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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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16 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Perspective on this matter is needed (but that is almost impossible in the binary and intransigent world the likes of BLM movement are dragging everyone into).

Imagine what the racist remarks would be, that we would all agree would warrant a suspension. A retort, an insult, whatever.

Then listen to the what Stu said. And got suspended.

I feel if the new Manx Radio Managing Director was more interested in doing his MD job rather than being one of the DJs and being Mr Nice Guy and joking and DJing, this matter could have been resolved with a quick straightforward discussion. Surely.

Not really.  It doesn't work like that these days.

To complete a proper witch hunt takes time.

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36 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Agree, there should be policies in place for serious HR/compliance/employment independent reviews.

If there aren’t and you start from scratch it drags things out. That’s not good.

It'll also be subject to CommCom adverse comment.

Yes, regardless of any formal requirement, you would expect a broadcaster to have policies and procedures in place should a presenter or caller make an ill-judged comment and also a process for handling complaints.  It's not as though it is unlikely, is it?  That's apart from employment rules on grievances and disciplinary matters that every employer should have, modifying them for application to "freelancers". 

It would be like an ice cream manufacturer not having processes to ensure the quality of ingredients in and product out. 

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

Agree, there should be policies in place for serious HR/compliance/employment independent reviews.

If there aren’t and you start from scratch it drags things out. That’s not good.

It'll also be subject to CommCom adverse comment.

Won't these things be in the T&C's of employment?

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On 6/17/2020 at 8:09 PM, Holte End said:

Well he is scottish, so he probably went to sew up his pockets with Fagin about.

Thomas should go to treasury because after all this, they gotta pick a pocket or two

The Examiner is saying a pressure group has been formed supporting Stu Peters, anyone any idea where ?    Also just how long is it going take for those who are supposedly investigating this affair ?    Ridiculous amount of time already.

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Stu could sue for unfair dismissal,   depends how his contract is worded now that can drag on for literally years and cost fortunes and time.   The wise thing would have been a word from management, an apology, and end of.   The Directors seem to have gone to ground....perhaps they think it will go away.....not likely :stupid:

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Re-reinstatement of Stu Peters in Manx Radio:


Stu peters has been suspended from his late night phone in talk show on Manx Radio after allegations of racism have been made against him after a rude caller Jordan Maguire ranted at him and did not allow Stu Peters to reply. Stu condemned racism but since then people have accused Stu Peters of racism. On reading the transcript of the program there was nothing racist in Stu peters comments. In fact the caller Jordan Maguire, an anti racist campaigner, was rude and ranting. He did no good for his rightful cause with his bad manners. This is an injustice to free speech. Stu Peters should be reinstated to the radio station immediately. 



Stu Peters - “I have not experienced any more privilege in my life than a black man:


Stu Peters of Manx Radio used his platform as a presenter to publicly mock & laugh at racism. Whilst speaking with a black man live on air, he stated that he has never experienced more privilege than a black person and continued to make racist remarks throughout the show whilst laughing off individual comments trying to stand up for black people.
MANX RADIO WE NEED YOU TO ADDRESS THIS.. This man is currently classed as a PUBLIC servant yet can’t see the issues behind the level of racism experienced on the Isle of Man or in the world, nor has he shown any interest in educating himself on these matters.



Edited by gettafa
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41 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Won't these things be in the T&C's of employment?

Yes, but the t&cs will refer to policies and procedures and as a freelancer there may be different terms in the contract, although Roger Mexico pointed out that a freelancer may be determined to be an employee in some circumstances.   I don't want to speculate too much as we just don't know the terms of his engagement and what his status is in law. 

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4 hours ago, P.K. said:

Have to say just how long does it take to check a transcript? Or is it like this:

"You're the regulator. You check the transcript."

"You're the employer. You check the transcript"

"You're the regulator. You check the transcript."

"You're the employer....."


That's been my suspicion as well.  But it's worth pointing out that they shouldn't just be looking at a transcript - and to be fair it should be an independently-transcribed one anyway, not one supplied by the station.  To get a true impression of what happened you surely have to listen to the broadcast itself.  To rely on a transcript suggests you're back in the days of Lord Reith and all broadcasting consists of men in dinner jackets reading out carefully-checked scripts.


3 hours ago, John Wright said:

Agree, there should be policies in place for serious HR/compliance/employment independent reviews.

If there aren’t and you start from scratch it drags things out. That’s not good.

It'll also be subject to CommCom adverse comment.

Well it would be particularly remiss in the case of Manx Radio which was heavily-managed for many years.  They had a full-time HR Manager for  about 20 people I think  - maybe they still do.  Whatever you think about the capacities of Manx public institutions, producing large amounts of paperwork hasn't exactly been a problem in recent years.  Maybe the content isn't up to scratch.

That said the broadcaster appear to be operating under a Programme Code that hasn't been revised by the Communications Commission since (at least) 2004, so they may have some difficulty criticising anyone. 


3 hours ago, gettafa said:

I feel if the new Manx Radio Managing Director was more interested in doing his MD job rather than being one of the DJs and being Mr Nice Guy and joking and DJing, this matter could have been resolved with a quick straightforward discussion. Surely.

I wonder if the problem is that things blew up so quickly (from both sides of the argument) that it became 'political' and the political pressure that we know is always on Manx Radio from the civil service, meant that everyone went into the usual mode of "Hunker down and hope it blows over".  So even if the MD had had a talk to Stu and resolved things, there might be pressure on the station to say nothing.

Edited by Roger Mexico
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32 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Yes, but the t&cs will refer to policies and procedures and as a freelancer there may be different terms in the contract, although Roger Mexico pointed out that a freelancer may be determined to be an employee in some circumstances.   I don't want to speculate too much as we just don't know the terms of his engagement and what his status is in law. 

There should be a good behaviour/not to bring MR into disrepute clause. Bringing into disrepute is different to expressing allegedly racist views

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7 minutes ago, John Wright said:

There should be a good behaviour/not to bring MR into disrepute clause. Bringing into disrepute is different to expressing allegedly racist views


In my view MR's reputation is enhanced by hosting a show which encourages free expression of opinion and thought. By instantly taking him offline, rather than robustly defending him, they have brought themselves into disrepute. 

Stu has always made it clear that he want anyone to ring in with any views as long as they are legal and decent. 

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17 minutes ago, NoTail said:


In my view MR's reputation is enhanced by hosting a show which encourages free expression of opinion and thought. By instantly taking him offline, rather than robustly defending him, they have brought themselves into disrepute. 

Stu has always made it clear that he want anyone to ring in with any views as long as they are legal and decent. 

You’re looking at arse about tit. It was his response that is alleged to be the problem. They must suspend if there is prima face cause. There clearly is, in the current climate. 

But then you must move quickly, not drag it out.

By suspending they act with repute. By going slow they bring themselves into disrepute. By not suspending they bring themselves into disrepute.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

They must suspend if there is prima face cause. There clearly is, in the current climate. 

Really? As binary as that*.

I say there clearly isn't. And so would nearly 6,000 people just now who have signed the change.org in support of Stu Peters.


*actually, "in the current climate" does put a bias on all this. The eggshells were scattered and Stu Peters stepped on them.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

You’re looking at arse about tit. It was his response that is alleged to be the problem. They must suspend if there is prima face cause. There clearly is, in the current climate. 

But then you must move quickly, not drag it out.

By suspending they act with repute. By going slow they bring themselves into disrepute. By not suspending they bring themselves into disrepute.

Stu has done his last show on Manx Radio I suspect. 

He should sue them of course.  Essentially he has lost his contract due to a snivelling prick with a chip on his shoulder who didn't like a fair but alternative viewpoint.

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