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Desperate Dan

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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

Plenty of scientists are religious. They delve deep into the wonder and complexity of it all and decide that it can't possibly all have happened by accident. 

Maybe plenty of scientists are religious, but it's probably only because they haven't studied cosmology.

Science has run into the major stumbling block of not being able to delve any deeper.  Cosmology is such a head-mess - after you get inside the atomic nucleus and quarks - you're down into 'strings' which is just a mathematical theory currently that is difficult to prove because it's currently impossible to test. Some may default back to their religious upbringing because of such stumbling blocks, but cosmology is not a cause of people becoming religious IMO - far from it.

Science is probably only 1% into understanding the universe and its origins so far - even though the progress made in the last 100 years is immense. But it's highly unlikely that the right answers will be found in less than several hundred years time IMO. And even then it might only be because some advanced alien civilisation might happen to tell us.


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I'm very much with you, Albert. We can only measure our "immense" progress in terms of our own limited experience. I strongly suspect that you are being generous with your 1%. However, this does not affect the religious or not debate at all. 

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34 minutes ago, woolley said:

As with many pressure groups they want to set the ground for debate. The accepted definition of racism has to be their definition despite them having no divine right to be the arbiter. Therefore, if anyone takes issue with the doctrine, as Stu Peters did in questioning the concept of "white privilege", it brings howls of indignation and expressions of disgust. I note in the statement that they also perpetuate the fiction that the caller's experiences were laughed at. Stu only laughed because he was unable to get a word in. 


They  twisted and exaggerated the 'laugh' bit to their own silly advantage. It shows desperation and a weakness of argument.

These people have been eagerly seeking out an example and they got one. Unfortunately for them, in Stu Peters, it is about as weak and dubious an example as could be for their 'cause'.

 Gammon? - tick

 A local 'celebrity'? - tick

A bit of an opinionated lad? - tick.

A racist boorish thug........? Nope, better luck next time, luv.

These people have come their duff and wasted it. The more they shout and scream the sillier they look. Which is a pity because somewhere in amongst the ranting is a not unreasonable cause, but they are destroying it themselves.  

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On the 9:00am news today an a woman who wanted to be anonymous was spouting off about this new movement Colour Isle of Man.  Why are we now listening to stuff from people who want to remain anonymous.?   Manx Radio’s managing director then came on and made some remarks about every business could learn something.    If they are going to allow anonymous people air time to further their cause I hope they are going to allow any other anonymous people to spout their convictions on the news.  Disgusting.

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24 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

On the 9:00am news today an a woman who wanted to be anonymous was spouting off about this new movement Colour Isle of Man.  Why are we now listening to stuff from people who want to remain anonymous.?   Manx Radio’s managing director then came on and made some remarks about every business could learn something.    If they are going to allow anonymous people air time to further their cause I hope they are going to allow any other anonymous people to spout their convictions on the news.  Disgusting.

Interesting thing for someone with 4629 posts on an anonymous forum to say.

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3 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

why do you find it interesting?

Come on now, everyone must be able to see why someone with 4600 posts under a pseudonym saying "Why should we listen to stuff from people who want to remain anonymous?" is funny.

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1 minute ago, HeliX said:

Come on now, everyone must be able to see why someone with 4600 posts under a pseudonym saying "Why should we listen to stuff from people who want to remain anonymous?" is funny.

Are you saying that hissing sid isn't his real name???

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2 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Come on now, everyone must be able to see why someone with 4600 posts under a pseudonym saying "Why should we listen to stuff from people who want to remain anonymous?" is funny.

Nothing is funny any more. Everything must be deadly serious, and any viewpoint must be extreme and offensive to someone.

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