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Desperate Dan

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4 hours ago, Mr Newbie said:

FFS “The People of Colour” (sounds like a 1970s Dance Troupe) have now written to the Communications Commission.

Full letter reproduced here:


This is nothing short of targeted victimization by people looking for heads on spikes. This movement is ugly and dangerous the way it’s been hijacked and it is most certainly very coordinated in its attack mechanisms. Fair play to the football clubs telling them to sling their toxic hook. 

"Knowledgeable experts" being themselves and "knowledge"  being their own opinions, I assume. 

Edited by woolley
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16 minutes ago, woolley said:

"Knowledgeable experts" being thenselves and "knowledge"  being their own opinions, I assume. 

Yes it’s sad. Years ago when this stuff happened they’d all have a damn good scrap and set fire to a few police vans and it would be over. Now you have these terrible passive-aggressive millennial twats ganging up on people and trying to use silly rules and processes that were brought it to provide more accountability and oversight to target people for punishment. So they get people who don’t agree with them removed from Twitter, or statutes taken down by pressuring local authorities, or in this case try to take someones job off them by trying to abuse what regulatory oversight should be. If they had a bit more about them as activists there would be a few more old style face-to-face punch ups happening rather than this sort of pathetic and cowardly pack animal picking off like demented hyenas. This movement had had its day. Time to move on. 

Edited by Mr Newbie
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Several things strike me about that letter:

1. It wasn't Stu's comments that have caused the backlash, but the vindictive campaign.  There have been no racist comments on social media  merely many people questioning the motives of this group.

2. Stu did not laugh at them, clearly it was at the inability to get a word in edge ways. 

3.  Again, it is anonymous. Who is this group?  Are they like the Hardy Commission (will that name) who have written to the Dept of Ed to demand that anti racism is taught in our schools? When asked who they were and who gave them their "Commission" they do not reply. 

4. They talk about tokenism, which is risible given that they are demanding a token sacking in recompense.

5. They need to drop their poster boy, who has turned out to be a bit of a liability.

6. There has been a process, but they are not happy with the outcome. Shame.  Is it because they were wrong, or because there is inherent racism in our systems? 

7.  It is starting to border on harassment and defamation.  Not the actions of a peaceful organisation. 


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Well at least they are declaring their disappointment that Stu Peters was reinstated. I note that their supporter/s in this thread have suggested they were not trying to get Stu Peters to lose his job.

Well they were. Of course they were.

They needed something to celebrate and to move the ratchet another click

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That letter has all the characteristics and many of the key phrases of a Tier 3 university sociology/gender studies degree radiating from every pore:

We had previously been in discussion with Manx Radio in regards to how we can work together to tackle racism and discrimination within society, and part of that plan was a series of shows.

However, we will not be used as a tokenistic gesture to divert attention from the deeper systemic issues rooted within their organisation.

All we're missing is a few "epistemics" and the odd "intersectional" and then it would be complete. Note the use of the term "we". These people do not speak for every minority person in the Isle of Man, but they arrogate to themselves the right to do so. Beyond time to head back to uni, chaps.




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All I can say about that 'open letter' is, 

  1. It's anonymous.
  2. It's long winded,
  3. It's inaccurate.
  4. Whoever wrote it did not listen to the programme they are referring to with their mind and ears open.
  5. True to the BLM code, they are setting out to cause disruption and division.
  6. They may have a point with regard to IoM legislation, or they may not.
  7. Despite their initial claims not to want Stu Peters sacked, they lied.
  8. They are angry because they are wrong and it's been exposed, so they believe that being shouty will make everyone agree with them. 
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4 hours ago, Gladys said:

Several things strike me about that letter:

1. It wasn't Stu's comments that have caused the backlash, but the vindictive campaign.  There have been no racist comments on social media  merely many people questioning the motives of this group.

2. Stu did not laugh at them, clearly it was at the inability to get a word in edge ways. 

3.  Again, it is anonymous. Who is this group?  Are they like the Hardy Commission (will that name) who have written to the Dept of Ed to demand that anti racism is taught in our schools? When asked who they were and who gave them their "Commission" they do not reply. 

4. They talk about tokenism, which is risible given that they are demanding a token sacking in recompense.

5. They need to drop their poster boy, who has turned out to be a bit of a liability.

6. There has been a process, but they are not happy with the outcome. Shame.  Is it because they were wrong, or because there is inherent racism in our systems? 

7.  It is starting to border on harassment and defamation.  Not the actions of a peaceful organisation. 


Outstanding post Gladys.

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