after you are sacked by which time the circus has moved on and the injustice can be quietly swept under the carpet?


If the Communications Commission exonerate Stu that will put MR in a bit of a tricky position....

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16 minutes ago, woolley said:

Hadn't they cottoned on to his online tweet or whatever he did questioning the point of a demonstration here?

it was a post he made on here. It wasn't questioning the point of a demo here, more the whole BLM movement I think.

I don't really get the point of the demonstration here, but Im actually quite pleased it went ahead. There were loads of people there, who obviously have a desire for some kind of societal change. I think,although I don't actually know cos I wasn't there, that really those people were protesting as much for a more equitable society in general as much as anything.

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30 minutes ago, P.K. said:


If the Communications Commission exonerate Stu that will put MR in a bit of a tricky position....

It shouldn't really, although there will be an outcry from some quarters. They will probably have to do some compromising phone in or round table on air discussion. That could also end badly if the same attitudes are adopted by either side. 

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57 minutes ago, Donald Trumps said:

Must say I'm surprised at all these people who are listening to the late show!

I don't know anyone who still listens to the station

Cause you have no friends ?:thumbsup:

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7 minutes ago, Donald Trumps said:

Sort of suggests then that he might have been set up

The only person who set Stu Peters up was a certain Stu Peters.  And he did it by posting on an obscure website called Manx Forums:


I expect the protest will be in front of the U.S. Embassy in Douglas - otherwise an IOM protest about police brutality in Murrica makes no sense except as a virtue signalling snowstorm.

In other news (saw this on a graph earlier) , in 2018 the USA had around fifty thousand white on black violent crimes, compared with four hundred thousand black on black and around 550,000 black on white violent crimes.

ALL Lives Matter!

And then people rang up later to challenge what he had written and he was unable to deal with it.  Partly of course because he literally didn't know what he was talking about.  If you start quoting as definite 'facts' something you only vaguely remember and didn't bother to check[1], but which conveniently happen to match your own prejudices, then you're not going to be able to defend those facts whether they are true or not.

Stu may or may not have realised he was dropping himself in it[2], but a broadcaster as experienced as he is should really know that if you write something controversial on social media, then people may challenge you on it where they can.  There have been ridiculous defences that some people have been making of him, either by suggesting that he's a decrepit old pensioner who should be left alone or that it's somehow unfair that people ringing in shouldn't be better prepared than he was.  Both these are simply implying that he isn't up to his job and insulting his professionalism.


[1]  I'm not sure that he even wrote most of that post himself.  The faint blue highlight behind the second and third paragraphs suggests that those were copied from another source.

[2] Others did.  The next comment after that was @TheTeapot saying "Fucking hell".

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15 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

The only person who set Stu Peters up was a certain Stu Peters.  And he did it by posting on an obscure website called Manx Forums:

And then people rang up later to challenge what he had written and he was unable to deal with it.  Partly of course because he literally didn't know what he was talking about.  If you start quoting as definite 'facts' something you only vaguely remember and didn't bother to check[1], but which conveniently happen to match your own prejudices, then you're not going to be able to defend those facts whether they are true or not.

Stu may or may not have realised he was dropping himself in it[2], but a broadcaster as experienced as he is should really know that if you write something controversial on social media, then people may challenge you on it where they can.  There have been ridiculous defences that some people have been making of him, either by suggesting that he's a decrepit old pensioner who should be left alone or that it's somehow unfair that people ringing in shouldn't be better prepared than he was.  Both these are simply implying that he isn't up to his job and insulting his professionalism.


[1]  I'm not sure that he even wrote most of that post himself.  The faint blue highlight behind the second and third paragraphs suggests that those were copied from another source.

[2] Others did.  The next comment after that was @TheTeapot saying "Fucking hell".

But Stu was correct with his figures wasn’t he ?

Surely the fact that it did not fit the latest mold , says more. 

Think I will buy a couple of bandwagons as they seem to be always full


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43 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Well there's nearly 5,000 people put their name to a petition. They must have listened to it, if not live then Listen Again.

Oh you sweet naive little soul.

Go to any of these petition websites and they will automatically badger you hard to sign.  They don't give you a full test to see if you are completely up to date with the topic.  They just want you to click yes - they may even have your details stored so you don't need to enter them.  Then of course they ask you for money.

(Obviously this applies to petitions on all sides of any argument).



That's a healthy listenership.

One of the guys from 3fm called Ron used to say that only about 30 people listen to Manx Radio in the evening. He wasn't being ironic*, or exaggerating or anything.

*Actually he might have been just being bitter

Manx Radio (and 3FM) will have a sort of idea what the figures are as they will be in the RAJAR figures that aren't released publicly (radio stations have to subscribe).  I doubt they are as low as that, but they will be low enough that it will be difficult to tell just how low they are because the number of people in the sample who do listen will be very low.

(And yes of course he's being bitter).

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3 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Oh you sweet naive little soul.

Go to any of these petition websites and they will automatically badger you hard to sign.  They don't give you a full test to see if you are completely up to date with the topic.  They just want you to click yes - they may even have your details stored so you don't need to enter them.  Then of course they ask you for money.

I know the score with that, but many left their comments. Which I feel is crazy. But facts is facts. And these people all signed under their own free will.

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1 minute ago, dilligaf said:

But Stu was correct with his figures wasn’t he ?

Surely the fact that it did not fit the latest mold , says more. 

Think I will buy a couple of bandwagons as they seem to be always full

But we don't know if he was correct with his figures or not because he doesn't say what they were about or where they came from.  The nearest I could find out was that they might come from a tweet that was supposed to be from Mike Tyson and turned out not to be.  Reuters' fact check on the story and the actual figures is here.  In any case you also need to consider White on White violence as well, which that 'tweet' didn't.

Of course if your main concern is whether you agree or disagree with something rather than whether it is true or not, these things don't matter and you can live your life untouched by reality.

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