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40 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Some of what Tommy Robinson says is quite true and makes sense. You can't just dismiss opinions and comments just because you don't like some of the things said, that's like throwing away an orange because you don't like eating the peel. 

But the heart of an orange is sweet, wholesome and nurishing - can't say the same for Tommy!

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20 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:


Not criticising, just don't understand the posts.

Sorry MA, two issues.

1. paying tax whilst working is what I badly stated

2. that is the figure from Govt website. £191 per week = £9950


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..and that is what I have said many times before. Some of us have to live on that and not always because we didn't make provision for a works pension. Real life intervened and that's what we are left with. Not complaining, just stating facts.

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5 hours ago, Donald Trumps said:

Government working to generate economic activity in the community might be a better bet

Government spending less on itself and being wiser, more competent and more thrifty with the taxes it has already received might be a better bet still.

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4 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Government spending less on itself and being wiser, more competent and more thrifty with the taxes it has already received might be a better bet still.

What's the point of being thrifty during a massive unemployment crisis?

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5 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Private pensions I have no problem with. Those on big money public sector wise should make good use of them to top up their public service pension. To expect people that are earning at or below living wage to pay the pensions of others that have earned good money and are  now in receipt as a pension of more money than the average person that is paying that pension is a bit obscene in my view. I earn roughly 45-50k so alfie is going to hammer me no matter what but I still think it's pretty unfair on those earning at or on the living wage

Do you not recall the time when our Civil Service struggled to fill posts, even with the pension payouts ? Most wanted the mega bucks and crowded the backs and insurance companies who were offering big bonuses. The Civil Servants were looked down on and called lazy bastards and shirkers And scoffed at for not being ambitious.

Now look how it turned out. Cry me a big river.

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10 minutes ago, Donald Trumps said:

What's the point of being thrifty during a massive unemployment crisis?

Less thrifty then and more productive and efficient instead. 2 Somethings to show for the money spent instead of half a Something with a huge pricetag. And continual "going back to repair" costs. You know what I mean :)

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:

Some of what Tommy Robinson says is quite true and makes sense. You can't just dismiss opinions and comments just because you don't like some of the things said, that's like throwing away an orange because you don't like eating the peel. 

The National Front used to campaign on animal rights. I guess they imagined it made them seem nice.

It's what aka Tommy Robinson stands for and his motivation that matters.

All populists are nasty. Populism is about appealing to people's worst instincts. Or about imagining simplistic solutions to complex issues. If they're basically fairly poorly educated, or thick, then it's forgivable.

Edited by pongo
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17 minutes ago, pongo said:

The National Front used to campaign on animal rights. I guess they imagined it made them seem nice.

It's what aka Tommy Robinson stands for and his motivation that matters.

All populists are nasty. Populism is about appealing to people's worst instincts. Or about imagining simplistic solutions to complex issues. If they're basically fairly poorly educated, or thick, then it's forgivable.

A bit like a lot of politicians then?

It's worth watching his address to the Oxford Union. Sometimes we believe what we are told to believe. His story is echoed in many places in the UK by people who live it every day. I didn't believed it until I saw it for myself. 

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Just now, Max Power said:

It's worth watching his address to the Oxford Union. Sometimes we believe what we are told to believe. His story is echoed in many places in the UK by people who live it every day. I didn't believed it until I saw it for myself. 

He's an angry and nasty bit of work. Whether or not his selective use of anecdote sometimes seems to ring true in an unthinking kind of way. There is often a grain of truth at the root of the nastiest populism. That's how it works.

The 'culture' he talks about can go to hell.

I'm surprised at you supporting him.

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2 minutes ago, bloodycomeover said:

Tommy Robinson is a hate preacher. I'm constantly surprised that he garners any support at all in a civilised country.

Depends on which side of the fence you are on, like everything in life.

Some so called refugee has just murdered three people for no reason whatsoever. Send them all home if they can’t assimilate.

Edited by Scotty
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2 minutes ago, Scotty said:

Depends on which side of the fence you are on, like everything in life.

Some so called refugee has just murdered three people for no reason whatsoever. Send them all home if they can’t assimilate.

Why are all refugees responsible for one refugee? 

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1 minute ago, pongo said:

He's an angry and nasty bit of work. Whether or not his selective use of anecdote sometimes seems to ring true in an unthinking kind of way. There is often a grain of truth at the root of the nastiest populism. That's how it works.

The 'culture' he talks about can go to hell.

I'm surprised at you supporting him.

I'm not supporting him, but I don't think ignoring him and his ilk and not trying to understand them and what makes them tick helps any cause. Ignoring what is going on around you is dangerous. 

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