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Desperate Dan

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Nigel Farage has outgrown LBC. He also can sustain himself very easily independently via podcasting and the same is true for Stu Peters. Podcasting is the future. Radio is dead.  LBC would be irrelevant and taken off the air very soon without Nigel Farage or Nick Ferrari attracting listeners.

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

And then people rang up later to challenge what he had written and he was unable to deal with it.  Partly of course because he literally didn't know what he was talking about.  If you start quoting as definite 'facts' something you only vaguely remember and didn't bother to check[1], but which conveniently happen to match your own prejudices, then you're not going to be able to defend those facts whether they are true or not.

Stu may or may not have realised he was dropping himself in it[2], but a broadcaster as experienced as he is should really know that if you write something controversial on social media, then people may challenge you on it where they can.  There have been ridiculous defences that some people have been making of him, either by suggesting that he's a decrepit old pensioner who should be left alone or that it's somehow unfair that people ringing in shouldn't be better prepared than he was.  Both these are simply implying that he isn't up to his job and insulting his professionalism.

One of the problems I have with t'interweb is that if you ferret around long enough you will eventually stumble across a site that supports your opinion.

Having said that accusing other posters of, say, not understanding institutionalsed racism in an attempt to belittle them and their opinions is not very nice. Ergo you should always try to play the ball and not the man.

This was written by Barry Latzer. A professor, criminologist and author of books on this very subject such as "The Rise and Fall of Violent Crime in America" in 2017. It's clearly not the numbers that are important, even though they are of course, but it's the percentages that are striking.

"The reason we focus more on black-on-black violence nowadays is not racism but rather its significance to the crime problem in the United States.

"Black violent crime was a major factor in the post-1960s crime tsunami and persisted even after the wave began to ebb in the 1990s. From 2000 to 2015, the mean African-American homicide-victimization rate, adjusted for age, was 20.1 per 100,000. That’s more than three times the Hispanic rate of 6.4 (despite disadvantages comparable to those of blacks) and over seven times the average white rate, 2.7. Moreover, as already noted, from 1976 to 2005, 94 percent of the killers of black murder victims were other African Americans. In short, this is about exceptionally high as well as overwhelmingly intraracial black violent crime. "

Black Lives Matter.

But to whom...?

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48 minutes ago, Zorg said:

Nigel Farage has outgrown LBC. He also can sustain himself very easily independently via podcasting and the same is true for Stu Peters. 

You're talking through your hat. Nobody phones a podcast.

Podcast advertising rates (CPM) are low at the moment and dropping. There are a lot of empty slots. A fair bit of new content is currently being held back (eg series etc which have already been recorded). Even in a good market, advertisers are looking for high quality niche audiences with money. Not the sort of people who phone LBC.

For the most part, podcasts are about actual content.

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3 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The only person who set Stu Peters up was a certain Stu Peters.  And he did it by posting on an obscure website called Manx Forums:

And then people rang up later to challenge what he had written and he was unable to deal with it.  Partly of course because he literally didn't know what he was talking about.  If you start quoting as definite 'facts' something you only vaguely remember and didn't bother to check[1], but which conveniently happen to match your own prejudices, then you're not going to be able to defend those facts whether they are true or not.

Stu may or may not have realised he was dropping himself in it[2], but a broadcaster as experienced as he is should really know that if you write something controversial on social media, then people may challenge you on it where they can.  There have been ridiculous defences that some people have been making of him, either by suggesting that he's a decrepit old pensioner who should be left alone or that it's somehow unfair that people ringing in shouldn't be better prepared than he was.  Both these are simply implying that he isn't up to his job and insulting his professionalism.


[1]  I'm not sure that he even wrote most of that post himself.  The faint blue highlight behind the second and third paragraphs suggests that those were copied from another source.

[2] Others did.  The next comment after that was @TheTeapot saying "Fucking hell".

Sorry Roger, I don't agree that Stu was being beaten down, rather he was being shouted down and not allowed to answer before people hung up on him. There was nothing particularly shocking, and certainly not racist in what he said, certainly nothing which anyone arguing against him should not have been able to counter with a calm manner. All they did was call him uneducated and shout him down, that's not winning an argument?

He did have his facts, whatever their source, to hand but these were not given any credence. 

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Anyway, back to Manx Radio and I was listening to Goll as Gaccan earlier and heard a fantastic rendition of The Laxey Wheel, sung live by Mike Laurie and Al. Great song sung so well with so much added humour. This is what Manx Radio is about. Not pop songs

Edited by Scotty
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5 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The only person who set Stu Peters up was a certain Stu Peters.  And he did it by posting on an obscure website called Manx Forums:

And then people rang up later to challenge what he had written and he was unable to deal with it.  Partly of course because he literally didn't know what he was talking about.  If you start quoting as definite 'facts' something you only vaguely remember and didn't bother to check[1], but which conveniently happen to match your own prejudices, then you're not going to be able to defend those facts whether they are true or not.

Stu may or may not have realised he was dropping himself in it[2], but a broadcaster as experienced as he is should really know that if you write something controversial on social media, then people may challenge you on it where they can.  There have been ridiculous defences that some people have been making of him, either by suggesting that he's a decrepit old pensioner who should be left alone or that it's somehow unfair that people ringing in shouldn't be better prepared than he was.  Both these are simply implying that he isn't up to his job and insulting his professionalism.


[1]  I'm not sure that he even wrote most of that post himself.  The faint blue highlight behind the second and third paragraphs suggests that those were copied from another source.

[2] Others did.  The next comment after that was @TheTeapot saying "Fucking hell".

Fair play there.  So much bollocks that could be said in two sentences probably. 


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2 hours ago, Max Power said:

Sorry Roger, I don't agree that Stu was being beaten down, rather he was being shouted down and not allowed to answer before people hung up on him. There was nothing particularly shocking, and certainly not racist in what he said, certainly nothing which anyone arguing against him should not have been able to counter with a calm manner. All they did was call him uneducated and shout him down, that's not winning an argument.

The only problem Stu seems to have caused himself initially is using his own name to post under on MF. If Nobbydickbollocks had have said that instead of Stu Peters then he wouldn’t have got a few targeted calls to his radio show about it. I have no doubt in my mind that he was taken down. As we can see from this weekend these protests are being shown to be increasingly coordinated and these calls were clearly scripted as well as the follow up to the advertising sponsors and social media. 

Edited by Mr Newbie
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3 hours ago, pongo said:

You're talking through your hat. Nobody phones a podcast.

Podcast advertising rates (CPM) are low at the moment and dropping. There are a lot of empty slots. A fair bit of new content is currently being held back (eg series etc which have already been recorded). Even in a good market, advertisers are looking for high quality niche audiences with money. Not the sort of people who phone LBC.

For the most part, podcasts are about actual content.

Oh dear. Of course people don't "phone" into a podcast. I never said they did. They use a computer or digital app (on their phone).

You're like a know-it-all in the 1940s saying we'd never land on the moon because hot air balloons would pop on their way up, oblivious to the advancement of rocket propulsion technology.

Podcast advertising rates may be low but then I suspect the same is true of radio advertising in general or else we wouldn't be paying to subsidise it.

Stu Peters has the advantage of name recognition and being a local presenter. So he already has an established audience who would tune in. I'm sure local companies would pay to feature adverts.

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1 hour ago, Mr Newbie said:

I have no doubt in my mind that he was taken down. As we can see from this weekend these protests are being shown to be increasingly coordinated and these calls were clearly scripted as well as the follow up to the advertising sponsors and social media. 

You are correct. They are coordinated. The Isle of Man has its own pathetic equivalent of Antifa and they operate via a "secret" / hidden chat group on Facebook. I know who all the key players are.  They also have me as a target.

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1 hour ago, Zorg said:

You are correct. They are coordinated. The Isle of Man has its own pathetic equivalent of Antifa and they operate via a "secret" / hidden chat group on Facebook. I know who all the key players are.  They also have me as a target.

Is that because you are an alien?  ( In a Charlie Higson kind of a way.)

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Is that because you are an alien?  ( In a Charlie Higson kind of a way.)

Sorry, I don't understand the reference (even after googling him). I'm a target because they think (incorrectly, because they are thick as two planks) that I'm alt right.

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