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17 minutes ago, bloodycomeover said:

There's the side of the fence that sees the likes of Tommy Robinson and Anjem Choudary as the hate preachers that they are, and the side that chooses to ignore that side of them because they say the things those people want to hear.

You need to ask yourself some serious questions about people who fall in to the latter group.


15 minutes ago, pongo said:

Well you kind of are here.

I do understand them. They're self-entitled populists who ultimately believe in blood and soil nonsense - that they have birth rights. And in stupid ideas about shared culture. And all of that stupid nonsense. And around that they build a whole structure of stupid excuses.

Okay, I have ignored Tommy Robinson up until I watched his Oxford Union address, mainly writing him off as a hate preacher like Chowdrey. But at least I did watch the thing, which gave me an insight into what he is.

@pongo you are just doing exactly what you are accusing Scotty of, lumping all these people as 'self entitled populists.' I'm absolutely sure there are a lot of them in these groups, Robinson may or may not be one, but there are also people living a nightmare because of small groups of people who refuse to live within the law. We don't have this sort of thing on the IoM but I can assure you that there are people out there who take advantage of the laws inability to address criminal behaviours due to the race of the offender. You seem happy in the belief that all is tickety boo and that what is a complex issue is a one sided fascist machine.

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31 minutes ago, HeliX said:

What part of one nutter killing people is an indication that refugees can't assimilate?


This is the problem with Tommy Robinson's rhetoric. He does his level best to portray "refugees" and "migrants" as one cohesive, organised group dedicated to destroying whichever bit of British culture he fancies banging on about today. One refugee is no more responsible for the actions of another than you are for any given indigenous person you've never met.

In his Oxford Union address he denies what you are saying. His main gripe, he says, is with the Police for their lack of action against lawbreakers amongst these groups. 

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22 minutes ago, Max Power said:

In his Oxford Union address he denies what you are saying. His main gripe, he says, is with the Police for their lack of action against lawbreakers amongst these groups. 

Well he would say that.

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4 hours ago, HeliX said:

This is the problem with Tommy Robinson's rhetoric. He does his level best to portray "refugees" and "migrants" as one cohesive, organised group dedicated to destroying whichever bit of British culture he fancies banging on about today. One refugee is no more responsible for the actions of another than you are for any given indigenous person you've never met.

Yaxley-Lennon has built his rep mainly on claiming that grooming gangs in the UK are pretty much all from the Indian sub-continent and the police are powerless to prevent it in case they play the race card. 

Total bollox of course.

He doesn't reserve all his hate just for them though. The most anti-EU town in the UK is Boston Lincs. This is because they had a lot of minimum wage Eastern Europeans working in the intensive agriculture sector that makes Boston prosperous. But folks don't like them doing work the locals wouldn't stoop to (literally). So Yaxley-Lennon's EDL just had to march through the town "in support" of the xenophobic thick as pigshit Daily Wail reading Little Englanders. locals...

So now they're struggling to get labour in to work in the fields.

A case of you actually having to get off your lazy backside to reap what you sow...

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